Steve Jobs (NeXT Founder) – Microsoft PDC (March 1, 1996)


00:00:50 Evolution of the Web: From Static Publishing to Server-Side Software
00:03:19 Shifting Focus from Static to Dynamic Web Services with WebObjects
00:08:57 Advancing Web Capabilities: WebObjects, Dynamic Content, and OLE Integration
00:11:45 Dynamic Web Services and WebObjects
00:17:59 WebObjects Enterprise: Demonstrating Dynamic Web Construction
00:23:16 Discussing WebObjects: A Platform for Web Development


The Dawn of Dynamic Web Services: How WebObjects Revolutionized the Web’s Second Act

In a seminal moment for web development, Steve Jobs and Bob Muglia delineated the paradigm shift from static to dynamic web services at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference. The focus of the discussions was the role of server-centric technologies like WebObjects in shaping this transformation. Jobs’s conceptualization of the web’s evolution into “Act 2” and the challenges of static publishing underscore the critical turn towards dynamic internet interactions, facilitated by new software frameworks.

The Web’s Act 2: Transitioning to Dynamic Services

The advent of the internet changed the way the world interacts, and Steve Jobs and Bob Muglia took the stage to articulate the next transformative step: the move from static to dynamic web services. Jobs outlined the internet’s “Act 2,” which focuses on dynamic services generated by the server, rather than static HTML pages served by the browser. This transition not only enhances user experience but also offers potential cost savings for companies. The crux of the shift lies in meeting the user’s specific needs by dynamically generating pages based on real-time data, as illustrated by Jobs using Federal Express’s package tracking as an example.

WebObjects: The Linchpin of Dynamic Services

WebObjects emerged as the answer to the limitations of static web pages. Unlike conventional methods that rely on predefined HTML, WebObjects utilizes stored components and scripting languages to dynamically construct web pages on demand. This technology is not just versatile but powerful. Jobs highlighted a demonstration with Chrysler, showing how WebObjects could dynamically sort car models based on user input, proving the adaptability and utility of the system in real-time.

Product Overview and Business Model

WebObjects comes in various versions, tailored for different needs. A basic version offers pre-defined objects and scripting language, whereas the professional and enterprise versions offer advanced features such as Olay messaging and sophisticated database frameworks. To encourage widespread adoption, the basic version is available for free, while the pro and enterprise versions are priced. High-profile customers like Merrill Lynch, Motorola, and DreamWorks are testament to its versatility and scalability.

Integration and Versatility

One of WebObjects’ most striking features is its compatibility and adaptability. It seamlessly integrates with other services like Excel, using Olay automation messages. The technology also supports multiple programming languages such as Visual Basic Script, JavaScript, Objective-C, C++, and C, with plans to extend support for compiled Java. This allows for the creation of highly customized, efficient web applications, like a leasing application that could interact with an Excel sheet for real-time calculations.

Real-Time Capabilities and User Experience

Bob Muglia demonstrated the real-world application of WebObjects Enterprise in modernizing online airline reservation systems. The technology allows for real-time data fetching and dynamic page updates, fundamentally changing the way users interact with web interfaces. For example, ticket pricing within the same class can vary based on seating, a feature dynamically displayed on the website, thus offering a richer user experience.

Developer Support and Future Development

WebObjects aims to be inclusive, not just for large enterprises but also individual developers. The speed and efficiency of development are remarkable, with applications that might take months to develop using traditional methods completed in just a week with WebObjects. When queried about security and transactions, it was noted that the challenges are not technological but social, emphasizing the need for consumer confidence in web-based transactions.

Technical Aspects and Additional Information

WebObjects supports both CGI and ISAPI applications and is compatible with SQL and IBM mainframe databases. It also offers full capabilities for maintaining state on an application, session, or general basis. These technical details hint at the software’s broad applicability and ease of integration into existing systems.


The discussions led by Jobs and Muglia indicate a significant evolution in the web’s architecture and capabilities, underscoring the vital role of dynamic server-centric technologies like WebObjects. While the challenges remain in the broader context of web-based transactions and software development, the stage is set for a transformative shift in how the internet serves not just content but also utility and customization to its global audience.

Notes by: T_Soprano