Steve Jobs (NeXT founder) – NeXTSTEP Release 3 (1992)


00:00:12 Overview of Next Computer's Productivity Environment and Advanced Features
00:07:54 User-Friendly Networking in NextStep
00:10:25 NextStep's Seamless Workflow and Interoperability
00:13:28 Collaborative Features in NextStep Operating System
00:18:39 Innovative Features in Next Step 3.0: Object Linking and Integrated Faxing
00:21:35 Leveraging Next Step for Advanced Fax and Database Applications
00:30:46 Legacy Software Integration and Advanced Graphics in Next Step


Steve Jobs’ Next computer introduced a paradigm shift in the computing landscape with its NextStep Operating System. Focused on group productivity, NextStep emerged as a robust, user-friendly system optimized for seamless collaboration and multitasking. It excels in its advanced mail system, multimedia capabilities, and integrated services. Coupled with the environment’s ground-breaking networking features, document editing, and application interoperability, NextStep promises a future where efficiency, speed, and user-experience are at the forefront.

Advanced Productivity and User Experience

The Interface

The Next computer provided a breath of fresh air in the world of computing interfaces. Not only was its UI meticulously designed with menus, windows, and a dock, but it also allowed easy customization by the users. The system’s fluidity in handling color images set it apart from contemporaries like Macs and PCs, offering significant advantages for industries such as publishing.

Integrated Services

A unique “services” menu is integrated across all NextStep applications, allowing third-party apps to register as a service. Users can then access these services, as demonstrated by Jobs using Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus to define a word seamlessly.

Document Editing and Collaboration

NextStep provides advanced versions of popular productivity apps like WordPerfect and Lotus Improv. These come with full WYSIWYG support, allowing users to visualize the final output of their work and ensuring documents are fully compatible across platforms.

Unparalleled Mail and Multimedia Capabilities


NextMail, the integrated mail application, is not just another email client. It allows smooth scrolling, diverse fonts, and graphics. Advanced features such as voice annotation and a user-friendly attachment process make it ideal for an executive audience.

Multimedia Features

NextStep supports full CD-quality sound and seamless media handling across applications. Jobs showcased this by dragging and dropping an image and audio into an email, highlighting the system’s multi-media prowess.

Innovation in Networking and Efficiency

Advanced Networking

NextStep combined the power of workstation networking with an intuitive user interface, as demonstrated by Jobs. The system’s networking capabilities stand superior, emphasizing both user-friendliness and powerful functionalities.

Efficiency and Speed

Jobs exhibited the remarkable ease of navigating and bookmarking directories in NextStep. Features like the Digital Librarian’s search capabilities and real-time multitasking exemplified the kind of efficiency that corporate America desires.

Cross-platform Collaboration and Unique Features

Cross-platform Support

Jobs showcased how NextStep’s interface allows for seamless drag-and-drop functionalities between different applications and networks. This kind of cross-platform, application-to-application communication remains unparalleled in the industry.

Object Linking

The “paste and link” feature in the 3.0 release allows for real-time updating of linked data across documents and even applications, highlighting NextStep’s commitment to dynamic data management.

Developer-Centric Approaches and Legacy Support

Object-Oriented Development

Jobs explained how Next Step’s object-oriented base sets it apart from imitations. The Interface Builder allows for a drag-and-drop development approach, which is quick and does not require intricate coding.

Legacy and Graphics Support

Jobs revealed that Next Step could run DOS applications, ensuring backward compatibility. Its advanced graphical power, including real-time 3D graphics, offers an attractive package for businesses and developers alike.


While NextStep offers a host of innovative features, its true strength lies in its commitment to enhancing user experience, efficiency, and productivity. From its inception, NextStep was aimed at fulfilling real-world needs, and it succeeded in setting new standards for what an operating system can achieve. The contributions of NextStep serve as an enduring legacy of Steve Jobs’ vision for a computing environment where limitations are continually challenged, and new frontiers are explored.

Notes by: T_Soprano