Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – LA World Affairs Council and Town Hall (Nov 2014)


00:00:02 Challenges and Proposals for Resolving Conflict in the Middle East
00:11:20 Regional Challenges in the Middle East
00:16:36 Iran's Nuclear Ambitions and Regional Influence: Saudi Perspective
00:32:52 Addressing the Syrian Crisis Through a Coalition Council
00:39:15 Saudi-Iran Tensions and Peace
00:48:07 Saudi Arabia's Human Rights Reforms and Women's Rights


Analyzing Regional Dynamics: Saudi Arabia’s Role in Middle Eastern Conflicts and the Quest for Stability


In a dynamic analysis of Middle Eastern politics, Prince Turki bin Faisal al Saud’s recent insights provide a comprehensive understanding of Saudi Arabia’s stance on regional conflicts. Addressing the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, Prince Turki elucidated Saudi Arabia’s perspectives on various issues, including the Syrian crisis, sectarian tensions, Iran’s regional influence, and peace initiatives in the Middle East. This article delves into the main ideas of Prince Turki’s address, offering an in-depth examination of Saudi Arabia’s strategies, proposals for resolving conflicts, and its vision for regional stability.

Saudi Arabia’s Perspective on Regional Conflicts

Prince Turki bin Faisal al Saud, a key figure in Saudi diplomacy, emphasized Saudi Arabia’s resilience in the face of regional challenges. He highlighted Saudi Arabia’s military collaboration with the United States against terrorist targets in Syria, underlining the kingdom’s active role in combating extremism. Prince Turki’s concern over the deteriorating situation in Syria, marked by a looming humanitarian crisis and the rise of extremist factions, underscores the urgency of addressing these conflicts. In his recent address, he elaborated on the Kingdom’s perspective on the Syrian conflict and its wider impact on the region, emphasizing the need for collective action to address the crisis.

While airstrikes are often viewed as a solution, Prince Turki believes they are not a panacea. He argues that supplying the Free Syrian Army with anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and anti-artillery weapons three years ago could have neutralized Assad’s superiority, preventing the rise of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra. The core of the Free Syrian Army continues to fight Assad, Jabhat al-Nusra, and ISIS, and Prince Turki believes that training and supplying this core group is the only viable alternative to the current status quo. Additionally, establishing no-fly zones along the borders of Turkey, Syria, and Jordan would allow the Syrian opposition council to establish a government on Syrian soil, demonstrating the seriousness of the world community and the opposition groups.

The Syrian Crisis and Calls for Action

A significant aspect of Prince Turki’s address was his critique of the international community’s delayed response to the Syrian conflict. He argued that earlier support for moderate opposition forces could have curtailed the ascent of extremist groups such as Daesh. His advocacy for a comprehensive political program points to a broader strategy for pacifying regional hotspots, including interconnected conflicts in Iraq and Syria. In his address, Prince Turki also proposed a no-fly zone in Syria to protect civilians and create a safe haven for the moderate opposition. He further called for the establishment of a coalition government that would legitimize the Syrian people’s representation.

Sectarian Tensions and Unity Government Proposal

Addressing sectarian tensions, Prince Turki drew parallels between Iraq and Syria, highlighting sectarian oppression as a catalyst for extremism. He proposed the establishment of a national reconciliation government in Syria, inclusive of non-atrocious members of the current regime, as a key to restoring stability and countering terrorism. Furthermore, Prince Turki highlighted the need for reconciliation in the region, emphasizing the importance of resolving sectarian conflicts. He criticized Iran’s interference in the internal affairs of other countries, exacerbating sectarian tensions and undermining regional stability. He urged Iran to stop its support for terrorist groups and to work towards peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.

Addressing Conflicts Beyond Syria

Prince Turki extended his analysis to other regional conflicts. He praised Egyptian President Sisi’s efforts in economic recovery and counterterrorism, while calling for continued Western support for Egypt’s stability. In Yemen, he supported the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council’s backing of the interim government against Shia militia. In Bahrain, Saudi Arabia’s support for the government’s reconciliation efforts was juxtaposed against the opposition’s boycotts and the ongoing Shia militancy. Prince Turki emphasized the importance of addressing the conflict in Yemen, expressing concern about the lack of attention from the U.S. and Europe. He highlighted the role of the Gulf Cooperation Council, led by Saudi Arabia, in supporting Yemen’s interim government.

Iran’s Regional Influence and Nuclear Ambitions

A critical aspect of Prince Turki’s address was his commentary on Iran’s regional influence. He criticized Iran’s support for Assad’s regime in Syria and its disruptive activities in Iraq and Bahrain. Additionally, he expressed concerns over Iran’s nuclear program, advocating for a Middle Eastern zone free of weapons of mass destruction. Prince Turki strongly condemned Iran’s interference in Arab affairs and its support for extremist groups. He criticized Iran’s backing of the Houthis in Yemen, the Ufaq party in Bahrain, and Hamas in Palestine, which undermines regional stability and unity. He expressed hope that commonalities between Saudi Arabia and Iran, such as their shared history, religion, and holy book, the Quran, will prevail over their differences and lead to improved relations.

However, Saudi Arabia does not foresee a direct connection between Saudi-Israeli relations and the issue of Iran’s nuclear development. Saudi Arabia believes that establishing a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the region would be a more effective approach to prevent nuclear proliferation. Additionally, there have been attempts to foster understanding and improve relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, particularly during the presidency of Rafsanjani in the 1990s and Khatami’s official visit to Saudi Arabia.

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Extremism

Prince Turki stressed the importance of resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, citing its role in fostering terrorism. He criticized Israel’s settlement activities and their impact on Palestinian rights. Furthermore, he emphasized combating the extremist ideology and financial networks supporting terrorism. Prince Turki also condemned extremist terrorist groups and their use of the Palestinian cause to justify their activities. He stressed the importance of challenging and exposing their ideology, declaring them as apostates and criminals, and cleansing school curricula of any misinterpretations that could lead to extremist views.

Saudi Initiatives and Human Rights Reforms

The address also covered Saudi Arabia’s initiatives in counterterrorism and its evolving stance on human rights. Prince Turki highlighted the kingdom’s efforts in reforming educational curricula, women’s enfranchisement, and the establishment of a Human Rights Commission. He stressed the need for continued progress in governance, democracy, and human rights, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. In addition, Prince Turki highlighted Saudi Arabia’s close cooperation with the United States, European Union, United Nations, and other countries in identifying and prosecuting miscreants involved in terrorist activities. He challenged those who accuse Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism to provide evidence or remain silent.

Prince Turki bin Faisal al Saud emphasizes the importance of self-improvement in Saudi Arabia before advising others to do the same. The country has taken steps to improve women’s rights, including granting them the right to vote and hold office. Thirty women were appointed to the consultative assembly, making up 20% of the body, which compares favorably to other assemblies worldwide, including the United States Congress. Additionally, job opportunities for women have been opened up, with the government actively promoting this change. A Human Rights Commission has been established in Saudi Arabia to address complaints regarding government actions or lack thereof related to human rights. This commission collaborates with international organizations to learn from their experiences in addressing human rights issues.


Prince Turki’s comprehensive address provides valuable insights into Saudi Arabia’s perspectives on various regional conflicts and its approach to fostering stability and peace in the Middle East. His proposals, ranging from political solutions in Syria to broader regional cooperation, reflect Saudi Arabia’s proactive stance in addressing the complex dynamics of the region. The kingdom’s evolving policies on governance, human rights, and counterterrorism further underscore its role as a key player in the pursuit of regional stability and security.

Notes by: WisdomWave