Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference (2015)


00:00:00 Saudi Arabia's Vision for Stability in the Arab World
00:05:16 Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy Principles
00:14:52 Saudi Arabia's Oil Policy and the Future of the Global Oil Market
00:20:32 Eulogies for the Departed


Updated Article:

The article titled “Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Policy Vision: Unity, Stability, and Responsibility” presents a comprehensive analysis of Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy objectives and strategies in a tumultuous Middle Eastern landscape. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has positioned itself as a leader in seeking unity among Arab Gulf states, promoting regional stability, combating sectarianism and radicalism, and maintaining a responsible stance in both regional and global politics.

Unity and Stability in a Tumultuous Region:

Saudi Arabia’s commitment to fostering unity in the Arab Gulf is paramount. Recognizing the shared interests of Gulf countries, the Kingdom prioritizes transcending transient differences for a cohesive regional approach. This initiative is critical in addressing the inherent political turmoil and conflicts in the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia actively working towards stabilizing the region. Key examples include the Kingdom’s efforts in Yemen, where it strives to restore the legitimate government, and its initiatives to promote inter-sectarian dialogue to dismantle divisive ideologies. Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy underscores the importance of national loyalty and the need to prioritize collective identity over narrow sectarian divides.

Combating Sectarianism and Radicalism:

The rise of extremist groups like ISIS and Shiite militias, exploiting sectarian divisions, has prompted Saudi Arabia to condemn the use of religious fanaticism for control and power. The Kingdom recognizes the urgency to address the root causes of such extremism, including the oppressive regimes in Syria and Iraq. The complexities of the Syrian conflict are exacerbated by external interventions, such as Russia’s airstrikes, which Saudi Arabia views as counterproductive. The Kingdom urges the international community to focus on the primary sources of terrorism, advocating against sectarianism and promoting inclusive governance.

Responsibility to the Islamic Community and Global Affairs:

Saudi Arabia’s role as the custodian of the two holy mosques and its leadership in regulating the global oil market underscore its significant responsibilities. The Kingdom’s handling of the Hajj pilgrimage, especially in light of the 2015 incident, reflects its commitment to safety and respect for all Muslims. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia’s efforts in countering extremist interpretations of Islam, supporting refugees from regional conflicts, and advocating for Palestinian independence demonstrate its broader responsibility towards the Islamic community and global stability.

Mending Regional Relationships and Addressing Global Issues:

The Kingdom actively works to mend relationships with neighboring countries and address regional grievances. Its stance on Iran’s nuclear program and criticism of Iran and Russia’s support for the Assad regime in Syria highlight Saudi Arabia’s commitment to regional stability and moral diplomacy. Additionally, the Kingdom’s role in the global oil industry, marked by recent price fluctuations, showcases its strategic approach to resource management and economic stability.

Tribute to Prince Saud al-Faisal:

Prince Saud al-Faisal, a key figure in shaping Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy over four decades, devoted 50 years of his life to serving the kingdom, the Arabs, the Muslims, and humanity as a whole, primarily as foreign minister for 40 years. Despite being afflicted with Parkinson’s disease, he remained steadfast in his work, refusing to take breaks or let the illness hinder his commitment. Prince Saud al-Faisal played a pivotal role in significant events, including the purchase of Aramco shares, the oil embargo, preserving Egypt’s place in the Arab fold after Camp David, and ending the Lebanese Civil War and the Iran-Iraq War. He was instrumental in galvanizing world support for Kuwait after Saddam Hussein’s invasion, convincing Gorbachev not to obstruct UN sanctions against Saddam, and advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people. Throughout his service, Prince Saud al-Faisal was guided by the five kings he served, who provided him with unwavering support and direction.

Investment in Saudi Youth and Religious Significance:

Saudi Arabia’s focus on youth development, exemplified by the King Abdullah scholarship program, signifies its investment in the future. The religious significance of Ramadan, a time of spiritual reflection for Muslims, is also acknowledged, underscoring the Kingdom’s dedication to Islamic values.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy vision, characterized by efforts to unify the Arab Gulf, stabilize the region, combat extremism, and uphold responsibilities towards the Islamic community and global affairs, demonstrates its multifaceted approach to diplomacy and regional leadership. The Kingdom’s commitment to these principles, amid a landscape of political turbulence and sectarian conflicts, highlights its role as a pivotal player in the Middle East and beyond.

Notes by: Ain