George Soros (Soros Fund Management Founder) – Swedish journalist Stina Dabrowski interviews George Soros (1998)


00:00:06 Financial Success and Philanthropy: George Soros's Controversial Impact
00:03:30 George Soros's Philanthropic Investments in Eastern Europe and His Vision for Open Societies
00:06:02 Jewish Financier and Philanthropy: Controversies and Reflections
00:11:19 Philanthropy and the Life Experiences of George Soros
00:14:48 Reflections on Financial Speculation and Philanthropy
00:19:10 Speculation, Currency, and Philanthropy: Insights from George Soros
00:22:46 Insights from George Soros on Investing Strategies


George Soros: The Complex Life of a Financial Titan and Philanthropist

The Controversial Influence and Altruistic Endeavors of George Soros

Abstract: George Soros, known for his formidable financial acumen, particularly in the 1992 event that earned him the moniker “The Man Who Broke the English Pound,” has since channeled his focus towards philanthropy, especially in Eastern Europe. This article explores the multifaceted dimensions of Soros’s life, from his financial maneuvers and the criticisms they attract, to his extensive philanthropic work and his philosophical and personal beliefs. We delve into the nuances of his decisions, the impact of his actions on global markets, and his profound dedication to fostering open societies. The narrative also touches upon Soros’s life experiences, including his survival during World War II, which shaped his worldview and approach to both finance and philanthropy.

I. Soros’s Speculative Success and Its Aftermath

Hungarian-born financier George Soros rose to fame with his speculative attack against the British pound in 1992, resulting in a profit of over $1 billion. Post-success, Soros turned his attention to philanthropy, particularly in Eastern Europe, fostering educational and media initiatives. Soros’s philanthropy primarily supports education, media, and open society projects in Eastern Europe, reflecting his belief in establishing open societies, especially in regions transitioning from closed systems. Critics question Soros’s motivations, suggesting his philanthropy aims at personal gain through creating future markets.

Philanthropy in Eastern Europe: Soros’s philanthropy primarily supports education, media, and open society projects in Eastern Europe, reflecting his belief in establishing open societies, especially in regions transitioning from closed systems.

II. Soros’s Defense and Market Philosophy

Soros defends his financial success as legitimate, emphasizing the mutual agreement in financial markets. He clarifies that his actions against the British pound targeted the Bank of England, not taxpayers. Soros is cautious about his market influence, understanding the weight of his words in financial fields.

Controversial Financial Success: Soros’s financial success has been a subject of controversy, with some questioning his tactics and their potential impact on markets.

III. The Burden of Influence

Acknowledging his market influence, Soros feels a responsibility to avoid harm. His statements carry the potential to trigger significant market reactions. In philanthropy, Soros practices prudence, ensuring his efforts benefit the intended recipients without unintended consequences.

IV. Personal Strains and Philosophical Undertakings

Financial strains led Soros to psychosomatic illnesses, reflecting his portfolio’s status. His philanthropy, inspired by personal and historical experiences, is seen as purposeful and justifying the risks.

V. Investment Ethics and Market Dynamics

Soros refutes claims of profit motives in Eastern Europe, focusing on long-term market potential. His commitment to open societies stems from contrasting them with oppressive systems like communism. Soros emphasizes the importance of freedom, choice, and democracy in these societies.

VI. Soros and Ukraine: A Case of Societal Transformation

Soros sees Ukraine’s transformation as crucial to preventing historical atrocities. He clarifies that his role in Ukrainian politics is supportive, not directive. Soros addresses concerns about the influence of wealthy individuals in politics, emphasizing his commitment to democratic values.

Influence and Wealth: Soros acknowledges the influence his wealth and philanthropy have on society and politics, but emphasizes the role of ideas and collaboration in driving change.

VII. Family History and Survival Instincts

Soros’s survival during World War II and witnessing property seizures influenced his later life. His ability to thrive in high-risk financial environments is linked to these early survival instincts. Soros’s philosophy, shaped by Karl Popper, centers on imperfect understanding and critical thinking.

Family Background: Soros highlights his father’s role in saving their family during the Holocaust by arranging false papers and identities. He reflects on the complexities of his experiences during this time, including his awareness of the injustice of the property seizures but also his fascination with the estates he visited.

VIII. Financial Markets and Soros’s Concerns

Soros expresses worry about market instability, particularly with the use of derivatives. He advocates for a European common currency to eliminate speculative opportunities and bring stability. Soros’s philanthropy is driven by concern, balancing practicality with a desire to help.

IX. The Intellectual and Philosophical Aspects of Soros’s Life

Soros reflects on his limited success in communicating his philosophical ideas. He discusses his youthful idealism, his journey towards fulfillment, and the risks involved in pursuing grand aspirations.

X. Economic Reflections and Future Prospects

Soros contemplates future investment opportunities, balancing risk and reward. He invites others to explore these opportunities, highlighting the excitement of financial ventures.

In conclusion, George Soros’s life and career encapsulate the complexities of a man who wielded immense financial power and yet devoted much of his later life to philanthropic efforts. His story is one of survival, intellectual pursuit, market influence, and a deep commitment to fostering open societies. Soros’s journey from a financier to a philanthropist reflects a nuanced understanding of the world’s socio-economic fabric and a relentless pursuit of what he believes constitutes a better, more open society.

Wealth, Philanthropy, and Personal Experiences: Soros describes himself as not inherently altruistic, but rather motivated by a desire to use his wealth for meaningful purposes. He credits his father’s influence in shaping his philanthropic tendencies, citing his father’s experiences during the First World War and the Russian Revolution. Soros emphasizes the need for discretion and self-preservation, as expressing his true thoughts and feelings could have endangered him and revealed his identity.

Soros’s Current State of Mind: George Soros reflects on his current state of mind and feels more complete and integrated than ever before. He acknowledges that there was a time when he was solely focused on making money, but now he feels better about being who he is.

Making More Money: Soros expresses no hesitation in trying to make more money if the opportunity arises. He mentions the current low value of the Swedish krona and considers the possibility of buying some as a profitable investment.

Secrecy and Risk-Taking: Soros acknowledges that he engages in secret financial transactions and encourages others to take risks, even though he is aware of the potential consequences. He urges his audience to take risks, emphasizing that he also participates in risky ventures.

Notes by: Alkaid