George Soros (Soros Fund Management Founder) – 1995 Interview (1995)


00:00:03 Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities in the Transition to Open Societies
00:08:11 How to Stay Stress-Free and Maintain a Track Record of Success
00:11:35 Global Trade, Capitalism, and Investment Practices
00:15:33 Post-Cold War Power Vacuum and the Future of NATO
00:22:22 Policy Disagreements and Engagements with EU and Russia
00:28:25 China's Economic Prospects and Political Challenges
00:33:49 Impact of the Internet Revolution on Global Markets
00:45:51 Markets: Imperfect, Unstable, and in Need of Global Regulation
00:48:32 Philosophical Reflections on Modern Society and the Future of Open Societies
00:51:55 Global Common Values in a Multicultural World


Article The Intricate Tapestry of George Soros: Philanthropy, Politics, and Global Markets – [Updated]

Renowned financier and philanthropist George Soros stands as a figure of complexity and contradiction in the global landscape. This article delves into Soros’ intricate views on the evolution of Eastern Europe towards open societies, his assessment of Russia’s political dynamics, the challenges and motivations behind his philanthropic endeavors, and his strategic insights into global financial markets. His skepticism towards the current era of capitalism, concerns over the stability of the global trading system, and reflections on international policy, notably in regards to NATO and the EU, reveal a deep engagement with contemporary geopolitical and economic issues. Additionally, his perspectives on Japan’s economic struggles, China’s potential collapse, and the transformative power of the internet underscore his broad and varied interests.

Soros’ Philanthropic and Political Involvement

George Soros’ philanthropic journey in Eastern Europe is characterized by his mixed emotions, particularly observing the trend towards authoritarian regimes in the region. In Russia, he sees potential for political shifts and admires certain figures like Yavlinsky, yet he acknowledges the prevailing challenges. Despite facing issues like corruption and creating dependence, Soros remains committed to the value and effectiveness of his philanthropic efforts. He is driven by a desire for public service, prioritizing the merit of projects over budget constraints. However, Soros does not shy away from expressing skepticism about philanthropy, seeing it as potentially corrupting, and acknowledges the challenges faced by the Open Society Fund, including internal clean-ups. Nonetheless, the fund’s overall impact has been positive and significant.

Soros is particularly concerned about the missed opportunity for transitioning Eastern European countries towards open societies. He notes the rise of authoritarian regimes with nationalist ideologies and emerging business interests, which he views as a recipe for fascism. Countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are moving towards Europe, but others, including Russia, face a struggle between democratic and authoritarian forces. Soros finds it too early to predict the political future in these regions, including the outcomes of upcoming elections and the potential for democratic shifts.

The supplemental update adds further depth to Soros’ views, particularly his emphasis on the importance of an international security system. He believes NATO’s mission should be redefined to focus on protecting open societies and promoting democracy. Soros regrets past missed opportunities to support democratic transitions in former communist countries and advocates learning from these mistakes. He suggests a different approach to NATO expansion, emphasizing the admission of countries like Poland and Hungary to the European Union and advocating for a constructive policy towards Russia.

Global Financial Markets and Soros’ Business Strategies

Soros’ investment strategy showcases his deep understanding of market dynamics, focusing on individual stocks and risk management. He draws parallels between the current era of high capitalism and past historical periods, underlining the importance of shareholder interests and the instability of the global trading system. His comeback in the business world is characterized by a focus on young talent and gradual performance improvement. Soros has experienced significant fluctuations in his investment performance over 26 years, including both high gains and losses. His approach to overcoming a slump in 1994 involved assembling a young team, shifting his role to more of a supportive and coaching position, alleviating the stress of managing money.

Soros emphasizes the importance of small profits in building confidence and momentum. He explains that a fund with accumulated profits can take on more risk, leading to larger gains, while a fund losing money must be more conservative. Risk management is key in preserving capital, and Soros’ ability to avoid significant losses by retrenching when necessary has been crucial to his fund’s success.

The supplemental update further illuminates Soros’ views on the economy. He perceives the United States economy as strong, attributing this to a technological revolution and suggesting that the information revolution may lead to an underestimation of the cost of living index. Soros supports President Clinton’s economic policies, believing they could benefit him in the upcoming elections, but criticizes Clinton’s foreign policy failures.

International Relations and Policy Perspectives

Soros offers a critical analysis of global power structures in the post-Cold War era, advocating for the protection of open societies and the promotion of democracy, especially in post-Soviet regions. His involvement in policy-making, particularly concerning US-Russia relations, highlights his influence in geopolitical affairs. The supplemental update compares the situation in Bosnia to the League of Nations’ failure in Abyssinia, underscoring the UN’s inadequacy in addressing crises. Soros expresses concern about European disintegration following German reunification and is bearish on the French stock market due to monetary policy challenges. He admires French President Chirac’s leadership on Bosnia but criticizes his decision to conduct nuclear tests.

Economic Views on Europe, Japan, and China

Soros is concerned about European disintegration and is bearish on the French economy due to challenges in monetary policy. He sees Japan’s economic struggles as structural and needing reforms. Soros predicts a potential economic collapse in China, emphasizing the role of the military and the emergence of new economic forces. The supplemental update elaborates on these views, noting Japan’s failure to address structural issues and the possibility of China’s communist regime facing a collapse if the capitalist engine driving its economic growth reverses. Soros raises concerns about corruption in China and other countries like Russia, where economic opportunities are closely linked to corruption.

Soros’ Personal Reflections and Philosophical Insights

Reflecting on his past, Soros discusses the art of survival and the impact of revolutionary changes. His views on reality and markets challenge traditional economic theories, advocating for the necessity of regulation. Soros contemplates his future goals and the crisis of values in open societies, introducing pluralism as a potential unifying value. The supplemental update adds depth to his reflections, highlighting his survival instincts, the transformative power of the internet, and his commitment to macro investing. Soros challenges traditional views on rational expectations and efficient markets, advocating for some regulation to ensure stability. He recognizes the need for global regulation due to the existence of global markets and reflects on his belief in open societies and the challenges they face.


George Soros’ diverse and complex viewpoints cover a vast range of topics, from philanthropy and politics to global financial markets and international relations. His insights and experiences offer a unique perspective on the current state of global affairs and the challenges facing open societies. Soros’ reflections reveal a deep engagement with contemporary geopolitical and economic issues, providing a rich tapestry of ideas and philosophies that continue to influence global discourse.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte