Bill Gates (Gates Foundation) – interview re: Common Core (Mar 2014)


00:00:19 Bill Gates on His Role in Education Funding and Decision-making
00:04:23 Gates' Influence and Intentions in U.S. Education Policy
00:10:47 Complexities and Substance of Educational Policy and Standards
00:13:21 Effectiveness of High Standards and His Support for the Common Core
00:17:39 Role of Technology and Standards in Education
00:25:19 The Capitalism Dilemma in Funding R&D and the Need for Educational Research


Navigating the Complex Landscape of Educational Influence: An Examination of Bill Gates’ Role and Perspectives

Bill Gates, one of the most prominent figures in educational funding, addresses multifaceted concerns over his foundation’s role, especially in Common Core and K-12 education. The billionaire entrepreneur advocates for increased Research and Development (R&D) in education, underscores the need for a balanced dialogue focused on substance over politics, and emphasizes that ultimate decision-making power resides with elected bodies and educational boards. Gates’ funding philosophy, although controversial to some, aims at creating more informed, research-backed innovations while keeping a neutral stance on adoption and implementation.

Concerns Over Influence in Education

One of the most pressing concerns surrounding Gates’ involvement in education is his foundation’s influence over policy and curriculum. Gates clarifies that while the foundation does provide substantial funding for new educational initiatives and pilot projects, it does not dictate what gets implemented in the educational systems. Instead, those decisions are made by democratically elected or appointed officials such as school boards, governors, and superintendents, who consult teachers and parents in the decision-making process.

Role of the Foundation

The primary function of the Gates Foundation in education is to broaden the array of educational approaches available. By financing new ideas, especially those that incorporate technological solutions and improved feedback mechanisms for teachers, the foundation seeks to diversify the options on the table. However, Gates reiterates that the foundation doesn’t hold sway over which of these options eventually get scaled up.

R&D in Education

Another focal point is the minimal investment in educational R&D. Gates laments that education sees the “lowest in this field of any field of human endeavor.” Comparing it with industries like healthcare and oil exploration, Gates calls for a more significant commitment to R&D, which he views as pivotal for job competency and economic innovation.

Substance Over Politics

While there is no shortage of debate over his involvement, Gates urges for discussions to be rooted in substantive issues rather than political affiliations. He finds criticisms often lean towards the political spectrum and stresses the importance of focusing on specific complexities, like the state and district-level implementation of educational standards. Feedback from teachers, especially regarding the pace and adequacy of training, should also be considered.

The Goal: Better Educational Outcomes

Gates stresses that the ultimate aim should be to enhance the quality of education. He advocates for standards that not only improve educational outcomes but also decrease the need for remedial classes in college. There should also be a focus on understanding why some states perform better than others and what can be done to emulate their success.

Technology and Personalized Learning

The role of technology in education has been a subject of much debate. Gates acknowledges that the results have been mixed so far and stresses that effective educational technology must be beneficial across a wide range of environments. He sees promise in personalized learning systems that adapt to individual students’ needs but cautions about their scalability, especially in resource-poor settings.

Skepticism and Philosophical Stand

When asked about potential business interests affecting his educational endeavors, Gates firmly refutes such allegations. He clarifies that his involvement is philanthropic in nature and driven purely by the potential for substantial improvements in education.

Funding Gap and Potential for Change

Gates also discusses the R&D funding gap in sectors like healthcare and education, noting that wealthy entities often overlook such issues. He calls attention to the government’s insufficient commitment to educational R&D and expresses hope that policy changes could facilitate the transfer of effective teaching methods among educators.


Despite the myriad concerns and debates surrounding Bill Gates’ influence in education, the philanthropist remains steadfast in his commitment to improving educational outcomes through informed, research-backed innovations. While he acknowledges the complexities involved in education reform, his focus remains on elevating the discussion from mere politics to substance, insisting that the ultimate decision-making power should rest with the appropriate democratic bodies. Whether one agrees or disagrees with his views, Gates’ role in education continues to be a subject of immense interest and critical importance.

Notes by: professor_practice