Bill Gates (Gates Foundation Co-founder) – Philanthropic Progress on Poverty | Bloomberg (Jan 2014)


00:00:00 Global Progress and Optimism: Debunking Myths and Acknowledging Success
00:04:06 Perceptions of Aid and Misconceptions of Progress
00:08:51 Philanthropy and Global Health: Gates and Bloomberg's Perspective
00:18:09 Exploring Philanthropy and Corporate Leadership: Insights from Bill Gates
00:20:13 Exponential Technological Innovation and Societal Challenges


In a compelling discourse on global progress and philanthropy, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg, two of the world’s most influential philanthropists, offer an optimistic perspective on tackling global challenges. Their conversation, marked by a shared sense of hope and a commitment to evidence-based approaches, underscores the significant strides in reducing poverty, improving public health, and the transformative impact of philanthropy and technology on society. By combining their insights on the misconceptions about foreign aid, the role of cities, and the rapid pace of technological innovation, Gates and Bloomberg illuminate the path forward in addressing global inequities and the moral imperative to act.

Optimism Amidst Global Challenges

Bill Gates is optimistic about the future, citing the significant reduction in poverty and the potential to eliminate extreme poverty by 2035. He believes that focusing on the facts supporting optimism is crucial, as dwelling on bad news can hinder progress and generosity. Gates notes the considerable advancements in improving the living standards in poor countries, with most people now residing in middle-income countries where health and agriculture have seen notable improvements. He argues that attention to these areas should continue, as they have been instrumental in driving greater participation and generosity. Gates also points out that better education correlates with smaller families, leading to a more rational and manageable world. He attributes overpopulation to poverty and lack of opportunity, as people have more children to ensure survival and support in old age. Thus, improving health and education is vital for a more rational approach to family planning.

Shared Optimism and the Impact of Philanthropy

Michael Bloomberg echoes Gates’ optimism, emphasizing the improvements in global well-being, including reductions in starvation, homelessness, illiteracy, and an increase in life expectancy. He highlights the critical role of organizations like the Gates Foundation in addressing these global challenges, emphasizing the importance of data analysis in allocating resources and intervening effectively.

Addressing Misconceptions and Changing Perceptions

Bloomberg and Gates stress the need to debunk myths surrounding foreign aid and poverty. Gates focuses on spreading awareness about global progress to inspire change, countering misconceptions that aid is often wasted or goes to corrupt governments. He believes that changing people’s perceptions is essential, and this can be achieved by educating them about the true impact of foreign aid.

Catalyzing Change

Gates advocates for sharing success stories to inspire and support global efforts. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration and learning from success to accelerate progress. Acknowledging that progress may not always be complete, he believes it is essential to celebrate achievements, even in the face of disappointment and setbacks.

Headlines and Gradual Improvement

Gates observes that negative headlines often overshadow gradual positive developments, especially in health and development, which tend to be less sensationalized but equally important.

Cynicism and Foreign Aid Myths

Addressing cynicism around foreign aid, Gates clarifies that its impact is focused on improving human lives. He acknowledges the existence of effective approaches to improving global health but warns that cynicism can impede progress.

Progress and Challenges in Public Health

Gates and Bloomberg discuss advances in public health while acknowledging ongoing challenges in areas like smoking and obesity. They stress the importance of education and counteracting harmful behaviors. Rapid changes in public views on health issues like smoking, obesity, and marijuana legalization are noted, with emphasis on the role of education and intervention in addressing self-inflicted behaviors that cause premature deaths.

The Role of Cities

Bloomberg highlights the crucial role of cities in implementing impactful policies and services, noting their importance in delivering essential services and driving progress in areas like climate change, gun control, obesity, and education.

Choosing Causes

Gates’ philanthropic focus is driven by addressing global inequities, especially for poor children. He underscores the need for philanthropists to evaluate and prioritize causes carefully to maximize impact.

Philanthropy: A Powerful Force for Progress

The discussion turns to the motivations behind philanthropy and its impact on global issues. Addressing injustices and disparities, especially in global health, emerges as a key motivator.

Driving Factors Behind Philanthropic Work

Addressing injustices and disparities, particularly in global health, continues to be a significant motivator for philanthropic work.

Measuring Success: A Balancing Act

Gates discusses the challenges in quantifying philanthropic success and the need for patience and risk-taking. He advocates for supporting multiple initiatives to increase the chances of success.

Portfolio Approach: Spreading the Risk

Gates recommends a portfolio approach to philanthropy, advocating for supporting multiple initiatives to spread the risk. He mentions that organizations like the Gates Foundation use a business-like approach to address complex problems.

Private Money: A Catalyst for Innovation

Bloomberg discusses the unique role of private funding in driving innovation. He supports a wide range of causes, including public health, education, and the arts, and believes in using private money to experiment and try new approaches, which can then be scaled up by governments.

Africa: A Continent of Challenges and Opportunities

Both philanthropists acknowledge the immense challenges in Africa, especially in healthcare and infrastructure. Bloomberg praises Bill and Melinda Gates for their willingness to tackle complex challenges and not shy away from difficult tasks. He recognizes that while complex problems don’t have simple solutions, they are still solvable.

Learning from Diverse Perspectives

Gates and Bloomberg stress the importance of learning from others and separating personal beliefs from philanthropic goals. They emphasize sharing data, best practices, and lessons learned with other philanthropists and organizations to accelerate progress and avoid duplication of efforts.

Addressing Misperceptions: Communicating Progress

Gates highlights the need to educate the public about the progress and benefits of philanthropy. They address the challenge of overcoming public skepticism and cynicism about the effectiveness of foreign aid, emphasizing the need for clear communication and transparency in philanthropy to demonstrate its positive impact.

Self-Serving Benefits of Global Health

Bloomberg discusses the interconnected benefits of investing in global health. He argues that governments should play a significant role in funding global health and education initiatives, providing long-term support and scaling up successful programs more effectively than private philanthropy.

The Obligation to Act: A Moral Imperative

Gates and Bloomberg emphasize the moral obligation to address global challenges. They call for governments to play a significant role in funding global health and education initiatives, highlighting the need for long-term support and the scaling up of successful programs.

Philanthropy and Optimism

The conversation also touches on Bloomberg’s focus on actionable improvement and Gates’ belief in the power of education and healthcare. They stress the importance of collaboration and sharing best practices to accelerate progress.

Bill Gates’ Involvement with Microsoft

Gates discusses his continued involvement with Microsoft, noting his part-time contribution as a board member while prioritizing his foundation work. He is involved in the search for a new CEO but emphasizes the need to find the best person for the role, with the board feeling a sense of urgency but also acknowledging the need for a thorough and effective search process.

Gates’ Future Plans

Gates confirms his primary focus on philanthropic work with his foundation, dedicating his full-time commitment to the foundation and enjoying in-depth work on philanthropic initiatives with his wife, Melinda.

Technology as an Enabler

The role of technology in facilitating communication, collaboration, and progress is discussed. Technology has dramatically changed in the past 12 years, but the basics of human interaction, collaboration, and ethics remain crucial. Technology should complement, not replace, human interaction and skills.

Ethics, Competency, and Education

They highlight the importance of ethical considerations and education in the face of technological advancements, emphasizing the need for effective teaching and new approaches to education.

Innovation and Motivation in Education

The conversation includes the role of technology in enhancing education and the need for accelerating innovation across various fields.

Rapid Pace of Technological Innovation

They discuss the accelerating pace of technological innovation, leading to advancements across various fields and its potential in addressing challenges like poverty and economic growth.

Exponential Technological Growth and Disruption

Gates and Bloomberg address the exponential growth of technology, leading to industry disruptions and the need for societies to ensure inclusive opportunities amidst these changes.

Global Implications of Technological Change

They discuss the worldwide impact of technological change, especially in the manufacturing sectors, and the need for societies to address technological disruption to ensure inclusive opportunities.


In concluding, Gates and Bloomberg’s discussion highlights the transformative power of philanthropy and technology in addressing global challenges. Their optimism, grounded in real-world achievements and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving, offers a blueprint for future efforts. They emphasize the need for continued collaboration, education, and ethical considerations in leveraging technology for the greater good. As they underscore the moral imperative to act, Gates and Bloomberg call upon individuals, organizations, and governments to join forces in tackling global inequities and creating a more just and equitable world.

Notes by: datagram