Alan Kay (VPRI Co-founder) – UCLA Lecture (Apr 2016)


00:00:06 Thinking About Computing
00:09:10 The Psychology of Programmers: A Human-Centered Approach to Computing
00:16:18 Visual Perception: The Brain's Role in Constructing Reality
00:18:18 Understanding the Nature of Reality Through the Lens of Perception
00:24:47 The Biases of Human Perception
00:28:05 The Realities of Our Thinking
00:41:30 Understanding Aesthetics and Transformational Experiences
00:45:36 Understanding MacReady's Sweet Spot: Finding the Optimal Balance
00:55:44 Adopting a Novel Approach to Achieve Ambitious Goals
01:00:16 Moore's Law and the Future of Computing
01:06:35 The Evolution of Computer Innovation: From Scarcity to Abundance
01:09:29 Key Concepts of Software Innovation
01:11:57 Goal Conservatism and Innovation Adoption
01:18:54 Ideas as Radiation: The Power of Superposition in Design
01:21:01 Understanding Design Discipline in Computing
01:29:44 Programming Language Design and Innovation in Computing
01:34:00 Wind-Powered Innovations: Beyond Conventional Limits
01:36:51 Demystifying the Interplays of Human Needs and Technological Wants in Education and Engineering
01:41:10 Significance of Brain Bars in Academic Writing


Abstracting the Future of Design and Computing: From Conventional Wisdom to Revolutionary Perspectives

Challenging Conventional Wisdom in Education and Computing

In the constantly evolving realms of computing and design, it is vital to question established norms and statements, including those from authoritative figures like professors. This necessitates a reevaluation of the computer science (CS) curriculum to truly capture the essence of real computing. Embracing dissatisfaction is key to driving innovation and challenging complacency in computing. Critical thinking is integral in education, where students should learn to see the interconnectedness across disciplines such as engineering, science, and art. Our brains process visual information by comparing it with our beliefs, often leading to a perceived reality that differs from the actual world.

Design Complexity and the Human Mind

Design is more than coding; it requires a non-linear approach that recognizes our brain’s inherent tendencies, which, while useful in ensuring childhood safety, can lead to poor habits in design. A perpetual state of dissatisfaction is necessary for innovation, as seen in the slow evolution of the stone axe over 300,000 years. This resistance to change is similar to programmers’ reluctance to adopt higher-level languages. Constraints, like those in architecture, are beneficial in guiding design. The inherent difficulty in design arises from our brain’s limited capacity and tendency to tinker incrementally.

Sensory Perception and Reality: The Role of Science

Our subjective perception of the world is shaped by beliefs and biological traits. Consciousness can be viewed as a continuous hallucination, influenced by our beliefs and experiences. This is exemplified by our ability to ignore obvious objects like the blind spot in our vision, as our brain fills in gaps to construct a complete image. Science seeks to overcome these limitations, using tools like microscopes and telescopes to extend our natural capabilities. Understanding reality requires acknowledging our perceptual blindness and challenging our assumptions.

Bridging Engineering and Science for Progress

Engineering often relies on heuristics, whereas science demands a deeper exploration of principles. In computing, a more scientific approach is needed to overcome stagnation, cognitive biases, and traditional resistances. Computing, often seen as a field rife with fads and unsubstantiated theories, lacks natural constraints, masking the inadequacies of poor designs. The difference between engineering and science is striking: engineering can be practiced with limited understanding of underlying principles, while science necessitates a willingness to question and explore.

Anthropological Insights: Universal Traits and Cultural Stability

Anthropological research has identified 300 human universals, suggesting a genetic basis for certain traits. Traditional cultures, which emphasize maintaining the status quo, contrast with our nervous system’s preference for novelty, complicating generalizations. These insights highlight the complexity of human nature in the context of design and innovation.

Art, Science, and Computing: Evoking Transformative Qualities

Art serves as a reminder of worlds beyond our own, eliciting responses from amusement to profound connection. Science and mathematics, with their aesthetic and transformational properties, are essential in computing. Computing’s potential lies in its ability to evoke these qualities, highlighting important aspects of our existence.

Unexpected Events and Emotional Responses

Unexpected occurrences can trigger excitement and wonder, opening new possibilities and perspectives. Conversely, nonsensical unexpected events can cause frustration and upset.

Art’s Purpose and Varied Reactions

Art transcends our limited perspectives, connecting us to something greater. It can evoke laughter, surprise, and excitement, much like jokes that lead us down a path before surprising us with a punchline. Scientific discoveries, revealing new aspects of the universe, parallel art in their ability to surprise and enlighten.

Computing and Art

Computing presents both challenges and opportunities for art. While the overload of information in computing can be overwhelming, it also offers new avenues for artistic expression and exploration.

Measuring Progress in


True progress in art is gauged by its ability to help us understand and connect with deeper, more meaningful aspects of life.

Art and Memory

Art has the power to evoke forgotten memories and emotions, transporting us to familiar yet distant realms.

Examples of Aesthetic Experiences

Richard Feynman’s perspective illuminates how science and mathematics can be considered art forms due to their aesthetic and transformative qualities. Our reactions to various experiences, such as laughter at jokes or awe at natural wonders, shed light on the nature of aesthetics.

Embracing Technological Advancements in Education

In 1968, Alex recognized the potential of technology in education, particularly for children, inspired by Moore’s Law which predicts exponential growth in computing power. Alex emphasizes the importance of envisioning future technologies that might currently seem impossible. He advocates for challenging the status quo and considering bold possibilities for future technologies, inspired by Gordon Moore’s 30-year projection. Alex criticizes the use of outdated technology in education, arguing it hinders progress and prepares students inadequately for future challenges. He highlights the increasing complexity of future computing tasks, akin to chemical rocketry, suggesting that current educational practices fall short.

The Pioneering Days of Computing and the Xerox PARC Alto

The current abundance of storage resources contrasts sharply with past engineering challenges due to limited storage. Earlier, building a computer involved designing and creating both hardware and software, a task that major universities engaged their students in. Alex observes that it’s harder now to convince people to undertake challenging projects. The Alto, developed by Xerox PARC in 1973 and costing about $125,000 in today’s currency, enabled significant user interface innovations. Dan Eagles’ software development on the Alto influenced Steve Jobs’ vision for the Macintosh, showcasing the Alto’s lasting impact on the computing industry.

Flight Simulators, Software Development, and Innovation

Flight simulators exemplify the potential for extensive experimentation in software development, allowing for innovative solutions without real-world resource constraints. The development of Microsoft Word, from 1974 to its commercial release in 1984, highlights the lengthy process required for groundbreaking software. Traditional software development cycles, focused on incremental changes, limit significant advancements. An innovative approach involves generating an initial concept, testing feasibility, securing funding, and building a simulator. Identifying truly new innovations requires exploration and experimentation. Empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of the flight simulator approach in driving software innovation.

The Importance of Identifying the MacReady Sweet Spot in Engineering

The MacReady sweet spot, named after renowned engineer Kelly Johnson, emphasizes spending time to identify the optimal solution. He achieved significant breakthroughs, including manned flight in less than six months and winning the first solar-powered race in Australia. Common mistakes in engineering include focusing on solving the problem directly rather than identifying underlying principles that simplify the problem.

Embracing Change and Innovation in Computing

The resistance of programmers to modern practices within their domain is ironic and hinders progress in computing. A renewed emphasis on critical thinking, interdisciplinary learning, and embracing change is needed in both education and professional practice. The concept of progress and new ideas are inventions that have emerged over time, with traditional cultures being incredibly stable and resistant to change. The 18th-century concept of progress and constitutional conventions every 50 years was novel. Our natural inclination towards familiar concepts often leads us to overlook new and complex ideas. The media tends to focus on familiar information rather than complex concepts. To expand our understanding, we must be aware of our biases and actively seek out new and unfamiliar ideas.

Additional Updates:

Programming Language Design: Alex stresses the need for careful evaluation of driving examples in defining core features of programming languages. He highlights the absence of atomic transactions, despite Jim Gray’s contributions.

Whirls and File Versioning: Whirls enable fine-grained undo operations, providing a mechanism to revert to specific states. File versioning represents the coarsest grain of undo in checkpointing, while Whirls enable real-time undo for humans.

Backups and Alternative Pathways: Whirls allow backups to a previous state, ensuring data integrity. Rethinking TRY without side effects is necessary to handle alternative pathways in programming, with AI’s possible worlds reasoning offering insights.

Complex Programs and Uncertain Pathways: Whirls enable the creation of programs with uncertain pathways but fully understood states, opening possibilities for addressing complex goals.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom About Wind-Powered Travel: Silicon Valley engineers developed a device that harnesses wind power to achieve speeds faster than the wind itself. Sailboats can reach speeds up to twice the wind speed by utilizing Bernoulli’s principle and the keel’s stabilizing effect.

The Role of Education and Computing in Shaping Human Behavior: Education trains individuals to control impulses, often against natural tendencies. Computing lags behind in user-friendly tools, impeding progress. The future of computing lies in embracing advanced tools for design, simulation, and fabrication, termed the “cab-syn-fab” cycle. Educators and computing professionals should distinguish between what people want and need, using technology to foster positive behaviors and advance human progress.

Response 19: Alex’s Brain Bar Disappointment and Class Expectations

Alex’s Disappointment in Brain Bar Submissions:

Alex expressed disappointment in the lack of participation and quality in the brain bar submissions. He believes students have insightful and enlightening thoughts to share about each other but lacked motivation. Alex stresses that the brain bar is anonymous and ungraded, aiming to encourage free expression of thoughts.

Alex’s Perspective on Writing Assignments:

Alex views writing as a crucial tool for organizing and expressing thoughts. He disapproves of teachers who assign writing tasks without engaging in the writing process themselves. Alex encourages students to see writing as a beneficial exercise rather than a chore.

Anonymous Brain Bars vs. One-Pagers:

Alex prefers anonymous brain bars for their encouragement of open and honest feedback. In contrast, one-pagers should not be anonymous, serving as a foundation for peer feedback and iterative improvement.

Importance of Class Participation:

Alex underscores the importance of completing both brain bars and one-pagers, considering it unprofessional to neglect these assignments. Students uninterested in participating are advised to drop the class. Timely submission of one-pagers is crucial for peer feedback and iteration.

This comprehensive review and reformatting of the article encapsulates the evolving landscape of design, computing, and education, highlighting the need for challenging conventional wisdom and embracing change and innovation.

Notes by: QuantumQuest