Vinod Khosla (Khosla Ventures founder) & Sam Altman (OpenAI co-founder) – A Glimpse in the future (May 2019)


00:00:04 OpenAI's Ambitious Goals, AI's Economic Impact, and The Future of Work
00:09:08 The Potential and Challenges of Artificial General Intelligence
00:12:44 The Future and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI), championed by organizations like OpenAI, is on the cusp of becoming the most transformative technological force in human history. OpenAI’s approach aims for universal intelligence capable of outperforming humans in all fields within a decade. As AI systems grow more sophisticated, we face profound implications for job markets, economic structures, and even our understanding of intelligence. In this article, we will delve into OpenAI’s mission and the anticipated societal, economic, and philosophical impacts of AI, as we stand at the threshold of an era that could redefine what it means to be intelligent.

OpenAI’s Goals and Vision

OpenAI has set a lofty ambition: to create AI systems that surpass human intelligence in every aspect. Unlike traditional AI that is task-specific, OpenAI aims to build a universal intelligence. The goal is to harness this intelligence to address global challenges, foster business opportunities worth trillions, and even enable humanity’s exploration of the cosmos. This model leverages exponential growth in computing power and algorithmic innovations.

The Profound Implications for Humanity

If OpenAI’s goals come to fruition, they could represent the most transformative technological leap in history, eclipsing even the agricultural, industrial, and internet revolutions. Sam Altman, OpenAI’s leader, predicts that within 10 years, AI systems will accomplish things currently considered impossible. Machines would not only outperform humans but could also be perceived as subjective thinkers, thus blurring the line between human and machine intelligence.

AI and Job Markets

Over half of today’s jobs are comprised of repetitive, non-creative tasks. OpenAI expects most of these jobs to be automated within 20 years, leading to a wave of AI-driven startups redefining business verticals. However, the turnover rate for jobs has remained consistent over the years, with about 50% of jobs changing every 75 years. AI challenges this historical trend by potentially forcing people to change careers within their lifetimes.

Economic Consequences and Technological Turnover

If AI replaces a majority of jobs in key sectors within the next decade, the economic and societal repercussions could be immense. Moreover, AI presents unique challenges in job turnover rates, forcing unprecedented career changes within single lifetimes. Roles that involve human connection, like teaching, may remain, but others, such as cashiers, could be at risk.

The Misuse and Misconceptions of AI

The term “AI” is often misused as a buzzword by startups to attract investment. Despite the hype, genuine AI has the potential for revolutionary impacts. Another misconception is that AI will mainly replace low-skilled jobs; it could replace high-skilled positions more readily. For instance, roles like judges or oncologists could be more at risk than manual laborers.

The Creative Potential of AI in Arts and Music

AI has also made remarkable progress in arts. Experiments have shown that people couldn’t distinguish between artworks or music created by humans and those by AI. OpenAI’s Musenet, for instance, has demonstrated this capability, erasing the notion that art is an exclusively human endeavor.

Exploring the Limits and Future of Intelligence

Altman posits that humans might not be as advanced as they assume when compared to other primates. Future AI systems might perceive humans as relatively unintelligent. Altman also foresees a digital evolution where humanity could birth digital intelligences that eventually leave Earth to colonize the universe.

Predictions, Challenges, and Philosophical Questions

While it’s hard to predict exactly when high-level machine intelligence will arrive, Altman argues that debating timelines is less important than focusing on the work needed to get there. OpenAI is making significant progress in unsupervised learning and reasoning capabilities, with projects like GPT-2 showing promising results. The question of why human brains evolved to their current size points to the complexities of social intelligence, an area where AI could also make strides.


As we stand on the brink of an AI revolution that promises to redefine our understanding of intelligence and societal structures, questions abound. OpenAI’s vision and the rapid advances in AI technology herald both exciting opportunities and daunting challenges. From redefining what constitutes a job to forcing us to re-evaluate our place in the intelligence spectrum, the role of AI is indisputably set to be the cornerstone of future human evolution.

Notes by: T_Soprano