Vinod Khosla (Khosla Ventures Founder) – General Assembly Fireside Chat (Oct 2013)


00:00:00 Opportunities for Technology Innovation Beyond Consumer Technology
00:08:44 Assessing the State of Clean Energy and Failures in the Industry
00:13:56 Venture Capitalists' Lack of Value
00:17:30 Revolutionizing Healthcare through Mobile Technology and Data-Driven Medicine
00:23:45 Technology's Role in Disrupting Education
00:28:28 Healthcare System Misaligned with Patient Interests
00:31:59 Innovating and Automating Decision-Making: From Healthcare to Venture Capital
00:42:34 Artificial Meat and Education Innovation Challenges
00:47:56 Future Economic Impact of Automation on Labor
00:59:05 The Changing Nature of Capitalism


Harnessing Technology for Revolutionary Change: Insights from Vinod Khosla

Disruptive Innovation Across Industries

Vinod Khosla, a prominent thinker in technology and innovation, sees technology as a major transformative force across various industries. He cites innovative examples such as the creation of better hamburgers, Just Mayo, and the development of a robot that can make a custom burger using fresh ingredients. While consumer technology often garners much attention, Khosla places a significant emphasis on the potential for disruption in sectors like energy, materials, and agriculture.

In the realm of energy, Khosla encourages creative approaches to meet growing energy demands. He highlights advancements such as energy-efficient lighting and improved window glass as means to reduce energy consumption. He dismisses the notion that reducing driving would significantly impact energy usage, citing human behavior which doesn’t align with such changes. Khosla also points out the development of electrochromic windows, which can darken on demand, thereby cutting down on air conditioning costs and eliminating the need for blinds.

The Realities of Clean Tech: Successes and Failures

Khosla acknowledges the journey of clean technology, especially in the solar industry, which has not been without its failures. He perceives these failures as a natural part of the competitive landscape. Critiquing the media’s tendency to sensationalize these failures, he emphasizes the importance of focusing on factual reporting rather than prioritizing traffic. Khosla draws a parallel between the nature of capitalism and Darwinian evolution, where startups are bound to fail across industries. However, he underscores the significance of substantial successes, which can overshadow multiple failures. Citing examples like the first biofuels refinery in four decades and Stion, a solar facility in production, Khosla believes that the few successes in clean tech far outweigh the numerous failures. He likens this to the dot-com bubble, where despite a period of hype and subsequent stock price crashes, real value was created.

Redefining Success Beyond Stock Prices

Khosla challenges the narrative surrounding the dot-com bubble. He asserts that the true indicators of success should be real economic activity and tangible product creation, rather than the fluctuating prices of stocks. He criticizes the media and bankers for their overemphasis on stock values and advises entrepreneurs to be cautious of venture capitalists, suggesting that while their financial support is valuable, their advice might not always be.

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Technology

In the healthcare sector, Khosla envisions a transformation driven by technology. He advocates for a shift from traditional medicine to a more data-driven approach. By utilizing tools like FDA-approved EKG devices for real-time analysis, the aim is to decrease the reliance on individual doctors’ subjective judgments and to address the issue of inconsistent medical diagnoses. This approach leverages machine learning to provide more accurate medical advice.

Educational Transformation through Technology

Khosla sees a vast, yet underexplored potential in technology to revolutionize education. While MOOCs and online courses have increased accessibility to education globally, he acknowledges that technological solutions alone are not enough. True educational reform requires addressing a range of social, political, and market factors.

Healthcare System Challenges

Khosla observes that in the healthcare system, often revenue takes precedence over patient well-being. Recognizing the complexity and the resistance to change within the healthcare system, he has been cautious about making significant investments in this sector. Instead, his approach focuses on empowering individuals to navigate the systemic inefficiencies in healthcare.

Embracing Data-Driven Decision Making

Aligning his views with those of Elon Musk, Khosla is skeptical about the economic practicality of hydrogen fuel cells. He admires Musk’s willingness to take risks in projects like Tesla and SpaceX. Khosla advocates for the enhancement and eventual replacement of human judgment with data-driven systems in areas rich in data. This perspective is not limited to technology and energy but extends to venture capital, where Khosla sees a future in algorithmic systems surpassing human decision-making capabilities, as evidenced by the success of algorithmic trading.

Pioneering Artificial Meat Technology

Lab-grown meat and plant-based alternatives are emerging as sustainable and efficient solutions compared to traditional animal farming. The direct conversion of plant proteins into meat substitutes represents a promising area in this field. Khosla highlights the significant role of biomedical tissue engineering in the development of artificial meat. This method of growing meat in labs using muscle cells offers substantial energy efficiency advantages over traditional animal husbandry practices.

Addressing Education System Challenges

Khosla acknowledges that despite advancements in educational technology, its integration into public education systems faces numerous challenges. These challenges include resistance from teacher unions, entrenched power structures, and competing interests within school districts. He points out that the barriers to education reform are more social and structural than technological. To overcome these obstacles, innovative approaches that disrupt traditional educational systems may be required.

GMOs and the Future of Food Production

Addressing the controversy surrounding GMOs, Khosla notes their importance in increasing food production. However, he criticizes practices like those of Monsanto, which have tied seeds to specific herbicides, leading to backlash. He suggests that alternative solutions such as robotic weeding could reduce the dependence on chemicals.

The Non-linear Economy and Importance of Failure

Khosla emphasizes the role of innovation and ideas in driving wealth creation in today’s economy. He advocates for a culture that embraces failure, underscoring that success often comes from enduring more failures than others. This perspective necessitates structural changes in capitalism, as we transition from an economy driven by labor to one driven by payback for capital and ideas.

Elon Musk and Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Khosla agrees with Elon Musk’s skepticism about the economic viability of hydrogen fuel cells, criticizing environmentalists for identifying problems without offering solutions. He admires Musk’s commitment to making Tesla successful, viewing him as a hero who takes action.

Hiring Decisions

In the realm of hiring, Khosla advocates for leveraging machine learning algorithms to assess candidates, especially when sufficient data is available. He believes these algorithms can evaluate candidates more accurately and efficiently than human judgment. Khosla has shown his support for this approach through his investment in Pymetrics, a company that utilizes neuroscience to evaluate job candidates.

Investing Decisions

Khosla recognizes the challenges in removing human judgment from venture capital investing, mainly due to the lack of sufficient data. He notes that the most interesting startups often emerge in unprecedented areas, making it hard to feed enough data into systems for accurate predictions. However, he draws a comparison to stock picking, where machine learning systems have quickly surpassed human judgment.

The Future of Medicine

Khosla’s vision for the future of medicine involves transforming it into a data-driven science. While acknowledging the importance of human care and the placebo effect, he proposes that the more empathetic roles in healthcare, such as patient care, should be handled by the most humane humans, like nurses. Critical diagnosis and prescribing should be left to sophisticated systems, combining the best of technology and human compassion.

Technological Potential of Artificial Meat

The potential benefits of artificial meat, from environmental impact to energy efficiency, warrant continued research and investment. This field holds the promise of revolutionizing the food industry and addressing global food security concerns.

Environmental Impact of Artificial Meat

The shift to artificial meat production could significantly reduce the environmental footprint of animal husbandry, which currently occupies a large portion of the planet’s land area. This change could free up vast amounts of land, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Challenges in Education Technology Adoption

The adoption of educational technology in public schools is hindered by various obstacles, including resistance from teacher unions, entrenched power structures, and competing interests within school districts. These challenges highlight the complexity of education reform and the need for innovative solutions.

Complexity of Education Reform

Khosla believes that the key to successful education reform lies in finding solutions outside the traditional education system. The social and structural barriers in education are more formidable than the technological limitations, calling for ongoing efforts to tackle these complex issues.


Khosla acknowledges the opposition to GMOs but emphasizes their role in feeding populations. He believes the backlash against GMOs is partly due to their use for both beneficial and detrimental purposes, such as tying seeds to specific herbicides. Monsanto’s approach has been successful, but there is room for entrepreneurs to find better value propositions.

Technological Solutions

Technological solutions, such as robotic weeding, can improve things for humanity, even in seemingly mundane tasks like crop weeding.

Technological Unemployment

Khosla highlights the issue of technological unemployment, where jobs are replaced by machines. This shift will create a divide between those who can utilize intelligent machines and those who cannot. Addressing this problem requires increasing the range of value-producing jobs in society and potentially redistributing wealth to support those adversely affected.

Economy of Ideas

In today’s economy of ideas, a few people with great ideas and the courage to follow their convictions can achieve disproportionate success. This shift necessitates changes in our economic and political systems to adapt to the new reality where capital and ideas are more valuable than labor.


Vinod Khosla’s insights offer a compelling vision of a technology-driven future that challenges conventional wisdom across various sectors, from clean tech and healthcare to education and the food industry. His perspectives advocate for a paradigm shift in how we view innovation, success, and the role of technology in society. As we move forward, addressing the social, political, and economic complexities becomes crucial, emphasizing Khosla’s vision of an innovative and inclusive future.

Notes by: BraveBaryon