Vaclav Smil (University of Manitoba Professor) – Energy transitions (Mar 2013)


00:00:13 Energy Transitions Beyond Renewable Energy
00:04:04 Examples of Unnecessary Energy Transitions
00:10:26 Energy Transitions in a Fossil Fuel World
00:20:05 Transition to Liquefied Natural Gas as a Global Fuel
00:22:44 Shale Gas and the Future of Energy
00:30:46 Renewable Energy: Myths, Challenges, and Connectivity Issues
00:36:40 Energy Challenges and Limitations of Renewable Energy Sources
00:39:06 Energy Transition Challenges: Intermittency, Infrastructure, and Interconnection
00:48:10 Challenges and Long-Term Timelines in the Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy
00:50:35 Theoretical Limits and Practical Constraints on Renewable Energy
00:58:35 Energy Density and Efficiency Challenges in Transitioning Away from Fossil Fuels
01:01:52 Energy Efficiency: A Limited Solution to Climate Change
01:07:02 Energy Consumption and the Future of Fossil Fuels


Navigating the Complex Path of Energy Transitions: An In-Depth Analysis with Supplemental Updates


In a world wrestling with climate change and the imperative to move away from fossil fuels, energy transitions surface as a multidimensional challenge. This article investigates various aspects of energy transitions, encompassing efficiency improvements, challenges of renewable energy integration, historical perspectives on energy use, and recent supplemental updates. Drawing from diverse examples ranging from Canada’s energy consumption to Japan’s LNG imports and European solar power plants, it sheds light on the complexities involved in transitioning to a sustainable energy future. The article emphasizes the need to harmonize technological advancements, environmental considerations, and economic realities in the pursuit of a more efficient, renewable, and sustainable energy landscape.

1. The Broader Spectrum of Energy Transitions: Beyond Renewables

Energy transitions encompass a profound shift in how societies produce and consume energy. While renewable energy sources like wind and solar capture much of the attention, recognizing the broader spectrum of this transition is crucial. For instance, Canada’s potential 40% reduction in natural gas consumption through high-efficiency furnaces exemplifies how efficiency improvements can significantly impact energy usage and carbon emissions. This approach underscores the need for a multifaceted strategy, where policy changes and technological upgrades go hand in hand. Furthermore, implementing a comprehensive policy mandating high-efficiency furnaces over a decade ago could have significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions, showcasing the importance of diverse energy transition strategies.

2. Historical Context and The Role of LNG

The evolution of energy sources from wood to coal, and then to oil, has historically been a gradual process spanning decades, if not centuries. The 19th century’s dominant energy source was wood, not coal, illustrating the slow pace of such transitions. LNG’s emergence as a global fuel, fueled by Japan’s pioneering imports and Qatar’s global push, represents another critical shift. The shale gas boom, marked by technological advancements in horizontal drilling and fracking, further illustrates this gradual transition, offering a bridge towards cleaner energy sources. Additionally, the history of LNG technology and its development highlight the crucial role of surplus tankers after World War II and cheap oil prices in facilitating its commercialization. England’s need for affordable energy led to the first LNG shipment from Algeria in 1964.

3. Renewable Energy: Challenges and Realities

While renewable energy sources like wind and solar are vital for a sustainable future, they come with their own set of challenges. Wind turbines, for example, face operational limits due to weather conditions, as seen in Japan’s frequent typhoons. Similarly, the intermittent nature of wind and solar power, coupled with current energy storage limitations and infrastructure deficiencies, poses significant challenges to their large-scale integration. Additionally, the geographical constraints and inefficiencies in energy production from sources like biofuels highlight the complexities of transitioning to a renewable-based system.

Japan’s energy dilemma is marked by the challenge of intermittent energy generation, especially during periods of prolonged darkness or extreme weather events. The Fukushima disaster underscored the importance of proper plant location and human management, beyond just focusing on nuclear energy issues. Historical markers in Japan indicating areas prone to high water levels were overlooked when selecting plant locations. Wind turbines in Japan and Hawaii face limitations due to typhoon seasons, leading to frequent shutdowns and risks of damage or destruction from extreme winds. The intermittent nature of wind energy creates challenges in ensuring reliable power generation. In Sichuan province, China, surrounded by mountains and with a population of 120 million, the effectiveness of solar and wind energy sources is limited by terrain and weather conditions, posing risks of frequent power outages and disruptions.

Renewable energy sources face practical constraints such as financial insolvency, low power density, and intermittency. There are also theoretical constraints based on thermodynamic limitations and inherent inefficiencies. The low efficiency of photosynthesis limits the potential of biofuels, while solar radiation on Earth averages 170 watts per square meter, with a potential for capturing 80-90 watts per square meter using efficient solar cells. Technological advancements have improved wind turbine efficiency, but fossil fuels provide concentrated energy, allowing for high power output from small areas.

Renewable energy sources have limited power density due to their fundamental characteristics. Captured wind energy yields less than one or two watts per square meter, while ocean thermal difference has a limited delta T (temperature difference) of 20 degrees Celsius, resulting in low power output. In contrast, fossil fuels have undergone concentrated biofuel processes, providing a high energy density of 42 megajoules per kilo. Regulations can improve efficiency and conservation in society. Simple measures, such as mandating triple windows and super-insulating basements, can lead to significant energy savings.

4. Infrastructure and Investment Needs

The transition to sustainable energy sources is also a question of infrastructure and investment. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ estimate of $2.2 trillion needed for the US high voltage network underlines the substantial financial requirements. Moreover, the transition’s pace is affected by geopolitical and economic realities, as seen in the shale gas revolution and the varying energy policies of different countries. Additionally, fossil fuels play a crucial role in modern civilization, including renewable energy infrastructure. The production of steel, a key component of modern infrastructure, relies heavily on fossil fuels throughout its lifecycle.

5. Fossil Fuels and Efficiency Regulations

Despite the push for renewables, fossil fuels remain deeply embedded in our society due to their unmatched energy density. Regulation plays a critical role in steering towards more efficient energy use, as evidenced by the potential impact of simple measures like improved construction standards in Canada. Vaclav Smil’s emphasis on consumption limits and efficient resource utilization highlights the need for a balanced approach that considers environmental, economic, and societal factors. Additionally, diesel cars offer increased efficiency compared to traditional gasoline engines, yet their environmental and engineering benefits are often overlooked. In many European countries, diesel cars account for a significant proportion of the vehicle population, while Canada lags in adopting this technology. Furthermore, Canada lacks a comprehensive high-speed rail network despite its abundant and cheap hydroelectricity. Developing a high-speed rail system would significantly reduce travel time and provide a more efficient alternative to air travel.

Vaclav Smil criticizes Canada’s high energy consumption per capita and advocates for simple measures to reduce consumption. He acknowledges the long-term presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but argues that efficiency savings can make a significant impact within a decade or two. Smil questions the effectiveness of efficiency savings in rapidly growing economies, citing China as an example. He emphasizes the need for limits on consumption in societies with fast-growing economies and advocates for higher electricity prices to discourage excessive consumption. Smil advocates for significantly increasing energy prices to drive down consumption and incentivize energy efficiency. He argues that energy is currently undervalued compared to other commodities and that higher prices would have a relatively small impact on disposable income. Smil cites examples of countries with higher energy prices and emphasizes the need for multiple-fold increases to see a significant reduction in consumption.

The tar sands in Alberta are a major source of crude oil in Canada, accounting for over 55% of the country’s production. Smil acknowledges the necessity of exploiting the tar sands to maintain Canada’s standard of living but highlights the environmental impacts and the potential decline in demand due to increased domestic natural gas production in the United States. Smil describes the tar sands as a “rape of the biosphere on a grand scale” due to the extensive environmental damage caused by their extraction and processing. He emphasizes the need to transition to less invasive methods of extraction, such

as in-situ recovery, which has a smaller environmental footprint. Canada’s economy is heavily reliant on the export of crude oil and natural gas, with 87% of its exports going to the United States. Smil warns that losing this export market would have severe consequences for Canada’s standard of living, potentially leading to a decline of 25%. Smil expresses optimism about future improvements in oil extraction methods, such as in-situ recovery, which are less invasive and have a smaller environmental footprint. He envisions a future where the tar sands region is restored to a natural forest, with minimal surface infrastructure, and oil extraction is carried out underground.

Energy transitions are not just about replacing fossil fuels with renewables; they are about rethinking and reshaping our entire approach to energy consumption and production. The challenges are as diverse as the potential solutions, from technological advancements to policy changes and societal shifts in consumption patterns. As the world progresses towards a more sustainable future, it’s clear that a comprehensive and multifaceted strategy is necessary – one that accounts for the complexities of our global energy landscape.

Notes by: Ain