Vaclav Smil (University of Manitoba Professor) – Reconciling Slow Transition & Fast Climate Change (Aug 2019)


00:00:00 The Limits of Growth and the Reality of Energy Return on Investment
00:07:13 Understanding the Complexity of Energy Systems
00:12:22 Buildings: A Lost Opportunity for Energy and Carbon Savings
00:16:04 Energy Density: The Obstacle to Electrifying Everything
00:18:20 Challenges of Decarbonization in Transportation
00:26:12 Energy Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities
00:33:33 Energy Wars: A Looming Threat or Unfounded Speculation?
00:36:36 Fracking, AI, and the Limits of Human Knowledge
00:40:50 Hype, Fake News, and the Illusion of Progress in Science and Technology
00:45:22 Reality of Recycling and Sustainability in China


“The Multifaceted Insights of Vaclav Smil: A Comprehensive Analysis of Modern Challenges”

Vaclav Smil, a renowned scholar, offers a diverse and insightful perspective on crucial global issues, ranging from cell phone usage and energy transition to societal implications of technological advancements. This article delves into Smil’s key insights, critically examining his thoughts on the modern energy dilemma, the decline in traditional reading habits, and the over-reliance on technology, while also exploring his perspectives on sustainable living and the realistic appraisal of human progress.

Cell Phone Usage and Societal Impact:

Vaclav Smil eschews the use of cell phones, critiquing the societal norm of constant connectivity. He perceives the pervasive use of these devices as harmful to the richness of present moments and meaningful interpersonal interactions. His perspective underscores a critical need to reassess our dependence on technology.

Reading Habits and Skeptical Inquiry:

Smil, an avid reader who goes through 65 to 85 books a year, emphasizes the importance of skepticism and critical thinking, particularly in scientific inquiry and societal advancement. His critique of Steven Pinker’s selective use of facts in optimistic narratives, along with his own lament over the reduction in his book consumption due to digital media’s “junk,” showcases his commitment to intellectual growth and the need for critical evaluation of information.

Energy Transition: Denmark’s Model Questioned:

Smil questions the feasibility of Denmark’s energy transition model for larger, geographically diverse countries. He points out Denmark’s reliance on intermittent wind energy and supplemental coal-fired and hydroelectricity, emphasizing the complexity and geographic limitations in replicating this model on a global scale.

Wind Turbines: The Fossil Fuel Paradox:

Challenging the notion of wind turbines as purely renewable, Smil stresses their reliance on fossil fuels for construction and maintenance. He advocates for a comprehensive understanding of energy return on investment, considering the entire lifecycle of renewable energy systems, and underscores the significant use of concrete, steel, and plastics in constructing wind turbines.

Growth and Limits:

In his upcoming book “Growth,” Smil explores the concept of growth in various domains, emphasizing the finite nature of our planet and the unsustainable patterns of perpetual growth. He portrays growth as a depressing concept, given its inevitable limitations on a finite planet.

Book Sales, Piracy, and the Future of Reading:

Smil discusses the decline in traditional book sales due to digital piracy and the trend of skimming through digital copies, which contributes to a decrease in comprehensive reading. He expresses frustration over this trend, undermining the value of authors’ work, and shows a preference for classic literature over modern writings.

Global Energy System and Public Comprehension:

Highlighting the vastness of the global energy system, Smil critiques the public’s difficulty in comprehending large numbers. He draws attention to the unawareness of the magnitude of national debts, like the US’s 22 trillion dollars, and the implications of practices like quantitative easing. Understanding the scale of energy systems is crucial before proposing solutions.

Meat Consumption and Sustainable Diets:

Smil advocates for reducing meat consumption to 20-30 kilograms per year, suggesting incorporating it as a minor component of meals. He notes the excessive meat consumption in the Western world and emphasizes the need for a balanced diet for sustainability and energy efficiency.

Building Energy Efficiency and Missed Opportunities:

Smil identifies missed opportunities for energy efficiency in buildings, particularly in China’s construction boom and hot countries. He highlights the long-term carbon savings of proper insulation and windows, and notes the relatively low additional cost of implementing these energy-saving measures.

Insulation in Hot Climates and Cost-Benefit Analysis:

Smil emphasizes the importance of insulating buildings in hot regions to reduce air conditioning demand and energy consumption. He argues that the benefits of insulation, despite the costs, are justified by significant long-term energy savings.

Energy and Power Density: Challenges in Decarbonization:

Discussing the limitations of electric batteries in terms of energy and power density, Smil illustrates the challenges in decarbonizing sectors like aviation and shipping. He compares the energy density of batteries to that of fossil fuels and highlights the impracticality of electrifying long-distance air travel and container ships due to these limitations.

SUVs, Electric Cars, and Environmental Impact:

Smil criticizes the environmental impact of SUVs and questions the effectiveness of electric cars in cold climates and areas where electricity is fossil-fuel-based. He discusses the complexity of decarbonization and the need for a comprehensive approach, considering the unique challenges of different sectors like aviation.

Decarbonization Challenges and Strategic Approaches:

Arguing for a strategic and coordinated approach, Smil emphasizes the importance of considering various sectors in decarbonization efforts. He highlights the need for holistic solutions rather than random efforts.

Flying, Tourism, and Contradictory Environmental Policies:

Smil points out the environmental contradiction in promoting electric cars while overlooking the carbon footprint of air travel. He highlights the impact of increased tourism, especially from Chinese tourists.

Holistic Approach to Climate Change:

Smil advocates for a thoughtful strategy in addressing climate change, considering the interconnectedness of different sectors and the long-term implications of technological solutions.

Electric Trains and Geographic Challenges:

Acknowledging the benefits of electric trains in decarbonizing transportation, Smil notes the challenges in North America due to low population density and established car infrastructure. He also discusses the financial struggles of European electric train systems.

Natural Gas as a Transitional Energy Source:

Viewing natural gas as a cleaner alternative to coal, Smil discusses its role in reducing carbon emissions and the feasibility of transitioning from coal to natural gas. He acknowledges the challenges in transitioning coal-dependent countries like India and China.

Coal’s Continued Dominance and Future Trends:

Despite advancements in cleaner energy sources, Smil predicts that coal will remain a primary energy source in countries like India and China until at least 2040. He discusses global coal consumption and infrastructure, emphasizing the challenges in developing countries.

Hydrogen: Potential and Challenges:

Exploring hydrogen as a potential solution for decarbonization, Smil highlights the significant challenges in its adoption, including storage, distribution, and infrastructure development.

Peak Oil Theory and Energy Abundance:

Contradicting the peak oil theory, Smil emphasizes the abundance of undiscovered oil and other energy resources, downplaying the likelihood of conflicts over energy scarcity.

Food Security and Water Resource Management:

Addressing global food production and scarcity, Smil stresses the importance of effective water resource management and discusses the environmental impact of fracking.

Artificial Intelligence and Technological Skepticism:

Expressing skepticism about the potential of AI, Smil criticizes the media’s role in exaggerating unproven technological advancements and the limitations of AI in making substantial progress.

Environmental Consequences and the Recycling Illusion:

Shedding light on the environmental consequences of human actions, Smil critiques the superficiality and inefficacy of recycling programs in the United States. He compares this to security theater at airports, emphasizing the performative nature of such measures and the dual nature of human beings in contributing to both positive and negative impacts on the environment.

Balancing Human Progress and Environmental Responsibility:

In conclusion, Smil advocates for a balanced approach to human progress, emphasizing the need for realistic perspectives on technological advancements and a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of the modern world. His insights underscore the importance of mitigating negative consequences and adopting a critical stance towards our actions and their long-term implications.

Notes by: WisdomWave