Steve Jobs (NeXT Founder) – on Joseph Juran and Quality (~1990)


00:00:00 Quality, Repetitive Processes, and American Prosperity
00:03:50 Essence of Quality and Observations on Dr. Duran
00:07:30 Quality Thinking and Joe Duran's Influence
00:14:38 Longevity and Sacrifice in Contributions


Reimagining Quality and Excellence: Insights from Steve Jobs on Dr. Joe Duran’s Lasting Impact

Steve Jobs delves into the transformative philosophies of Dr. Joe Duran, a pioneer in the field of quality management. Jobs highlights Duran’s science-based approach to enhancing organizational quality, re-engineering processes, and his social relevance, particularly in reviving America’s competitive edge. Moreover, Jobs adds a new dimension to the understanding of quality, extending it beyond mere marketing gimmicks and product-centric views. He praises Duran’s optimistic humanism and internal drive, positing that Duran’s principles could serve as a roadmap for America’s resurgence in quality and manufacturing.

The Essence of Quality Through Scientific Exploration

In the heyday of Next Computer Inc., where Jobs served as President, he encountered Dr. Joe Duran’s groundbreaking theories on quality management. Jobs was immediately captivated by Duran’s scientific approach to quality, which resonated well with both engineers and executives. Duran’s theory emphasized viewing all operations as “repetitive processes” that could be measured, disassembled, and reassembled for improved performance. Unlike conventional motivational tactics, this method was rooted in empirical analysis and scientific rigor. It offered a roadmap for achieving remarkable improvements in quality and efficiency.

Dr. Duran’s Relevance to American Society

When queried about why Duran’s work should interest the American public, Jobs casts a spotlight on the broader social issues plaguing the United States. He suggests that America has been “out-planned” and “out-manufactured” by other nations like Japan. The root cause isn’t a deficit in intelligence but rather in the fundamentalseducation, industry, and quality management. According to Jobs, Duran’s methods could serve as a blueprint for reviving America’s lost luster, particularly in sectors like manufacturing.

A Return to Basic Principles

In line with his broader societal outlook, Jobs stresses the urgency of revisiting fundamental principles to regain America’s competitive edge. He sees Dr. Duran’s methodologies as a potential cornerstone for solving the chronic issues that beset the country. For Jobs, this return to basics isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity to ensure the United States can once again hold its own on the global stage.

Characteristics of Great Leaders: A Spotlight on Dr. Duran

According to Jobs, what sets Dr. Duran apart is not just his intellectual prowess but also his humane approach to interpersonal relations. He treats every question and every individualregardless of their statusas equally important. This “optimistic humanism” is the backbone of Duran’s philosophy, suggesting that employees will actively engage in quality improvement if given the right tools and opportunities.

Quality Beyond Marketing

Jobs critiques American corporations for their misguided emphasis on marketing “quality,” a stark contrast to Japanese firms whose quality speaks through their products. According to Jobs, the true measure of quality begins with the product itself, and no amount of marketing can disguise a subpar offering. For Jobs, quality extends from the construction of the product to having the right and innovative products in the market.

Traditions and Passion

Jobs discusses the transformative power of a quality-focused approach to business that values questioning and scientific assessment of processes over the traditional “that’s how it’s always been done” mentality. He highlights the importance of empowering employees by giving them the authority to improve their work processes, which leads to a flatter organizational hierarchy and a culture of optimistic humanism. Additionally, Jobs expresses deep respect for Joe Duran, not just for his intellectual contributions to quality thinking but also for his passionate commitment to sharing his knowledge and experiences with the next generation without seeking personal gain. Jobs’ interactions with Duran reveal a man with a profound sense of humor and a deeply humanistic approach to his work and the people he engages with.

The Lasting Impact and Legacy of Dr. Duran

Steve Jobs reflects on Dr. Duran’s deep-rooted sense of purpose and his focus on leaving a lasting impact on future generations. Dr. Duran’s work in post-war Japan stands as a testament to his enduring legacy. Jobs notes that Duran is not motivated by financial gains but by a drive to impart his wisdom, hoping that his principles would be recognized in the decades to come.

The Inner Workings of Long-Term Success

Jobs points out that people like Dr. Duran, who make significant contributions over long periods, are primarily driven by internal motivations. This internal drive enables them to weather both criticism and praise, thus sustaining their contributions.


Steve Jobs offers an intricate tapestry of insights into the dimensions of quality, societal implications, and leadership characteristics through the lens of Dr. Joe Duran’s life and work. At its core, the message is clear: a scientific, human-centric approach to quality could be the panacea for America’s competitiveness woes. As Dr. Duran continues his work, Jobs remains optimistic about the future impact and legacy that these principles will leave on American industry and beyond.