Stephen Hawking (University of Cambridge Professor) – Discusses the origin of the universe, UC Berkeley, 2007 (Sep 2007)


00:41:55 How the Universe Began: From Quantum Fluctuations to the Microwave Sky
00:56:28 Stephen Hawking's Insights into Cosmology
01:04:33 The Origin of the Universe and the Role of Inflation


Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe: Insights from Stephen Hawking

In the field of cosmology and astrophysics, few names resonate as much as Stephen Hawking. His groundbreaking work on the origins and nature of the universe has not only challenged our understanding of the cosmos but has also provided a framework for unraveling its deepest mysteries. This article synthesizes Hawking’s insights into a cohesive narrative, emphasizing the most significant aspects of his theories and their implications for our understanding of the universe.

Stephen Hawking’s Challenge to Traditional Views on the Universe’s Beginning

Hawking’s exploration into the origins of the universe presents a bold challenge to traditional views. He contests the idea that the universe’s beginning was a divine act of creation, proposing instead a scientific interpretation grounded in established theories. This perspective marks a pivotal shift from religious and philosophical interpretations to a scientific approach. At a conference, Hawking presented a paper on the universe’s origin, fearing the backlash similar to Galileo’s fate under the Inquisition. The origin debate presented two interpretations: one suggested the breakdown of general relativity in early strong gravitational fields, warranting a more comprehensive theory.

The Fusion of General Relativity and Quantum Theory

Central to Hawking’s thesis is the integration of general relativity with quantum theory. He acknowledges that general relativity, while effective in explaining gravity, breaks down under extreme conditions, such as those present at the universe’s inception. This limitation necessitates a more comprehensive theory, incorporating both general relativity and quantum mechanics, to fully understand the universe’s origins. A combination of general relativity and quantum theory with Feynman’s sum over histories is proposed as the best approach to understand the universe’s origin. Each possible path or history has an amplitude, and the system’s probability is determined by summing these amplitudes. The question of the initial state leads to the origin question and the debate of divine creation or scientific law.

Feynman’s Influence and the Concept of Time

Hawking introduces Richard Feynman’s concept of summing over histories, which significantly influences his views on the evolution of the universe. This approach, which involves calculating the probability of an event by summing the amplitudes of all possible histories, provides a novel way of understanding cosmic events. Hawking extends this to question the nature of time itself, suggesting that time, like space, may be curved and without a definitive starting point. The problem of the universe’s beginning is likened to the historical question of what happens at the edge of a flat world. The world’s roundness solved the problem, but time seemed different, like a railroad track with a possible beginning and end. Combining general relativity with quantum theory revealed that time can behave like another spatial dimension under extreme conditions, eliminating the problem of time’s beginning. Hawking proposes a model where the universe’s beginning resembles the South Pole, with degrees of latitude representing time. The universe starts as a point at the South Pole, expanding as latitude increases, making the question of what happened before the beginning meaningless. This model addresses the age-old objection to the universe having a beginning, where laws break down. The beginning would be governed by scientific laws.

Quantum Creation and the Universe’s Early Inflation

Hawking and Jim Hartle’s model of the quantum creation of the universe likens its formation to bubbles forming in boiling water. This model implies that the most probable histories of the universe are analogous to the surfaces of these bubbles. Hawking also delves into the concept of inflation, describing the rapid expansion of the universe in its early stages, which led to the formation of a large and uniform cosmos. The spontaneous quantum creation of the universe resembles the formation of steam bubbles in boiling water. Most bubbles collapse quickly, representing universes that don’t last long enough for galaxies or life. A few bubbles grow large enough to avoid re-collapsing, leading to an ever-expanding universe through a process called inflation. Inflation in the early universe occurred at an incredible rate, far exceeding historical inflation records. This process produced a large and uniform universe, as observed. However, irregularities in the inflation led to variations in the microwave background. These irregularities formed the basis for the structure in the universe, including the formation of galaxies and stars.

From Irregularities to the Structure of the Universe

Hawking explains how slight irregularities in the early universe led to the formation of galaxies and stars. These irregularities, predicted by his model, manifest in variations in the microwave background radiation and eventually cause gravitational collapse, leading to the formation of cosmic structures. The map of the microwave sky is a blueprint for the universe’s structure, indicating that we are the product of quantum fluctuations in the very early universe.

Hawking’s Broader Insights on Cosmology

Hawking’s work extends beyond the specifics of the universe’s origin to encompass broader aspects of cosmology. He asserts that the universe began with the Big Bang, with time emerging from this event. He also discusses the concept of black holes as the end of time and the potential unification of general relativity with quantum theory. The nature of gravitational waves, the accelerating expansion of the universe, and its ultimate fate are also key elements of his broader cosmological perspective. Einstein’s general relativity and the discovery of the expanding universe overturned the notion of an eternal, static universe. The theory predicted the beginning of time in the Big Bang and the end of time in black holes, supported by the cosmic microwave background and observations of black holes. While cosmology has made significant progress, the accelerating expansion of the universe remains unexplained. Cosmology is an active and exciting field, with new observational and theoretical advances emerging rapidly. Questions about the future of the universe, including its ultimate fate, and the fundamental reasons for its existence, remain unanswered.

Addressing Fundamental Questions

Hawking’s work responds to some of the most pressing questions in cosmology. While acknowledging the strong evidence supporting the Big Bang theory, he maintains that the nature of time before this event and the ultimate fate of the universe remain open questions. His research also underscores the ongoing quest to understand the universe’s existence, including the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and the universe’s possible cyclic nature. General relativity alone can’t explain why the universe is as it is, but combining it with quantum theory may provide insights. During the inflationary period after the Big Bang, small fluctuations predicted by the two theories led to galaxies, stars, and universal structures, as confirmed by observations. Gravitational waves offer a unique window into the early universe, unimpeded by intervening matter, unlike light.

Inflation and the Self-Creation of the Universe

Hawking’s theory of inflation posits that the universe began with a period of rapid expansion. He suggests that the universe spontaneously created itself from nothing, governed by the laws of science, making it self-sufficient and independent of external influences. This view implies an eternal universe, providing endless opportunities for exploring its complexities. Inflation is a good thing in the context of the universe, as it created a smooth universe with the right amount of irregularity to allow for the formation of galaxies, stars, and human beings. Hawking believes that the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science. If Hawking is correct, the universe is self-contained and governed solely by science. Hawking believes that, over time, humans will come to understand the universe completely.


Stephen Hawking’s contributions to our understanding of the universe are monumental. By challenging traditional views, integrating complex theories, and addressing fundamental questions, he has provided a comprehensive framework for exploring the cosmos. His insights not only advance scientific knowledge but also inspire a deeper appreciation of the universe’s vast and intricate nature.

Notes by: Random Access