Sebastian Thrun (Stanford/Google Professor/Research Scientist) – Toward Human-Level Intelligence in Autonomous Cars (May 2011)


00:00:02 Self-Driving Cars: From Fiction to Reality
00:02:15 Early Challenges of the DARPA Grand Challenge
00:05:19 DARPA Grand Challenge: Unconventional Autonomous Driving Solutions
00:09:57 Autonomous Car Wins Cross Country Race
00:14:12 Perceptions and Reflections on the Evolution of Autonomous Driving
00:19:43 The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


Embracing the Future: The Evolution and Impact of Self-Driving Cars


Sebastian Thrun, an Associate Professor at Stanford University, presents an insightful perspective on the revolutionary advancements in self-driving car technology. This technology, driven by rapid progress in artificial intelligence, has the potential to redefine our relationship with transportation. Thrun, a leading figure in this field, delves into the journey from the initial DARPA Grand Challenges to the current state of autonomous vehicles, highlighting the technological strides, challenges, and societal impacts of this disruptive innovation.

Pioneering the Path: The DARPA Grand Challenge

The DARPA Grand Challenge, initiated in 2004, marked a significant milestone in autonomous driving. It aimed to develop a self-driving vehicle capable of navigating a complex 142-mile course. Despite initial setbacks, where teams struggled with issues like poor programming and faulty sensor data, the challenge propelled the field forward. By 2005, advancements in perception, decision-making, and control algorithms were evident, illustrating decades of research in AI, computer vision, and robotics coming to fruition.

Motivation and Background

The DARPA Grand Challenge was motivated by the desire to develop unmanned vehicles for military use. DARPA invested nearly $500 million in self-driving car development but found that the technology was not yet mature enough.

Overcoming Obstacles: Technological Advancements and Lessons Learned

The progression from the first DARPA Grand Challenge to subsequent events showcases the evolution of autonomous driving technology. Key challenges involved replacing human capabilities with computers and sensors, particularly in camera-based perception and object classification. Innovations like the bootstrap approach, where laser systems trained vision systems, and the adaptation of vision systems to various road conditions, underscored the complexity and ingenuity of these developments.

The Early Years of the DARPA Grand Challenge: Autonomous Vehicle Race

The DARPA Grand Challenge was a robot race without a person inside a car or remote control, first held in 2004. The goal was to program cars to navigate from Barstow to Primm, a distance originally planned from Los Angeles to Vegas but changed due to safety concerns.

2004 Race

135 teams registered, 17 raced, half built their own vehicles, half used off-the-shelf SUVs. Programming the machines proved difficult, resulting in disastrous outcomes. The furthest any team went was 5% of the course. Control problems were severe, with teams experiencing disorientation and GPS errors.

2005 Race and Beyond

The competition intensified, marking a critical juncture in autonomous driving. Progress was significant, with advancements in AI and sensor technology. Cameras emerged as the most important sensor, posing basic AI questions like defining a rotor.

Navigating New Terrains: DARPA’s Urban Driving Challenge

Moving beyond desert landscapes, DARPA introduced the Urban Driving Challenge, focusing on the intricacies of real-world driving scenarios. This challenge pushed AI technology to new heights, addressing the complexities of traffic navigation and obstacle avoidance, crucial for real-world application.

AI and Human Identity: Enhancing Capabilities

Contrary to concerns about AI diminishing human identity, proponents argue that AI serves to augment human capabilities. By taking over mundane tasks, AI allows humans to engage in more meaningful activities, thus enhancing productivity and creativity.

Beyond Exponential Growth: The True Measure of AI’s Progress

While AI’s advancement is often portrayed through exponential growth curves, experts caution against oversimplification. They emphasize that progress in core AI areas like perception and understanding requires more than just increased computing power; it demands sophisticated algorithm development.

Autonomous Driving Technology Development

Developing autonomous vehicles involved finding innovative ways to perform simple tasks like road recognition and obstacle avoidance. Technological solutions were different from human approaches, resembling chess computers that used distinct methods to beat human players.

Laser Terrain Acquisition

A laser terrain acquisition system was used to scan the road and identify vertical elevations. The vehicle could navigate around obstacles by driving around vertical elevations. This approach was relatively simple compared to human driving.

Road Maps and GPS

Road maps were created using data from the laser terrain acquisition system, with red indicating danger and white indicating drivable areas. GPS was used to provide additional information about the race course.

Vision System Development

Developing a vision system to find the road was challenging, taking months of work to create a simple software program. Instead of solving the entire road recognition problem, a bootstrap approach was used, relying on near-range laser data to train the system. The system was able to adapt to different road surfaces and conditions, such as paved roads and grass roads.

Qualification Event

Autonomous vehicles were tested in a qualification event to evaluate their performance in a complex environment. The vehicles had to navigate through barriers, parked vehicles, and high-speed sections. GPS was a key technology for navigation, but tunnels were used to shield GPS reception and challenge the vehicles.

State of the Art in Robotic Intelligence

The NOVA documentary revealed the state of the art in robotic intelligence, showcasing autonomous vehicles that could navigate complex environments. These vehicles displayed impressive capabilities, but there were still concerns about their safety in traffic.

Anthony Lewandowski’s Motorcycle

Anthony Lewandowski’s motorcycle was admired for its technological achievements in autonomous driving.

The Promise of Self-Driving Cars: Safety, Productivity, and Inclusivity

Self-driving cars promise significant improvements in road safety by reducing human error, a major cause of accidents. They also offer enhanced productivity during commutes and greater inclusivity for individuals with limited mobility.

Rethinking Infrastructure: Adapting to Autonomous Vehicles

The rise of self-driving cars necessitates a reevaluation of urban infrastructure and planning. This shift offers opportunities for transforming urban landscapes, but it requires careful and sustainable planning to ensure equitable implementation.

A New Era of AI-Powered Transportation

Self-driving cars symbolize a pivotal moment in transportation, promising safer, more efficient, and accessible travel. While challenges remain, embracing AI and collaborative efforts can lead to a transformative future in transportation.

The Road Ahead: Technological Disruption and Societal Impact

The timeline for mastering the next grand challenge in autonomous driving is estimated at 2 years, with self-driving cars expected to become more reliable within 5-15 years. This imminent technological disruption will lead to significant societal changes, including legal and ethical considerations, as autonomous driving becomes more prevalent.

AI’s Next Generation: Redefining Human Interaction with Technology

Self-driving cars are at the forefront of ushering in the next generation of AI technology. They represent a shift in our relationship with driving and transportation, enhancing human effectiveness and redefining our identity in an increasingly automated world.

Embracing Change: The Future of AI and Autonomous Driving

On race day, the event began at 4 AM with teams receiving a top-secret data file, which they had two hours to input into their computers. The process took only 20 seconds, leaving ample time for media interaction. The race was staggered, starting with Carnegie Mellon in the first pole position, and involving a total of 23 vehicles.

Stanley’s journey was likened to sending a child to college, filled with anticipation and worry. The cars were pre-programmed to race autonomously. The race was tight, with five teams finishing within close proximity, although the speaker’s team emerged victorious by 11 minutes.

The race began in flat terrain but later encountered a treacherous mountain pass with a steep cliff on one side. Carnegie Mellon experienced an engine problem, allowing Stanley to take the lead

. Various incidents occurred throughout the race, including a sensor slipping off a roof, a lost laptop, and a Hummer rollover.

Footage from Stanley’s camera showed the car successfully avoiding obstacles, including Carnegie Mellon’s vehicle, due to advanced vision routines. The mountain pass, while daunting to humans, presented no additional challenge for Stanley due to the presence of a berm.

The emotional conclusion of the race involved excitement and relief as Stanley emerged from the desert. The team celebrated with water, champagne, and eventually received a $2 million check for their victory.

Critics of self-driving cars argue that they lack authenticity as they operate in controlled environments unlike real-world traffic. To address this, DARPA initiated the urban driving challenge, introducing complex urban driving scenarios.

AI’s potential impact on human identity is a contentious issue. While some worry about AI replacing human jobs, others believe it enhances human capabilities, drawing parallels to the industrial revolution. The speaker challenges the notion of exponential growth in AI, particularly in core areas like perception, emphasizing the need for sophisticated algorithms.

Self-driving cars offer multiple benefits including increased safety by reducing accidents caused by human error, improved productivity during commutes, and enhanced quality of life for the elderly, young people, and individuals with disabilities. They could optimize highway usage, leading to reduced traffic congestion and more efficient transportation, and even reduce the need for extensive parking lots.

The speaker predicts a major technological disruption in the near future, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics. In the next two years, a significant breakthrough in autonomous driving technology is expected, solving a grand challenge previously thought to be uncrackable by computers. By 2010-2015, autonomous driving technology is estimated to reach a reliable state, leading to more autonomous miles driven than manual miles by 2030. The widespread adoption of this technology will raise legal and societal issues that need to be addressed.

These advancements do not aim to create human-level intelligence or threaten humanity. Instead, they are intended to empower individuals and enhance their effectiveness. Autonomous driving will impact human identity, as individuals will need to adapt to new roles and identities beyond the traditional notion of human driving. The speaker sees autonomous driving as an example of artificial intelligence moving to the next generation of technology, bringing transformative changes.

As we stand on the cusp of this technological revolution, it is imperative to understand and embrace the changes brought about by AI and autonomous driving. Their potential to reshape our daily lives and societal structures is immense, offering a glimpse into a future where technology and human intelligence coexist and complement each other, leading us towards a more connected, efficient, and safer world.

Notes by: crash_function