Sam Altman (OpenAI Co-Founder) – Conversation with Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management (Sept 2023)


00:00:14 OpenAI's Vision, Technology, and Impact
00:06:56 Challenges and Potential of Democratizing Artificial Intelligence
00:12:29 Challenges and Potential of Democratizing Artificial Intelligence (cont)
00:16:03 AI's Role in Society and Business
00:23:39 Partnership and Regulation in the AI Space
00:28:14 The Future of Productivity and Risk in the AI Era
00:31:42 Leadership, Delegation, and Innovation in the Age of AI
00:36:57 Leadership, Talent, and the Culture of Innovation in Silicon Valley
00:41:34 Cultural Barriers to Innovation, Learning from Failure, and Decision-Making Strategies
00:44:41 Future Technologies, Personal Priorities, and the Concept of Legacy


The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) raises pressing questions about the technology’s future trajectory, its integration into society, and ethical considerations. Sam Altman, the leader of OpenAI, elucidates these challenges, emphasizing the empirical approach of deploying and observing AI to understand its risks and benefits. Altman reveals that the future of work will evolve rather than diminish and argues that social issues are more daunting challenges than the technical ones. Further, he notes the transformative potential of AI in various industries, even as he outlines constraints like technology and human talent that could limit progress.

Vision for Human-AI Coexistence: The Empirical Approach

Sam Altman underscores the necessity of an empirical approach to grasp the ever-evolving landscape of AI. Rather than relying solely on predictions, OpenAI’s strategy aims to deploy technology to assess its risks and benefits. This involves a symbiotic process, wherein AI and society co-evolve. Altman maintains that understanding the course of technology is complex, and the most reliable way to fathom it is through invention and observation.

Future Predictability and Altman’s Priorities

Regarding the organization’s direction, Altman articulates that OpenAI possesses a clear roadmap for the coming years. This extends to his personal responsibilities, where the focus is mainly on research, product scaling, and technical aspects. Altman also emphasizes the fluid nature of the technological landscape, accepting that things will inevitably change and that OpenAI will adapt and learn along the way.

Mission and Challenges: Aligning AI with Humanity

While optimistic about solving the technical aspects of aligning AI with human values, Altman underscores that social issues pose a more significant challenge. Unresolved questions about whose values to prioritize and how to share the benefits of AI are prominent concerns, pointing to societal issues that need resolution.

User Adoption and Creative Applications

One of the more unexpected developments for Altman has been the creative ways people have incorporated AI into their lives and businesses. Despite the limitations of current AI models, people have re-engineered their workflows to include them. Altman cited examples ranging from developers becoming more productive to laundromat owners using AI for tasks like marketing and legal document reviews.

Global Perspectives on AI Adoption

Altman’s international travels have revealed a dichotomy in attitudes toward AI. In developing nations, there is an emphasis on the immediate economic benefits AI can offer. In contrast, developed countries manifest more concern about potential downsides, resulting in a more tempered form of excitement about AI technologies.

Constraints and the Competitive Landscape

Altman identifies technological limitations, specifically in chips, and human talent as major constraints in advancing AI further. While discussing the competitive landscape, Altman maintains that although OpenAI aims to be a leader in the field, the competition will ultimately benefit the users.

Regulatory Considerations: Self-Regulation vs Government Oversight

Altman concedes that while self-regulation is essential, it cannot be the only form of governance in the AI industry. Governmental involvement is critical, especially as AI technologies become increasingly powerful. This sentiment extends to potential regulations in Europe and the necessity for global governance for the most potent AI systems.

Future of Work and Society

Altman is optimistic about the future of work, foreseeing a transformation rather than elimination. He posits that people will engage in more fulfilling work as AI and other technologies evolve.

Navigating a Complex Landscape

As OpenAI continues to shape the landscape of artificial intelligence, its leader, Sam Altman, offers an intricate portrait of a field in flux. While there is palpable excitement for what AI could offer, the challenges particularly the social and ethical ones are substantial. Altman’s perspectives serve as a roadmap to the complexities that lie ahead, reminding us that understanding AI is a continual, empirical process that necessitates active engagement from all sectors of society.

Notes by: empiricist