Ron Conway (SV Angel Founder) – Startup School 2013 (Oct 2013)


00:00:00 Silicon Valley Investment Lessons
00:11:08 How to Avoid Common Fundraising Mistakes: Advice from Ron Conway
00:19:31 Qualities Investors Look for in Founders
00:22:50 Changing Face of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Age


The Genius of Ron Conway: Decoding His Investment Philosophy and Impact on Tech Startups


Ron Conway, a seasoned investor renowned for his sharp eye in identifying potential tech giants, stands out in the venture capital world with a philosophy rooted in investing in people first, recognizing patterns in social apps, and emphasizing user engagement. His approach, which has shaped the tech landscape, offers profound insights into the evolution of venture capital, the significance of founder qualities, and the dynamic shift in the tech industry. This article, drawing from Conway’s philosophy and key examples like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, delves into the intricacies of his investment strategies and their impact on the startup ecosystem.

Investing in People: A Cornerstone of Conway’s Philosophy

Ron Conway’s investment philosophy prioritizes the importance of the people behind a startup, placing immense value on the character, determination, and ability of founders. These traits are considered crucial predictors of a startup’s success. His approach is exemplified in his investments in major social apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where the qualities of the founders played a significant role in his decision-making process.

Pattern Recognition: The Social App Phenomenon

Conway’s ability to identify patterns in successful social apps has been a transformative aspect of his investment strategy. He foresaw the potential of platforms like Facebook and Twitter to captivate massive user bases, allowing him to spot opportunities in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

User Engagement: The Hallmark of Success

Conway emphasizes the importance of user engagement, viewing active user interaction as a critical indicator of a product’s potential and longevity. His investment strategies are steered towards products that resonate with users and foster a loyal, active community.

Strategic Investments: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest

Conway’s strategic investments in Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest highlight his knack for identifying not just promising products but also visionary founders. His investment in Twitter was influenced by Evan Williams’ integrity and Jack Dorsey’s clear vision. His involvement with Facebook started through connections and was solidified by Mark Zuckerberg’s confidence. Pinterest’s success, attributed to Ben Silberman’s persistence and user-focused approach, further exemplifies Conway’s strategic choices.

Early Investments and the Founders Behind Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Snapchat


Conway’s initial involvement with Twitter was influenced by his acquaintance with Evan Williams, founder of Odeo. Impressed by Williams’ integrity, Conway invested in Twitter, which rapidly grew and convinced him of its potential.


Conway’s involvement with Facebook began through Sean Parker, a mutual investor. He was impressed by Zuckerberg’s vision and confidence, which eventually led to Facebook’s immense growth, far exceeding initial predictions.


Conway identified Snapchat as a potential game-changer in the social app landscape, recognizing patterns in successful social apps and their impact on communication.


Pinterest, discovered by the SV Angel team and Shanna Fisher, stood out for its unique concept of “pinning aspirations.” Conway was impressed by Ben Silberman’s persistence and dedication to iterating the product based on user feedback.

Beyond Capital: The Value-Added Investor

Conway advises founders to seek investors who offer more than capital, highlighting the importance of industry expertise and connections. This is exemplified by Airbnb’s decision to choose Andreessen Horowitz over higher offers, demonstrating the transformative value of strategic partnerships.

Insights into Selecting Investors and Qualities of Successful Founders

Avoiding Fundraising Mistakes and Choosing Value-Added Investors:

Conway stresses the importance of selecting investors who contribute substantial value beyond capital. He points to Airbnb’s choice of Andreessen Horowitz, whose expertise and guidance proved invaluable, as a prime example.

Promising Signs in Founders:

Conway values product focus and unwavering dedication in founders, traits exemplified by entrepreneurs like Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and Silberman. His extensive experience since 1994 has informed his insights on the qualities of successful founders.

Maintaining Momentum in Fundraising and Negotiations

Conway emphasizes maintaining momentum in fundraising, suggesting strategies like setting deadlines and securing written commitments. His advice on negotiating favorable terms in acquisition scenarios reflects his deep understanding of the investment landscape.

Changes in the Startup Climate and Evolving Landscape

Changes in the Startup Landscape:

The startup climate has become more favorable due to lower starting costs and shifts from web to mobile. The migration of tech companies to vibrant startup ecosystems is a notable trend.

Evolution of Intellectual Property:

The focus of intellectual property has shifted from algorithms to user interface and design, reflecting changes in the tech landscape.

Founder Qualities: The Backbone of Startup Success

Conway identifies key qualities in founders, such as product focus, decisiveness, and team-building ability, as indicators of potential success. He views these traits as essential for entrepreneurial growth.

The Role of Mentorship in Entrepreneurial Growth

Conway’s commitment to mentoring entrepreneurs demonstrates his belief in the transformative power of guidance and support in the entrepreneurial journey.

In conclusion, Ron Conway’s investment philosophy and approach have significantly influenced the startup ecosystem. His focus on people, pattern recognition in social apps, and emphasis on user engagement have not only guided his investment decisions but have also shaped the broader tech landscape. As the venture capital world continues to evolve, Conway’s insights and strategies offer valuable lessons for both investors and entrepreneurs navigating the dynamic terrain of technology and innovation.

Notes by: oganesson