Rodney Brooks ( Co-founder) – Oral History | Computer History Museum (Aug 2023)


00:00:21 Founding Principles of Robotics
00:08:32 Robotics Evolution: Embracing Simplicity and Efficiency
00:12:34 Origins of the Sojourner Rover Project
00:15:01 The Journey of a Robotics Pioneer: From Vacuum Salesman to AI Visionary
00:25:21 Evolutionary Robotics and Embodiment in AI
00:37:35 Origins of Embodied AI
00:39:49 Philosophy and Robotics: The Interwoven Journey of Rodney Brooks
00:44:38 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Intelligence and Robot Naming
00:50:43 AI Evolution: Challenging Western Thought
00:54:24 Emergence in AI: Unsettling Implications
00:58:08 Emergent Properties in AI: A Historical Perspective
01:03:42 Cog, Kismet, and the Promise of Robots
01:08:39 Evolution of Humanoid Robotics and AI at MIT
01:12:47 Shifting Dynamics between AI and Computer Science Research Labs
01:14:55 Transformation of MIT's Lab for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
01:18:08 Origins of Rodney Brooks' Companies
01:20:49 From Space Exploration to Roomba: The Journey of Rodney Brooks and Robotics
01:27:48 Robots, Trade Wars, and Manufacturing in China
01:30:56 Rodney Brooks' Journey from Academia to Entrepreneurship
01:35:40 AI Expert Discusses Advances in Robotics and AI Technologies
01:39:50 Overhyped and Underestimated Advances in AI
01:42:13 AI Hype and Reality
01:45:30 The Evolution of AI and Its Impact on Society
01:52:33 The Evolution of Computation and Its Implications for the Future
01:58:12 The Future of Food, Energy, Aging, and Technology


Rodney Brooks: Shaping the Future of Robotics and AI

Rodney Brooks, a trailblazer in robotics and artificial intelligence, began his remarkable journey in Adelaide, Australia, in December 1954. Growing up in Australia until he was 22 and a half years old, his fascination for arithmetic and mathematics led him to build computers from an early age. Rodney’s academic pursuits took him to Stanford University in the United States, where he pursued his Ph.D. thesis on computer vision. Post-doctorate, he made significant contributions at CMU and returned to Stanford in 1983. During these formative years, Rodney developed a LISP system for early Sun workstations and drew inspiration from the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey,” particularly the portrayal of HAL’s AI, which would later influence his shift towards humanoid robots.

Innovations in Robotics: Rodney Brooks’ Transformative Journey

Rodney Brooks was exposed to phenomenology during his graduate studies, a philosophical approach emphasizing the lived experience of individuals and their direct engagement with the world. The phenomenological concept of “ready-at-hand” objects guided his approach to behavior-based AI, which emphasized the direct coupling between perception and action, rather than relying on abstract representations.

Rodney Brooks’ involvement in artificial life and adaptive behavior communities influenced his perspective on intelligence and the goals of AI. He questioned traditional AI approaches that focused on creating human-level intelligence and emphasized the importance of understanding how to replicate human capabilities. His early papers, including “Intelligence without Representation” and “Intelligence without Reason,” challenged conventional AI concepts and generated significant debate. These contributions earned him the Computers and Thought Award in 1991.

Revolutionizing AI with Behavior-Based Robotics

A pivotal moment in Rodney’s career came with the development of the subsumption architecture, inspired by the efficient movement of insects. This innovation allowed robots to navigate complex environments using minimal computational resources. Rodney’s endeavors in behavior-based AI significantly influenced the field, challenging the traditional sense-model-plan-act approach and emphasizing reactive, embodied systems directly interacting with the world. Rodney’s philosophy was influenced by interdisciplinary research, including Lucy Suchman’s work and Japanese researchers in the fields of simulation of adaptive behavior and artificial life.

Founding Lucid: Rodney Brooks’ Entrepreneurial Journey

In 1984, Rodney Brooks co-founded Lucid, a startup in Silicon Valley. The company initially focused on developing a Lisp compiler. Brooks secured venture funding and used an advance from a book sale as a down payment on a house in Lexington, Massachusetts. He continued working on the compiler while teaching at MIT and pursuing other research. The compiler project spanned eight years, with updates sent via cartridge tape across the country. Lucid targeted multiple computer architectures due to the fragmented market at the time. Despite initial success, investors expressed concerns about the Lisp business. Lucid shifted its focus to developing an interactive debugging environment called Cadillac. The system aimed to be comprehensive, leading to a high price point of $20,000 per seat. The company faced competition from Borland, which offered a more affordable and streamlined system. Ultimately, Lucid went out of business due to pricing and customer-related challenges.

Pioneering Contributions: From Mars Rovers to Household Robotics

Rodney’s career is marked by a series of innovative partnerships and projects. Facing NASA’s initial reluctance, he successfully landed the Sojourner rover on Mars in 1997. However, it was the unexpected commercial success of the iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner, selling millions of units, that brought his work into everyday homes. Rodney’s insights into the limitations of increased intelligence in robotics, notably in complex tasks like developing humanoid robots, have been crucial in understanding the realistic capabilities and future of AI.

iRobot: Rodney Brooks’ Journey through Collaborative Robotics iRobot was initially known as IS Robotics, a company founded with the purpose of developing and sending small rovers to explore other planets. Collaborations with Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and NASA led to the placement of an older project on Mars. iRobot experimented with numerous business models without venture capital involvement. The company sold research robots to universities, partnered with the Japanese government for nuclear power plant inspection robots, and collaborated with Hasbro to build robot toys in China. iRobot gained significant revenue from the defense department, leading to the development of PackBot robots. The Roomba, a robotic vacuum cleaner, was introduced to the market in 2002 and achieved great success. PackBot robots were deployed at the 9-11 site, assisting in search and rescue operations. They were also used in Afghanistan and Iraq to detect weapons caches and defuse roadside bombs, protecting bomb technicians. PackBot’s contribution at the Fukushima nuclear plant was notable, where it aided in the decommissioning process and provided vital information in highly radioactive areas. Rodney Brooks departed from iRobot in 2011 after 21 years, seeking a hands-on approach in a smaller organization. He recognized the changing labor landscape in China and the need for collaborative robotics to supplement human workers. Heartland/Rethink was established with the aim of integrating robots and people in manufacturing facilities, improving productivity, and enabling local production.

Rodney Brooks’ Latest Venture: Shaping the Future of Healthcare

Rodney Brooks’ journey from building neural networks as a child to pioneering robotics and AI has been transformative. His contributions have not only advanced the field but have also provided critical insights into the realistic applications and limitations of AI. As we stand on the brink of a new era in technology, Rodney’s legacy and vision offer a roadmap for harnessing AI’s potential responsibly and sustainably.

Reasons for Leaving Academia and Joining Toyota Research Institute:

– Rodney Brooks retired from MIT in 2010 to focus on entrepreneurship and give back to the academic community.

– He worked at Heartland Rethink Robotics for a few years but had to choose between returning to MIT and continuing at the startup.

– Brooks joined the board of Toyota Research Institute in 2016 and influenced their approach to collaboration.

– As the institute became more integrated within Toyota, the need for an external board diminished, and Brooks stepped down.

Rodney Brooks’ Insights on AI and Robotics:

– Rodney Brooks’ latest venture focuses on developing robots using infrared technology for disinfection and human-centered robots for warehouse assistance.

– His company, Robust AI, uses subsumption architecture, which is related to behavior trees used in many robotics projects today.

– Brooks acknowledges the use of subsumption architecture-related concepts in self-driving car projects, such as behavior trees.

– He identifies himself as an AI realist who aims to counter the exaggerated hype surrounding current AI trends.

– Brooks emphasizes the limitations of GPTs and deep learning models, arguing that they lack common sense and generalization abilities.

The Overhype of Technological Advancements:

– Rodney Brooks critiques the over-optimistic predictions and hype surrounding technological advancements, such as autonomous vehicles.

– He highlights a significant milestone in autonomous driving achieved in 1987 by Ernst Dickmans, where a vehicle drove on a public freeway at high speeds without human intervention.

– Despite this achievement, widespread deployment of autonomous vehicles took much longer than anticipated due to the complexity of real-world scenarios.

– Brooks emphasizes the need for realistic assessments of the timeframe for technological progress and cautions against over-reliance on over-optimistic predictions.

Rodney Brooks’ Reflections on AI, Computation, and the Future:

– Rodney Brooks reflects on the remarkable run of Moore’s Law, which has sustained an exponential growth in computation for an unprecedented duration.

– He emphasizes the significance of studying computing history to identify unexplored adjacencies and potential breakthroughs, revisiting past ideas, and learning from historical perspectives.

– Brooks feels honored to be selected as a CHM Fellow and expresses his gratitude for being part of a prestigious community of innovators.

– He acknowledges the challenges humanity and the planet face and expresses optimism about the potential of new technology innovations to make a positive difference.

– Brooks hopes for a future where technology addresses climate change, provides access to clean energy, and improves healthcare, creating more sustainable and equitable societies.

New Farming Methods:

Rodney Brooks emphasizes the need to reduce pollution and water usage in food production. He suggests utilizing technology, indoor farming, genetic engineering, and biological mechanisms to make agriculture more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Energy Production:

Rodney Brooks urges the transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and tidal power. He believes this is crucial to reduce pollution and promote a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Aging Population and Technology:

Rodney Brooks acknowledges the aging population’s growing needs and highlights the importance of leveraging technology to preserve their dignity, independence, and happiness. He emphasizes the potential of technology to enhance the quality of life for the elderly.

Advice for High School Students:

Rodney Brooks encourages high school students to work with others, be part of teams, and actively explore technology. He believes that these experiences foster personal and professional growth and provide valuable insights into the world of technology.

Advice for Young Innovators and Entrepreneurs:

Rodney Brooks advises young innovators and entrepreneurs to be fearless in approaching challenges. He encourages them to explore new opportunities, not be afraid of failure, and relentlessly pursue their passions.

Notes by: TransistorZero