Raia Hadsell (DeepMind Director of Robotics) – Charting the Horizons of Artificial Intelligence Research (June 2022)

In this case [controlling plasma for fusion], by the way, this was not a very large neural network. This was a very small neural network. It was really just about that algorithm about how we learn from the goals and the rewards of the system and using a neural network rather than trying to do it from using more traditional methods of control optimization.

– Hadsell @ 29:44


00:03:23 Intro & Turing
00:10:29 Current Trends in Neural Networks and AI
00:14:09 Ancient Text Restoration
00:23:11 Fusion & Controlling Plasma
00:30:20 Advanced Weather Forecasting
00:41:27 Machine Translation
00:47:50 Horizons: Language Models and Robotics
00:53:28 Q&A Part 1
01:01:50 Q&A Part 2


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping our world, from how we understand ourselves to how we control nuclear fusion and restore ancient texts. In a comprehensive discussion, Raia Hadsell, Director of Research on Robotics at DeepMind, unraveled the future of AI, delving into Turing’s early visions, the role of neuroscience, and the monumental advancements in computational technology. The journey took us through robotic control in Tokamaks, the resurrection of historical inscriptions, groundbreaking complexity in neural networks, and the infinite possibilities awaiting in AI-powered search and robotics.

Alan Turing’s Vision and the Modern AGI Revolution

Hadsell harks back to the intellectual heritage of AI by invoking Alan Turing’s unprinted work on “Intelligent Machinery” from 1948. Turing’s musings about building intelligent machines align remarkably with our present understanding of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Turing’s emphasis on training machines with data and experience, simulating human cognition, and incorporating memory, sensory inputs, and feedback mechanisms has stood the test of time. Hadsell’s discussion underscores the continuum between Turing’s insights and today’s AGI advancements, paving the way for an enlightening journey into the world of AI evolution.

Neural Networks: Resurgence and Transformation

The resurgence of neural networks and the revolutionary impact of backpropagation have reshaped the AI landscape. From their initial introduction in the 1980s to their resurgence due to computational scaling and Moore’s Law, neural networks have evolved into complex systems capable of addressing intricate challenges. Hadsell’s discourse illustrates the shift from small-scale models like “Limit 5” to the monumental “Chinchilla” with 70 billion parameters. This trend underlines the rapid growth and the immense potential of neural networks, ranging from overcoming limitations to advancing the frontiers of language generation and understanding.

Restoring the Past with AI: Ancient Text Epigraphy

In collaboration with diverse institutions, Hadsell introduces AI’s transformative role in restoring ancient texts, unlocking insights into past civilizations. The application of AI, specifically the ISECA model, has demonstrated remarkable prowess in restoring and interpreting inscribed texts. Hadsell’s discussion highlights the synergy between AI and traditional expertise, showcasing the capacity of these systems to outperform previous models and even human experts. This segment emphasizes the integration of AI as a tool for diverse professionals and its foreseeable impact on the field of ancient epigraphy.

Harnessing AI for Advanced Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasting, a field with vast implications for daily life and climate understanding, finds new horizons through AI collaboration. The collaboration between DeepMind and the UK Met Office exemplifies AI’s potential in tackling complex challenges like short-term precipitation prediction (nowcasting). The article showcases DeepMind’s approach, which leverages video prediction techniques to offer probabilistic forecasts. The significance of accurate and timely weather forecasts is underscored, hinting at AI’s role in safeguarding lives and resources from the unpredictability of weather patterns.

Machine Translation’s Revolution and Implications

From science fiction to reality, the evolution of machine translation stands as a testament to AI’s transformative power. Hadsell delves into the paradigm shift from modular translation processes to end-to-end neural network models. The integration of audio with translation through WaveNet further enriches the capabilities of these systems. Hadsell’s insights shine a light on the boundary-pushing advancements in AI-powered translation, its potential implications on language learning, and its role in bridging communication gaps across languages and cultures.

Unveiling the Future: Language Models and Robotics

In a forward-looking glimpse, Hadsell outlines the potential trajectory of AI’s impact. Language models are predicted to revolutionize search engines by enabling users to engage in in-depth conversations with AI “experts.” This democratization of knowledge is poised to reshape various disciplines. In the realm of robotics, the integration of AI into daily life remains a challenge, with robots poised to enter human spaces, providing support in areas like construction, agriculture, and waste management. Hadsell’s emphasis on responsible development, ethical considerations, and collaborative efforts in shaping AI’s future align with the ethical imperative to guide the ongoing AI revolution.

In conclusion, Raia Hadsell’s insights encompass a range of AI frontiers, from their alignment with Turing’s vision to their transformative impact in various domains. As AI continues to evolve and revolutionize industries, these discussions shed light on both the opportunities and responsibilities that come with harnessing its potential. The journey through Hadsell’s dialogues serves as an illuminating exploration of the AI landscape, unveiling the intricate interplay between innovation, ethics, and the future of technology.

Various topics covered during Q&A:

Turing’s reflections on system training, highlighted in his 1948 article “Intelligent Machinery,” centered on the role of rewards or punishments after introducing random inputs, distinct from today’s gradient descent optimization techniques.

An intriguing approach treats weather forecasting similarly to predicting video frames – where the “video” represents layers of radar information like precipitation data. Short-term weather predictions (spanning an hour or two) benefit immensely from neural networks, often resulting in better accuracy than traditional methods.

On the theoretical underpinnings of AI, Hadsell stressed the need to delve deeper into foundational questions. AI’s efficacy isn’t just dictated by the sheer volume of parameters or data. Important aspects include understanding optimization, ensuring that models neither underfit nor overfit, and comprehending the capacity of networks. The elusive nature of understanding consciousness in the AI context, often seen as a spectrum of awareness and decision-making, reflects the intricacies of neuroscience. Alan Turing’s emphasis on the role of memory in intelligent entities aligns with this perspective.

Highlighting the responsible utilization of AI technologies, concerns about deepfakes were raised, pointing to the potential harm in technology misuse. Governance and responsible AI use are paramount, especially for major players like DeepMind, Google, and Meta. While recognizing the significance of technology, it’s crucial to understand and address the inherent risks. In the realm of AI training, not all models demand human intervention. However, for algorithms like reinforcement learning, human involvement can steer the direction, especially in robotic training, accentuating the symbiosis between humans and AI.

Lastly, addressing the challenge of sparse data in AI systems, Hadsell underscored the reliance of AI systems on voluminous data for training. However, in instances where data is scanty, tools like simulation and data augmentation come to the fore. These tools can enhance limited datasets by creating variations. For instance, in training models to identify rare storms, existing storm data can be adjusted to produce additional instances. Nonetheless, while these tools are invaluable, they aren’t infallible, emphasizing the continuous need for substantial data to ensure optimal AI performance.

Notes by: Systemic01