Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago Professor) – Shiv Nadar University Convocation (May 2016)


00:00:06 Economic Considerations and Private Universities
00:14:07 Addressing the Challenges of Equitable and Affordable Education


Economic Perspectives in a Changing World: Insights from Raghuram Rajan’s Convocation Speech – Updated

In a world increasingly dominated by market forces and grappling with issues of fairness and equality, Raghuram Rajan’s convocation speech offers profound insights. Addressing various facets from the ethics of monetary exchange to the challenges of modern education, Rajan invites us to ponder the complexities of our economic and social systems. This article encapsulates his thought-provoking viewpoints, weaving together the critical themes of his address with a focus on their relevance and implications.

The Dominance of Markets and the Ethics of Money

Rajan begins with a critical examination of the ever-growing influence of markets in our lives. Echoing concerns by Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel, he highlights the potential corrupting influence of money on various aspects of life. This segment underlines the need for a balanced approach to understanding the role of markets and monetary exchange in shaping societal values.

Scarcity, Access, and Democratic Principles

Delving into the issue of scarcity and access, Rajan presents the dilemma of allocating resources in a fair manner. The example of companies hiring individuals to queue for free public tickets to congressional hearings in the U.S. brings to light the ethical questions surrounding the use of money to gain access to public events, which could potentially undermine democratic values.

Resource Allocation: Time vs. Money

Rajan explores the debate over fair resource allocation, pondering whether it’s more equitable to distribute based on time or money. He suggests that while time might appear as an equally distributed resource, varying life circumstances can create significant disparities. This segment touches on the deeper questions of equality and fairness in resource distribution.

The Controversy of Human Organ Sales

A particularly sensitive topic Rajan addresses is the sale of human organs. He acknowledges the unease surrounding this issue, yet challenges the notion that banning such transactions is necessarily beneficial for society. This discussion opens up a broader conversation about the ethics of market transactions in sensitive areas of human life.

Money’s Anonymity and Social Empowerment

Highlighting the virtues of money’s anonymity, Rajan argues that it acts as a great equalizer in a free market, especially for marginalized groups. He emphasizes its role in empowering individuals to invest in their lives and acquire resources, thus contributing to social equality.

Fairness and Support for Free Markets

Rajan identifies a strong link between societal support for free markets and the fairness in the distribution of wealth and opportunities. He notes that societies with greater equality tend to be more supportive of market systems, but warns of the growing inequality within well-run market economies, which could erode this support.

Income Inequality in Winner-Take-All Professions

Pointing to the rise of income inequality, Rajan highlights the winner-take-all nature of many modern professions. He raises concerns about the concentration of education and early childhood preparation benefits among those born into more advantageous circumstances, exacerbating income disparities.

Thoughtful Consideration for Future Policies

In his conclusion, Rajan urges graduates to critically engage with these complex issues. He emphasizes the need for thoughtful consideration of economic policies and practices, especially in addressing income inequality and ensuring fairness.

Economic Considerations and the Role of Universities

Rajan emphasizes the crucial role of universities in providing access to quality education and healthcare, thus creating equal opportunities. He suggests that thoughtful philanthropy and responsible creation and spending of wealth can enhance societal acceptance of markets and opportunities.

The Dilemma of Private Education Costs

The rising costs of private education, particularly in top research universities, is a global concern. Rajan explores solutions like MOOCs and a shift from research to teaching, acknowledging the challenges and potential trade-offs involved.

The Preference for Research Universities over Teaching Colleges

Despite the existence of teaching colleges, Rajan notes a preference for research universities for undergraduate studies. He suggests that the curiosity and updated knowledge of research professors make their teaching more engaging and challenging.

Making High-Quality Education Affordable

Rajan underscores the necessity of making high-quality education accessible and affordable. He discusses the potential of student loans, the need for careful management to ensure repayment, and the importance of preventing exploitation by unscrupulous institutions.

Concluding Thoughts: India’s Potential and the Graduates’ Role

Rajan concludes with an optimistic view of India’s future, believing that the graduating students will significantly contribute to shaping the country and the world. He encourages them to aim high, enjoy their journey, and focus on broader goals that include helping others and improving global stability.

In summary, Raghuram Rajan’s convocation speech presents a rich tapestry of economic and ethical considerations relevant in today’s world. From the role of money in society to the challenges of modern education, his insights prompt us to reflect on the need for fairness, equality, and thoughtful policies in navigating our complex economic landscape.


Economic Perspectives on Private Universities

– Private universities play a vital role in expanding access to higher education and fostering innovation and excellence.

– They offer a diverse learning environment and exposure to different perspectives, providing more individualized attention and flexibility in curriculum design.

– Collaboration with industries enhances knowledge transfer and innovation, while research capabilities contribute to the advancement of knowledge and cutting-edge technologies.

Rajan’s Advice to Graduates: Broadening Goals and Shaping a Better World

– Rajan emphasizes the need to address wealth inequality and create equal opportunities to strengthen tolerance for markets.

– Thoughtful philanthropy by successful alumni can subsidize costs for future generations and acknowledge past subsidies received.

– He encourages graduates to focus on enjoying the journey and taking others along, especially those who need help, to make the world a better and more stable place.

Addressing Challenges in Private Education

– MOOCs, while offering access to lectures, face challenges in completion rates due to distractions and lack of discipline.

– Dispensing with research may not be preferred by students, who value the updated knowledge and engaging teaching style of research professors.

Student Loans and Alumni Giving

– Rajan advocates for a contingent student loan scheme that ensures repayment while forgiving loans for those facing financial difficulties or pursuing low-paying public service jobs.

– Preventing exploitation by unscrupulous institutions is crucial in ensuring the integrity of the education system.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte