Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – 9/11, Afghanistan and Americas role in the Middle East (Sep 2021)


00:00:00 Impact of Afghanistan Withdrawal on Regional Stability
00:09:51 The Impact of Soviet Invasion on Afghanistan and the Role of Saudi Arabia
00:13:06 Saudi-US Tensions and the Future of the Relationship
00:26:54 Foreign Policy Shifts in the Middle East
00:35:43 Saudi Arabia's Role in the Islamic World and Energy Transition
00:40:02 OPEC's Role and Influence in the Global Energy Market
00:44:26 American Engagement with Afghanistan and the Middle East
00:53:23 Iran's Malign Influence in the Middle East
00:58:53 Saudi Arabia: Vision, Challenges, and Regional Development


The Complex Dynamics of Middle Eastern Politics: Insights from Prince Turki al-Faisal


Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief, offers a comprehensive analysis of the Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape, addressing various critical issues. His observations on Afghanistan’s turbulent situation, the shifting roles of global powers, Saudi Arabia’s strategic foreign policy, and the decades-long suffering of the Afghan people provide a profound understanding of the region’s intricacies. Drawing from his views, this article explores the complexities of these geopolitical dynamics, emphasizing the significance of nuanced approaches to address ongoing challenges and the future trajectory of Middle Eastern politics.


The recent collapse of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. forces have significantly shifted the global political landscape. Prince Turki al-Faisal offers a critical analysis of these events, along with broader insights into Middle Eastern politics, U.S. foreign policy, and Saudi Arabia’s evolving role in the region. This article synthesizes his observations, presenting a detailed perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the Middle East and the world.

Afghanistan’s Fall and Global Ramifications

Prince Turki al-Faisal articulates the predictable nature of the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan, partially attributing it to the loss of legitimacy during the Trump administration’s negotiations with the Taliban. He criticizes the chaotic U.S. withdrawal, drawing similarities and differences with the fall of Saigon and expressing concern about its potential domino effect on neighboring countries. He emphasizes the need for regional and international attention to the abandoned U.S.-made weapons and the ongoing threat of Al-Qaeda. In addition, he highlights the decades-long suffering of the Afghan people, underscoring the global responsibility to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis. He reflects on the impact of the Soviet invasion and Saudi Arabia’s support for the Mujahideen, acknowledging the kingdom’s role in facilitating the Soviet withdrawal and its decision to cease support due to internal conflicts. Prince Turki also mentions the pre-9/11 interactions between the Taliban and the US regarding energy pipelines and Osama bin Laden, noting that the Taliban’s support for bin Laden was not absolute, indicating a potential for negotiation.

The Role of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan

Reflecting on Saudi Arabia’s history with the Taliban, Prince Turki recounts the kingdom’s efforts in facilitating dialogues and its strong stance against the Taliban’s ties with Al-Qaeda. He notes Saudi Arabia’s past support for the Mujahideen against the Soviet invasion and its subsequent withdrawal of support due to internal conflicts. This historical perspective illuminates Saudi Arabia’s complex relationship with Afghanistan and its regional implications.

U.S. Foreign Policy and Middle Eastern Dynamics

Prince Turki discusses the U.S.’s role in Afghanistan, avoiding labeling it a definitive turning point for American global dominance. He acknowledges the strategic importance of U.S. Presidents like Nixon and Bush Sr. in shaping Middle Eastern policies. The inconsistency in U.S. foreign policy, as observed by Prince Turki, particularly under President Clinton’s tenure, exemplifies the challenges faced by the region in navigating global influences. He highlights the long-standing alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the significance of private dialogue in strengthening their relationship. Prince Turki acknowledges the progress Saudi Arabia has made in recent years, particularly on human rights, and expresses his belief that the kingdom’s evolution should be recognized. He addresses the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and the efforts being made to ensure such an incident never occurs again. He emphasizes the need for the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to collaborate in exposing the truth about 9/11 and releasing all relevant documents, exonerating Saudi Arabia from any involvement in the attacks. Prince Turki al-Faisal believes the US made a crucial mistake in diverting resources from chasing Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to attack Iraq after 9/11.

Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Foreign Policy

Responding to changing U.S. priorities, Saudi Arabia has adapted its foreign policy, focusing on developing its own strategies while maintaining cooperation with the U.S. Prince Turki anticipates Saudi Arabia assuming a more active regional role post-Afghanistan, balancing its interests with its global responsibilities, especially in the context of the Islamic world. Saudi Arabia has taken a more active role in its foreign policy since the Obama administration’s pivot to East Asia. The kingdom has engaged with America in various issues, such as the conflict in Yemen, reaching understandings on the level of support it will receive. Saudi Arabia has proposed a peaceful solution to the Yemen conflict, which the United States has supported. Prince Turki believes that Saudi Arabia will play an even greater role in the region post-Afghanistan. The kingdom will continue to engage with America on issues of mutual interest while asserting its own prerogatives.

Energy Transition and OPEC’s Role

Saudi Arabia’s acknowledgment of the changing energy landscape signifies its proactive approach in the transition to clean energy. Prince Turki highlights the kingdom’s investment in solar energy and new technologies while noting OPEC’s influence and its stance on the continued need for fossil fuels. The conflicting signals from the Biden administration regarding energy policies underscore the complexities of this transition. OPEC’s influence has fluctuated over decades. OPEC and OAPEC (Arab OPEC) were formed to address low oil prices and gain control over production. Oil companies later became partners in setting prices and production, giving producers a say in the industry. President Biden’s policy aims to reduce harmful carbon-based energy sources, causing confusion among oil producers. The policy asks producers to expand production while simultaneously discouraging the use of fossil fuels, leading to price hikes. Saudi Arabia remains committed to oil production, aiming to meet global demand. The country also invests in research for improving oil consumption and developing new energy sources like hydrogen, solar, and wind.

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights and International Relations

Addressing human rights issues, Prince Turki emphasizes the progress under King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He acknowledges the impact of the Jamal Khashoggi murder on Saudi Arabia’s reputation, underscoring the country’s efforts to move forward and its broader commitment to positive change.

Regional Security and Failed States

The need for reassurances of American commitment to regional security is a focal point for Prince Turki, especially considering the recent attacks on Saudi Arabia. He underscores the urgency of addressing failed states like Lebanon, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and the detrimental role of Iran and Hezbollah in these scenarios. He highlights the challenges of failed states like Lebanon, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. He emphasizes the need to address regional instability and Iran’s extraterritorial ambitions. Lebanon: Hezbollah’s growth and influence in Lebanon have led to severe consequences for the Lebanese people, including starvation and lack of medical care. The Lebanese politicians failed to recognize Hezbollah’s manipulation and are now paying the price. Iran’s Malign Influence: Iran is the region’s most malign actor, supplying the Houthis in Yemen with missiles and drones in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2216. Iran supported Bashar al-Assad’s brutal regime in Syria and sent Hezbollah and Shia militias to his aid. Russia’s support for Assad, despite his terrorist actions, is incomprehensible. Arab governments are now engaging with Assad, which is a mistake given his ongoing atrocities against his own people. America’s waning influence in the Middle East is a concern, and the US should provide reassurances about its commitments to the region.


Prince Turki al-Faisal’s insights offer a profound understanding of the current state and

future prospects of Middle Eastern politics. His upcoming book, “The Afghanistan File,” promises to further elaborate on these themes. The complexities of regional politics, the evolving roles of global powers, and the strategic positioning of Saudi Arabia are critical elements in comprehending the future trajectory of Middle Eastern and global politics.

Notes by: Alkaid