Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – The Afghanistan File | Royal Society for Asian Affairs (Sep 2021)


00:00:40 Saudi Perspectives on Afghanistan
00:03:55 Saudi Arabia's Modernization and Challenges in a Turbulent Region
00:14:09 Perils of the Middle East
00:21:57 Taliban's Ideological Framework and International Community's Response
00:30:03 International Engagement with the Taliban: Challenges and Opportunities
00:39:31 Challenges and Opportunities for the West in Afghanistan
00:43:50 Reforming the United Nations Security Council
00:49:05 Shifting Alliances in a Multipolar World
00:55:12 Right War to Forever War: The Missed Opportunities to End the War on Terror
00:59:03 Afghanistan's Complex Tribal Composition and the Taliban's Governance Challenges
01:03:29 China's Influence in Afghanistan and the Palestinian File
01:07:21 Turki al-Faisal Discusses the Future of Diplomacy and Afghanistan
01:14:19 Diplomatic Successes and Challenges in the Modern World
01:16:45 Saudi Arabia: Addressing Common Misconceptions
01:21:58 Appreciations and Remarks for Concluding an Event


Updated Article: “Navigating Complex Geo-Political Landscapes: Insights from Prince Turki al-Faisal’s Lecture”

In a profound lecture at the Royal Geographical Society in London, Prince Turki al-Faisal captivated the audience with his expert insights on a range of pressing issuesfrom Afghanistan’s tumultuous history and the Taliban’s evolving ideology to Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030 and the shifting dynamics of regional politics. Addressing historical perspectives, current challenges, and future ambitions, Prince Turki’s lecture, honoring Hugh Leach, not only revisited Lord Curzon’s foresight about Afghanistan’s continued geopolitical significance but also delved into Saudi Arabia’s transformative journey and its assertive regional ambitions, encapsulating the complexities of modern Middle Eastern politics. The lecture was organized by the Royal Society for Asian Affairs in memory of British soldier, diplomat, and author Hugh Leach, whose legacy continues to influence the society’s success.

Segment Summaries and Analysis:

Historical Context and Predictions:

The lecture began with a reflection on Lord Curzon’s 1906 prediction about Afghanistan’s perpetual geopolitical relevance, underscoring the country’s enduring strategic importance. This foresight formed the backbone of the lecture’s exploration of Afghanistan’s historical and ongoing challenges.

Prince Turki’s Expertise and Perspectives:

Prince Turki al-Faisal, with his extensive experience, particularly concerning the Taliban’s rise and Saudi Arabia’s development, offered a unique lens to understand the intricate dynamics of the region. His discussion covered a range of topics from the historical migration patterns and population growth in Saudi Arabia to the nation’s evolving foreign policy and stance on issues like the reinterpretation of Sharia law. A significant part of his discussion centered on the transformation of Saudi Arabia, including the expansion of women’s rights and their increasing role in society, while adhering to the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad’s sayings in Saudi courts.

The Taliban’s Ethnic Composition and Governance Prospects were also discussed. The Taliban, predominantly composed of Pashtuns, who represent approximately 95% of its members, face challenges in governing a diverse country like Afghanistan, where Pashtuns make up around 40-43% of the population. The underrepresentation of other ethnic groups such as Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras within the Taliban raises concerns about its ability to effectively govern and represent Afghanistan. The Taliban’s commitment to inclusivity, extending to all regions and communities, is crucial for stability.

China’s Changing Role in the region was also highlighted. China’s assistance to the Mujahideen during the Jihad against the Soviet Union and its growing relations with Afghanistan, including maintaining links with the Taliban, indicates its intention to expand influence in the region. China’s interest in mining precious metals in Afghanistan and its dealings with both the previous government and the Taliban were discussed.

Vision 2030 and Saudi Transformation:

The ambitious Vision 2030 underscores Saudi Arabia’s proactive efforts in diversifying its economy and modernizing its societal structures. The initiatives for economic diversification, including tourism and renewable energy, mark a pivotal shift in the Kingdom’s developmental trajectory. Vision 2030 aims to diversify the economy, create opportunities for citizens, and reduce dependence on oil. The inclusion of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and public reporting during the budget year ensure accountability. The opening up of tourism and the focus on clean energy production, including hydrogen, solar, and wind, reflect Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plans for the future.

Regional Challenges and Saudi Responses:

In addressing challenges such as terrorism, the Yemeni civil war, and regional conflicts, Prince Turki shed light on Saudi Arabia’s proactive role in peace initiatives and its stance against Iran’s influence. These insights underline the Kingdom’s multifaceted approach to regional stability and security. Saudi Arabia’s support for the legitimate government in Yemen against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebellion underscores its commitment to regional stability. The Kingdom’s involvement in other regional issues, including the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine and the turmoil in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, highlights its active role in addressing regional challenges.

The Taliban’s Ideological Roots and Governance Challenges:

The lecture delved into the Taliban’s Deobandi ideological roots and their implications for governance in ethnically diverse Afghanistan. Prince Turki’s discussion on the Taliban’s recent actions versus their public statements offered a critical perspective on the group’s governance challenges and international relations.

Prince Turki al-Faisal on the Current State of Diplomacy and the Challenges Facing the Two-State Solution:

Prince Turki al-Faisal emphasized the importance of overcoming the rift between Hamas and Fatah, as it hinders the viability of the two-state solution. He believes that Israel’s refusal to engage in negotiations is partly due to this division. He does not expect the Biden administration to exert significant pressure on Israel to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians. Biden has publicly stated his commitment to the two-state solution, but al-Faisal believes Biden is unlikely to expend political capital to bring about an agreement. Egypt has been actively trying to mediate and resolve the rift between Hamas and Fatah, but their efforts have not yet been successful.

Palestine and the Two-State Solution:

The Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, Hossam Zumlod, praised Prince Turki al-Faisal’s eloquence and support for Arab issues, particularly his insightful analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The current situation in Palestine is challenging, with an intransigent Israeli government and unprecedented steps that threaten the two-state solution. The Biden administration supports the two-state solution but does not believe the conditions are currently suitable. Prince Turki al-Faisal was asked for his advice on how to proceed with the Palestinian file, given the boiling situation on the ground and the possibility of another confrontation. The Arab Peace Initiative, in which Prince Turki al-Faisal participated, has been ignored, adding to the complexity of the situation.

Western Engagement and Recommendations:

Prince Turki emphasizes the importance of Western governments holding the Taliban accountable for their commitments and suggesting engagement with regional powers for influence. Recalling past interactions with the Taliban, he highlights the complexities of dealing with the group and the importance of careful diplomacy.

Saudi Arabia’s Future and Foreign Policy:

While Prince Turki refrains from speculating on Saudi Arabia’s future, he emphasizes the need for UN Security Council reform, reflecting on Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy objectives and its desire to play a more assertive role in global affairs.

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Implications:

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan signals a shift in global politics, prompting Gulf states to reassess their alliances. Prince Turki’s insights into this shift and its impact on regional geopolitics, including Saudi Arabia’s response, are particularly noteworthy.

China’s Role in Afghanistan and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict:

The discussion also touched upon China’s growing influence in Afghanistan and the persistent challenges in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Prince Turki’s comments reflect the intricate web of international relations affecting Middle Eastern geopolitics.

Conclusion and Additional Insights:

The lecture concluded with additional insights on the role of diplomacy, the nature of ongoing conflicts, and the importance of multilateralism in addressing global challenges. Prince Turki’s candid reflections, alongside his endorsement of Michael Field’s book and the appreciation expressed by other speakers, underscored the event’s significance in fostering understanding of the complex geopolitical landscapes of the Middle East. The lecture not only offered a rich tapestry of historical and contemporary perspectives but also highlighted the importance of informed and nuanced approaches to addressing the multifaceted challenges facing the region and the world at large.

Supplemental Information:

Prince Turki al-Faisal believes that President Biden is committed to bringing back diplomacy, but his withdrawal from Kabul was not very diplomatic. He cites successes such as ending the rift between Qatar and the GCC and resolving conflicts between Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well as Eritrea and Djibouti.

The late brother of Prince Turki al-Faisal defined a diplomat as someone who says “yes” or “no” when they mean “maybe” and says “maybe” when they mean “no.” Prince Turki is not sure whether present-day diplomats follow this definition.

The author of the article, having written six books, expresses contentment with his latest work, facing no doubts or reservations upon its completion. He emphasizes that he did not avoid sensitive topics or questions that might embarrass Prince Turki.

The author refutes the claim that Saudi Arabia supported the Taliban, highlighting its status quo nature and aversion to revolutionary movements. He argues that Saudi Arabia would not naturally support a movement like the Taliban and would likely have provided support through Pakistan if it had chosen to.

Speaker 07 wholeheartedly recommends Michael Field’s book on Saudi Arabia, finding it accurate and honest. He credits his conversations in Princess Turkey for the book’s authenticity.

The online audience experienced sound issues towards the end of the event. A recording of the event will be available on the Royal Society for Asian Affairs’ YouTube channel.

The Royal Society for Asian Affairs presented a reproduction of an original drawing depicting the bestowal of the Grand Cross of the Bath from George V to Ibn Saud in 1935 to Prince Turki al-Faisal.

His Royal Highness mentioned that two generations of his family, including his daughter and grandchildren, are studying in England.

Notes by: MythicNeutron