Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – National Council on US-Arab Relations 40th Anniversary (Nov 2023)


00:00:32 Israeli Occupation and Its Continuing Impact on the Palestinian People
00:08:02 The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Call for Peace and Justice
00:16:10 Saudi Arabia's Vision for Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East
00:25:11 Saudi-American Goodwill and Diplomacy


Updated Article:

“HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal’s Insightful Speech: A Call for Peace and Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal, in his impactful address at the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations 40th Anniversary Celebration, emphasized the urgent need for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He expressed deep appreciation for Dr. John Duke Antony’s leadership in fostering US-Arab relations and critically analyzed the ongoing Israeli occupation and its severe consequences on Palestinians. Highlighting the Israeli military’s disproportionate use of force, Prince Turki condemned both Hamas’s actions and Israeli policies, advocating for a just and comprehensive peace based on international law. Additionally, he underscored Saudi Arabia’s commitment to moderation and peace efforts in the region, challenging polarized discourse and stressing the importance of dialogue and alliances.

John Duke Antony’s Visionary Leadership:

Prince Turki Al Faisal recognized the visionary efforts of Dr. John Duke Antony in establishing and guiding the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations for four decades. Antony’s remarkable contributions have left an indelible mark on the world, fostering understanding, knowledge, and constructive dialogue between the United States and its Arab partners.

The Enduring Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:

Prince Turki expressed concern over the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has persisted for decades without significant progress or resolution. He emphasized the need to break free from repetitive debates and diatribes that have failed to yield positive outcomes.

The Human Cost of the Conflict:

The conflict has resulted in numerous wars and countless lives lost, yet no substantial changes have been made. Cycles of violence, negotiations, and temporary ceasefires have failed to address the underlying issues and grievances, leading to continued suffering for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land:

Prince Turki identified Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land as the core issue perpetuating the conflict. The occupation is unlawful and has led to decades of colonization, human rights abuses, destruction, displacement, and abject poverty for the Palestinian people.

The Gaza Blockade and Humanitarian Crisis:

The Israeli blockade of Gaza has caused immense suffering, with limited access to basic necessities like clean water, electricity, and healthcare. The people of Gaza have essentially been trapped in a concentration camp, facing widespread poverty, starvation, and high unemployment.

Water Crisis and Destruction of Infrastructure:

Israeli security forces have damaged or destroyed hundreds of water wells in Gaza, leading to water quality issues and limited access to clean water. In the West Bank, Palestinians face restrictions on essential services, home demolitions, and harassment of students, impeding their access to education.

Israeli Oppression and Domination:

Prince Turki highlighted the oppressive and dominating practices imposed by Israel on Palestinians, including illegal military practices and segregation. This oppression creates a system of apartheid, leading to hopelessness, despair, and humiliation, contributing to the ongoing cycle of violence.

Israeli Aggression and Palestinian Suffering:

Israel’s military incursions, excessive force, and collective punishment have resulted in numerous casualties, including innocent civilians, women, and children. The ongoing violence has claimed the lives of over 11,000 Palestinians since October 7th, including 450 in May-July 2021. The unlawful construction of Israeli colonies in the occupied territories further exacerbates the situation.

Call for International Action:

The international community must take decisive action to bring all parties together for a fair and permanent resolution to the conflict. American leaders should express sorrow for the deaths of Palestinians and address their plight, as they do for the Israeli people. Dialogue, negotiation, and commitment to international law are essential for a just and lasting solution.

Recognition of Palestinian Rights:

The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital must be recognized. America has a moral obligation to stand up for the rights of all people, regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity, including Palestinians.

Recognition of American Support for Palestinian Independence:

HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal expressed gratitude for the American people’s support and sympathy towards the Palestinian people’s desire for independence from Israeli occupation. Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to the streets in major cities worldwide, demonstrating their solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Saudi Arabia’s Perspective:

Prince Turki criticized Israel’s funding of Hamas and Western bias towards Israel. He advocates for civil resistance against occupation and highlights Saudi Arabia’s efforts for peace and support for Palestinian rights. Vision 2030 aims to transform Saudi Arabia by promoting moderation, eliminating extremism, and fostering economic diversification. The kingdom seeks collaboration with others to achieve a region of diversity, inclusivity, and economic growth.

The conflict has no heroes, only victims, and all parties must work towards ending the violence and finding a peaceful resolution. Prince Turki’s departure to the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain symbolized his ongoing commitment to these ideals. The speaker’s response reaffirmed Prince Turki’s dedication to fostering US-Arab relations through dialogue, marking a continued journey towards peace and understanding in the Middle East.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte