Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations – 40th Anniversary (Nov 2023)


00:00:00 40th Anniversary of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
00:04:49 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Perpetual State of Stalemate and Ongoing Injustice
00:15:10 Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Beyond the Headlines
00:19:30 Saudi Arabia's Commitment to Peace and Progress
00:25:06 A Shared Vision for a Better Future: Collaboration and Dialogue in a Globalized World
00:30:01 Bridge Building Awards: Honoring Mohamed El-Arian and David Petraeus
00:34:49 Accolades and Introduction of General David Petraeus
00:44:11 Strategic Leadership in Conflict and Warfare
00:48:56 International Business and Public Service Achievements of Mohammed Abu El-Enin
01:00:03 Arab Leaders' Peace Initiatives and the Ongoing Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
01:03:24 Tributaries of Influence, Friendship, and Dedication
01:06:07 The Necessity for Statespeople in Resolving Complex Global Challenges
01:14:30 Principles for Effective Leadership


40 Years of Diplomacy and Dialogue: The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations hosted a gala that brought together key figures like HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal and Delano Roosevelt. The event shone a spotlight on pressing issues in U.S.-Arab relations, with a focus on the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Prince Turki’s keynote address and subsequent speeches underscored the need for a peaceful resolution, criticized the ongoing violence, and called for decisive international action. The council’s legacy and vision, coupled with its commitment to education and dialogue, spotlighted the urgency to address the Palestinian plight and seek a just and lasting peace in the region.

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations: A Legacy of Dialogue and Education

Celebrating 40 years of fostering U.S.-Arab relations through education and action, the National Council has a rich history of promoting mutual understanding and cooperation. Delano Roosevelt, President and CEO, highlighted the council’s enduring commitment to these goals at the anniversary gala.

HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal’s Visionary Address

Prince Turki, a close family friend of the Roosevelts, paid tribute to Dr. John Duke Antony, the council’s founder, for his visionary leadership. His speech emphasized the importance of visionary leadership for a brighter future, particularly in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A History of Injustice

The conflict, marked by prolonged suffering and injustice, remains unresolved due to Israel’s occupation and failure to recognize Palestinian rights. Palestinian suffering, particularly in Gaza, is exacerbated by Israeli military actions, colonization, and blockade.

Urgent Call for International Action and American Empathy

Speakers at the event urged the international community, especially the United States, to empathize with Palestinian suffering and work towards a fair resolution. Emphasized was the need for dialogue and adherence to international law, including Palestinian self-determination.

Arab Peace Initiatives and the Need for a Final Solution

In 2002, 22 Arab countries presented initiatives to Israel, proposing a withdrawal to the 1967 borders and cooperation between the two nations. However, Israel has rejected these offers. At a conference, a Palestinian leader suggested a one-state or two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, Israel rejected both proposals. The speaker emphasizes the need for a conscience-driven approach to the conflict, considering the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. The speaker acknowledges the support from the United States and Egypt in promoting a ceasefire and dialogue between Hamas and Israel. The speaker stresses the urgency of finding a final solution to the conflict to prevent further escalation and danger.

Condemning Violence from All Sides

The event saw condemnation of both Hamas’s attacks on civilians and Israel’s indiscriminate bombings and forced displacements. The ongoing violence dehumanizes all involved and demands urgent resolution.

Saudi Arabia’s Stance on Regional Peace

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by Prince Turki, advocated for a ceasefire and a revived peace process based on the Arab Peace Initiative. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is seen as a step towards regional stability, focusing on moderation and economic development.

Dr. Mohamed El-Arian and General David H. Petraeus: Diverse Perspectives

Dr. El-Arian, an economist and educator, and General Petraeus, a military leader, contributed their perspectives on U.S.-Arab relations and the conflict. Petraeus emphasized strategic leadership and the need to counter extremism in the region.

Mohammed Abu El-Enin’s Perspective and the Call for a Peaceful Resolution

El-Enin, honored for his public service, highlighted the need for immediate action towards peace, stressing the importance of addressing the 1967 borders and Palestinian rights. He called for international, especially American, intervention to pressure Israel towards a peaceful resolution.

The Role of Education and Youth in Addressing the Conflict

The council’s focus on educating the youth about the Palestinian conflict was highlighted as a critical step towards finding solutions. The importance of preparing young individuals to become knowledgeable and engaged in complex global issues was emphasized.

Honoring Binduk’s Contributions to Arab World Education and Human Rights Advocacy

Speaker_02 highlights Binduk’s adventurous spirit and his extensive travels in Middle Eastern countries and Arab cities over half a century ago, when such journeys were challenging. Binduk’s expertise as a historian and scholar has enabled him to teach multiple generations of U.S. military, political, and academic leaders about the Arab world, providing them with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the region. Binduk has also taken many of these leaders on guided tours to the Arab world, offering them firsthand experiences and exposure to the region’s complexities and challenges. Binduk’s dedication to education and understanding extends to his founding of the National Council, a notable organization dedicated to promoting knowledge and engagement with the Arab world. He also established the Model Arab League, widely recognized for its role in educating American youth about issues pertaining to Arab countries and their global relations. Speaker_02 commends Binduk’s resilience in overcoming physical challenges and obstacles to normal movement, demonstrating his unwavering determination to contribute to solving complex issues. Binduk’s unwavering advocacy for human rights in various settings is highlighted, earning him respect and admiration from those who know him. Speaker_02 expresses gratitude to Binduk for his friendship, hard work, and dedication to the cause of Arab world education and human rights advocacy. Cynthia Anthony, Binduk’s wife, is acknowledged for her unwavering support and partnership in his endeavors. The National Council’s board and staff are recognized for their commitment to the organization’s vision and mission.

A Life Devoted to Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Peace

The speaker’s initial dream was to become a professional baseball player. Injuries forced them to change direction, leading them to pursue higher education and eventually participate in demonstrations after George Floyd’s murder. Exposure to the Gaza Strip and interactions with Palestinian refugees greatly impacted the speaker, leading them to devote their life to addressing this issue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of strengthening and expanding America’s relationships with Arab friends, partners, and strategic allies, with a clear mission and strategic guidance. The speaker highlights the need for commitment, conviction, and courage to address the situation in Palestine, emphasizing the clarity of the issue and its roots. They discuss the ongoing conflicts and confrontations rooted in the same issue, emphasizing the need for capable individuals to address them. The speaker calls for statesmen and stateswomen who can rise above leadership and address complex challenges, providing examples of individuals who have made significant contributions. The speaker stresses the importance of education and training to help youth understand the roots of complex challenges, questioning the purpose of life beyond attending events and auctions.

The Way Forward

The event concluded with a strong message: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with no clear heroes but many victims, demands urgent international attention and action. A just and lasting peace is essential, requiring dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to international norms and human rights.

In sum, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ 40th anniversary gala not only celebrated its past achievements but also set a forward-looking agenda. It highlighted the critical need for continued dialogue, education, and international action to resolve the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing a future of peace, understanding, and mutual respect.

Notes by: Alkaid