Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – Interview in France (Mar 2023)


00:00:48 Saudi-American Relations and the Role of Aramco
00:03:53 Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century
00:13:40 Saudi Arabia: Presumptions and Changes
00:17:32 Global Changes and Their Impact on International Relations


The Evolving Geopolitical Landscape: Saudi Arabia at the Crossroads of Power, Diplomacy, and Transformation

In the rapidly shifting sands of global politics, Saudi Arabia stands as a pivotal player, navigating complex relationships with major powers while striving for internal reforms and facing critical challenges. This article synthesizes key insights into Saudi Arabia’s economic growth, strategic alliances, and evolving global relations, providing a comprehensive view of the Kingdom’s current position and future trajectory.

Saudi Arabia’s Economic Boom and Aramco’s Success

At the heart of Saudi Arabia’s economic prowess lies its oil wealth. The Kingdom has experienced significant economic growth due to its abundant oil revenues, epitomized by Aramco’s staggering $160 billion profit. This success is a testament to the government’s effective planning and management in harnessing its natural resources.

The Enduring Saudi-American Alliance

Since World War II, the United States has been a crucial ally of Saudi Arabia. Despite occasional challenges, this relationship has persevered, underpinned by shared interests in security, economics, and people-to-people ties. The recent visit of President Biden to Saudi Arabia and discussions on increased oil production underscore the complex yet enduring nature of this alliance.

Shifting Geopolitical Dynamics

Recent developments, such as the evolving relationship with Iran and President Biden’s visit, signal a shift in Saudi Arabia’s geopolitical strategy. The Kingdom is actively diversifying its partnerships and asserting its independence, all while maintaining strategic alliances, especially with the United States.

The Khashoggi Affair and its Impact

The Khashoggi affair, involving the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, strained US-Saudi relations. However, the subsequent visit by President Biden, focusing on increased oil production, highlights the nuanced and multifaceted nature of their relationship.

Saudi Arabia’s Diverse International Relations

Saudi Arabia’s global relations extend beyond the US. Its burgeoning ties with China, as its largest trading partner, and ongoing negotiations to improve relations with Iran reflect a balanced and strategic approach. Additionally, the Kingdom has been vocal in criticizing the international community for perceived double standards in addressing conflicts and human rights issues.

The Bin Laden Saga and Saudi Perspectives

Prince Turki clarified that Osama bin Laden acted independently in supporting the Afghan resistance against the Soviet occupation, without support from the US or Saudi Arabia. This narrative challenges commonly held perceptions about Saudi Arabia’s role in global terrorist activities.

Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Accountability

Prince Turki rejects the dichotomy between democracies and authoritarian regimes, advocating for universal accountability. He condemns Russian aggression against Ukraine and supports the preservation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Critique of the CIA Report on Khashoggi’s Murder

Al Saoud criticized the CIA report for its lack of concrete evidence and reliance on assumptions, highlighting the complexities of international political narratives.

Saudi Arabia’s Judicial Evolution

Acknowledging the imperfections of its judicial system, Saudi Arabia, as a developing country, is striving for progress. The Kingdom seeks to improve its legal framework autonomously, without external pressures.

The Promise of Reform in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has witnessed significant transformations since its inception, marked by reforms under King Abdullah and King Salman. These changes, including the inclusion of women in the consultative assembly and municipal elections, reflect a gradual shift towards broader citizen participation.

Global Dynamics and the United Nations

The world is transitioning from a unipolar to a multipolar order, with non-Western countries gaining prominence. This shift necessitates a reevaluation of the United Nations’ structure, particularly the Security Council’s veto power, to better reflect the evolving global landscape.

Non-Western Perspectives in a Historical Context

Saudi Arabia’s unique perspective, stemming from its history of never being colonized, influences its view on global dynamics. The Kingdom emphasizes equitable partnerships, as evidenced by the historical relationship between King Abdelaziz and President Roosevelt.

The Role of Secrecy and Prince Turki’s Memoirs

Prince Turki’s memoirs, shedding light on his tenure as intelligence chief and Saudi Arabia’s role in global events, underscore the importance of discretion in maintaining diplomatic relationships.

September 11th: A Defining Moment

The September 11th attacks marked a watershed moment in international relations, prompting a reevaluation of issues like Islamophobia, discrimination, and global cooperation.

Prince Turki’s Legacy

Prince Turki’s remarkable 24-year tenure as head of secret services and his contributions to global diplomacy reflect Saudi Arabia’s significant role in international affairs.

Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Relationships and Strategic Partnerships

Saudi Arabia’s participation in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 showcases its historical engagement in international affairs. Abdelaziz’s son, Turki bin Fayal Al Saoud, represented the provinces of Arabia at the conference, establishing early diplomatic ties.

Saudi Arabia’s strategic alliances have been instrumental in shaping its economic growth. The Kingdom’s relationship with the United States has been a cornerstone of its foreign policy, with King Abdel Aziz meeting President Roosevelt in 1945. President Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia in 2022 further highlights the evolving nature of this partnership.

Amidst a changing geopolitical landscape, Saudi Arabia navigates complex relationships with various global powers. The Kingdom seeks to balance its ties with the United States, China, Russia, and Iran, pursuing strategic partnerships to maintain its regional and international influence.

Saudi Prince Discusses Relations with China, Iran, and the West

Saudi Arabia’s relationship with China, its largest trading partner, is characterized by mutual economic benefits. Saudi Arabia relies on China for technical expertise, weapons, and other goods, while China relies on Saudi Arabia as a major source of oil. Despite its strategic partnership with the United States, Saudi Arabia views China as a necessary and important partner, avoiding alignment with either superpower.

Saudi Arabia’s relationship with Iran, on the other hand, is more strained. Diplomatic ties between the two countries were severed for seven years, but Saudi Arabia seeks to improve relations through negotiations. Recognizing mutual interests and aiming to influence Iran’s conduct, Saudi Arabia hopes to ease tensions in the region.

Saudi Arabia criticizes the West’s perceived double standards in addressing global issues. The Kingdom points to the condemnation of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine while overlooking Israel’s actions against Palestine. This perceived bias leads Saudi Arabia to question the fairness and consistency of the international community’s responses to conflicts and human rights violations.

A Dialogue on Saudi Arabia’s Controversial Actions and Future Changes

Saudi Arabia’s response to the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi drew international scrutiny. Turki bin Fayal Al Saoud denounced the murder as a heinous crime and emphasized that those responsible were apprehended and jailed. However, he refuted the CIA report claiming the involvement of the supreme Saudi authority, citing the absence of concrete evidence.

The discussion also touched upon the case of Raif Badawi, a writer sentenced to 10 years in prison and flogging for apostasy. Al Saoud acknowledged Badawi’s conviction according to Saudi laws but refrained from commenting on the merits of the case. Questions were raised about Saudi Arabia’s potential for further change and tolerance, drawing comparisons to Western democracies and their judicial systems.

Saudi Arabia’s judicial system is still evolving, and Al Saoud acknowledged the possibility of errors and false accusations. He defended the Kingdom’s commitment to progress and reform, emphasizing the need for gradual improvement without external pressures. The future direction of Saudi Arabia’s reforms remains an open question, with Al Saoud leaving the possibility of further changes undecided.

Saudi Arabia’s Ongoing Transformation

Since its foundation in 1932, Saudi Arabia has undergone significant changes, including the establishment of a constitution, consultative assembly, and municipal elections, along with improvements in the legal status of all citizens.

Changing Global Dynamics

The world is shifting from a unipolar to a more diverse and multipolar order, necessitating a realignment of veto power in the United Nations Security Council to reflect the changing global landscape.

Non-Western Perspectives and Historical Grievances

Non-Western countries, having experienced historical injustices like colonization and exploitation, view global issues and relations with Western nations through the lens of these experiences.

Saudi Arabia’s Unique Relationship with the United States

The unique and equitable relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States, built on mutual interests and cooperation, dates back to the 1945 meeting between King Abdelaziz and President Roosevelt.

Selective Disclosure of Secrets

The late King Faisal chose not to write his memoirs to maintain relationships and avoid revealing sensitive information, while Prince Turki bin Fayal Al Saoud revealed some unknown details in his book on Afghanistan.

September 11th as a Watershed Moment

September 11th greatly affected perceptions of Islam, discrimination, racism, and international alliances. Prince Turki bin Fayal Al Saoud emphasizes his lack of prior knowledge of the attacks.

Prince Turki’s Record-Breaking Tenure

Prince Turki held the position of head of the secret services for 24 years, a world record.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s journey is marked by economic triumphs, strategic alliances, internal reforms, and complex global relationships. The Kingdom continues to navigate the intricate web of international politics, seeking to assert its influence and adapt to the changing world order.

Notes by: TransistorZero