Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – A Look at Saudi-US Relations @ BYU (Jun 2015)


00:02:22 Saudi-U.S. Relations: Past, Present, and Future
00:05:30 U.S.-Saudi Relationship: Opportunities and Challenges
00:13:19 Saudi Arabia's Stance on U.S. Military Policy in Iraq
00:16:12 Iraq's Challenged Inclusivity and Regional Support
00:20:08 Middle East Peace Efforts and the Role of the United States
00:28:02 Globalization and Its Effects on Saudi Arabia
00:30:28 Globalization's Complex Impacts on Saudi Arabia
00:36:23 Saudi Arabia's Perspective on Nuclear Proliferation and Regional Diplomacy
00:43:21 Saudi Arabia's Textbooks and the Challenge of Building Tolerance


Saudi Arabia’s Role in Shaping a New Era of Middle East Diplomacy and Global Relations

In an ever-evolving geopolitical landscape, the role of Saudi Arabia in shaping the future of Middle East diplomacy and its relationship with global powers, particularly the United States, stands as a focal point of international discourse. The insights of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, enriched by extensive travel and interactions with students in the U.S., reveal the complexities and potential of this significant bilateral relationship.

Foundations and Evolution of Saudi-U.S. Relations

Saudi-U.S. relations, despite being strained post-9/11, have shown remarkable improvement since 2005. This partnership, transcending the traditional oil ties, now incorporates various pillars such as the war on terrorism, trade, Middle East stability, military cooperation, and long-standing interpersonal relationships. The introduction of the U.S.-Saudi Strategic Dialogue has been pivotal in institutionalizing these relations, enabling regular high-level discussions to navigate differences and align resources. The dialogue covers various aspects, including energy, economic and financial affairs, consular affairs, partnership, education, military affairs, and counter-terrorism.

Challenges and Future Directions

However, unresolved issues and challenges persist. Addressing these concerns is essential to strengthen the relationship further. The future of Saudi-U.S. relations hinges on addressing common challenges like terrorism, regional conflicts, and energy security, where both nations have shared interests.

People-to-People Engagement and Modernization in Saudi Arabia

The emphasis on people-to-people interactions, such as expanding scholarship programs for Saudi students in U.S. universities, demonstrates a commitment to fostering long-term friendships and understanding. Simultaneously, Saudi Arabia’s rapid modernization, with advancements in technology, medical sciences, and economic growth, as evidenced by the development of its stock exchange, marks a significant shift in its societal landscape. The Saudi Embassy actively engages with members of Congress to address concerns and express their perspectives. Encouraging more American representatives to visit Saudi Arabia, meet the business community, and interact with citizens aims to change negative perceptions and foster a better understanding of Saudi Arabia’s progress and modernization.

Communication and Cultural Contexts

Saudi Arabia advocates for constructive criticism based on an understanding of its cultural context. This approach is crucial for improving bilateral relations, as misunderstandings or emotional rhetoric can be counterproductive. The nation’s reforms and modernization efforts are guided by its cultural values and interests, not solely external pressures. Saudi Arabia welcomes constructive criticism and acknowledges the need for reform and change. However, criticism should be based on accurate information and understanding, not emotional rhetoric. The discourse should focus on shared interests and challenges, such as the war on terrorism, regional stability, and energy security.

Shared Challenges and Collaboration

The shared challenges faced by Saudi Arabia and the U.S., such as terrorism and regional instability, necessitate collaborative efforts. This collaboration extends to the complex situation in Iraq, where Saudi Arabia supports a political solution and regional cooperation for stability. The Saudi perspective on U.S. military policy in Iraq emphasizes political and economic solutions over military approaches. The ambassador states that Saudi Arabia’s position has been consistent: since the U.S. entered Iraq without an invitation, it should not leave without one. He clarifies that this means the U.S. should stay in Iraq until the Iraqi government is capable of maintaining security and stability on its own.

Globalization’s Dual Impact

Globalization has had a dual impact on Saudi Arabia, bringing both resistance and a desire for progress. While embracing globalization’s benefits like education and healthcare advancements, Saudi Arabia also addresses the negative aspects, such as terrorism and extremist ideologies, through international cooperation.

Cultural Exchange and Diplomatic Stances

Promoting cultural exchange and understanding is a priority for Saudi Arabia, as seen in invitations to congressional representatives and the public to visit and learn about Saudi culture. The country’s stance on contentious issues like Iran’s nuclear program and relations with Israel reflects a commitment to peaceful resolutions and diplomatic engagement.

Addressing Intolerance and Bigotry

Saudi Arabia recognizes the global challenge of intolerance and bigotry, not just within its borders but also internationally. Efforts to revise educational materials and eradicate hateful language from textbooks are part of a broader initiative to promote tolerance and understanding.

U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Iraq

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia believes that coalition troop withdrawal from Iraq is inevitable, but the manner of withdrawal is of utmost importance. The Iraqi government needs the support of the United States, the coalition, and regional allies to maintain stability. Saudi Arabia has hosted conferences between Iraqi factions, urging reconciliation and inclusivity. Historically, Iraq has been inclusive, with people from various regions trading and settling in the area. The current sectarian and ethnic conflicts are considered abnormal and irrational. Saudi Arabia remains committed to supporting Iraq in promoting inclusivity and resolving conflicts.

A Multifaceted Approach to Resolving Conflicts in the Middle East

The solution to the problems in Iraq requires a political approach, with military support playing a complementary role. Saudi Arabia actively works with various Iraqi factions to facilitate unity. Withdrawing U.S. support from Iraq now would be detrimental and unacceptable. Mending the image of the United States in the Muslim world is a mutual responsibility. The U.S. needs to adjust its policies in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Muslim-populated areas. The Palestinian issue has become deeply ingrained in the identity of Arabs and Muslims. The U.S. must actively pursue President Bush’s roadmap for peace in the Middle East. The Arab-Dawah peace plan envisions Israeli withdrawal from Arab territories, including Jerusalem, in exchange for full recognition from Arab countries. Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders are now open to compromise. All Arab countries support the Ardallah Peace Plan, which calls for a compromise solution.

Globalization and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Globalization brings both positive and negative effects on Saudi Arabia. Some individuals prefer preserving traditional heritage and culture, while others desire progress and globalization’s benefits. To acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for modern challenges, Saudi Arabia must seek education beyond its borders. Globalization provides access to globally recognized universities for education. Saudi Arabia experiences the influence of American values, culture, and ideas due to globalization.

Saudi Arabia’s Approach to Nuclear Nonproliferation and Diplomacy in the Middle East

Saudi Arabia has presented a motion to the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council for the creation of a Middle East region free of weapons of mass destruction. The goal is to prevent countries in the region, including Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, and others, from acquiring nuclear weapons. This initiative aims to address concerns about nuclear proliferation and reduce tensions in the region. Saudi Arabia considers the use of arms to prevent a country from acquiring nuclear weapons to be a catastrophic and incorrect approach. The kingdom believes that diplomatic efforts and international pressure are the best ways to address nuclear proliferation concerns.

Saudi-Arabian Textbook Intolerant Language Being Addressed

Saudi Arabia recognizes shortcomings in its textbooks and has been working to rectify them. A comprehensive review and revision of textbooks have been underway for five years. The Saudi Islamic Academy in Virginia has already removed intolerant language from its textbooks. The Kingdom is collaborating with the United States to eliminate hateful content from textbooks. Bigotry and intolerance are not unique to Saudi Arabia or the United States but are universal issues. Saudi Arabia is committed to eradicating intolerant language from its textbooks and promoting tolerance within its society. Intolerance and bigotry can only be overcome through collective action and collaboration.


In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s evolving role in Middle East diplomacy and its relationship with the U.S. is marked by a commitment to address mutual challenges, foster cultural understanding, and pursue modernization and reform within its societal and educational frameworks. The future of this relationship, pivotal in navigating Middle East complexities, lies in continued dialogue, cooperation, and a mutual commitment to stability and prosperity.

Notes by: QuantumQuest