Prince Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia Former Government Official) – Remarks at Academie Diplomatique International (Jan 2016)


00:00:00 Saudi Arabian Prince Speaks at Diplomatic Academy
00:04:25 Saudi Arabia and the Dynamics of Global Geopolitics
00:08:28 Islam and Politics in Saudi Arabia
00:17:45 Evolution of Saudi Arabia's Political Reforms
00:21:59 Saudi Arabia's Role in Regional Policy and Humanitarian Aid
00:34:55 Turki El-Feysal's Views on Iran, Russia, China
00:38:54 Saudi Arabia's Shifting Global Relationships
00:50:19 Saudi Arabian Diplomacy: Countering Allegations and Addressing Muslim Persecution
00:56:38 Saudi Arabia's Role in the Arab and Islamic World
01:02:24 Saudi Arabia's Position on Wahhabism and Extremism


Exploring Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Global Role: From Prince Turki’s Diplomatic Prowess to Regional Leadership and Countering Extremism

Introduction: A Diplomatic Gathering of Insight and Heritage

Held at the International Diplomatic Academy in Paris, the event saw President Jean-Claude Cousson warmly welcome His Royal Highness Prince Turki El-Feysal, an embodiment of Saudi Arabia’s blended heritage and growing global significance. Prince Turki’s illustrious career spans a diverse range of prominent positions, including Counselor to the King, Director General of security services, and ambassadorship in both the UK and the US, reflecting his adept navigation of intricate international landscapes. His founding and leadership roles in the King Faisal Foundation and the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies have made a lasting impact, contributing to peace and strategic understanding in the Middle East. This narrative explores Saudi Arabia’s multifaceted nature, from its unwavering Islamic roots to its complex global engagements and domestic reforms.

Prince Turki El-Feysal: A Testament to Saudi Diplomacy and Insight

The exceptional career of Prince Turki El-Feysal stands as a testament to Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic depth. Having served as an advisor to the King at a young age and as the country’s ambassador to the UK and the US, Prince Turki has demonstrated exceptional ability in managing complex international relationships. His distinguished contributions extend beyond diplomacy. As a respected figure, he has enlightened global forums, such as the World Economic Forum, and academia, notably Georgetown University, with his insightful views on Saudi policies and strategic approaches.

Saudi Arabia’s National Identity and Regional Stature

The fabric of Saudi identity is deeply interwoven with Islam, serving as the core of its spiritual and cultural heritage. This intertwining has not only sustained the kingdom’s existence but has also shaped its role as a regional power. Often standing alone against destabilizing forces, Saudi Arabia has resolutely defended the sovereignty of Arab and Muslim states, affirming its commitment to regional stability. Beyond geopolitics, it is a land of spiritual significance for Muslims worldwide and a generous contributor to global welfare through extensive philanthropic efforts.

The Kingdom’s Constitutional Evolution and Social Contract

The social contract in Saudi Arabia, rooted in the Islamic concept of shura (consultation) and governance by consensus, has guided its political evolution. The kingdom’s journey towards constitutional reforms, exemplified by the reforms under King Fahd and subsequent municipal elections, demonstrates a commitment to societal evolution, similar to countries like Morocco and Egypt. The introduction of voting rights for women and young Saudis, along with the requirement for female representation in the Consultative Council, underscores a progressive shift in Saudi Arabia’s internal policies.

Saudi society has undergone significant transformation, evolving from diverse Bedouin tribes and Ottoman influence into a unified nation-state with a single citizenry. This evolution, comparable to that of Morocco, Egypt, and post-colonial states in the Levant, has been guided by the Islamic principle of shura, emphasizing governance by consensus. Municipal elections in the 21st century reflect a century of institutional evolution in Saudi interior policy, akin to the gradual democratization of France. Reforms in the Consultative Council have mandated at least 20% female representation, making it unique in the Arab-Muslim world. Political reforms align with the centralization of the country, responding to infrastructure expansion, population growth, and changing citizen needs.

Saudi Arabia on the Global Stage: Countering Terrorism and Fostering Dialogue

Saudi Arabia’s commitment to countering terrorism and fostering global understanding forms a crucial part of its international engagement. Initiatives like the de-radicalization programs run by the Mohammed bin Nayef Center underscore the kingdom’s dedication to combating radicalization. On the international stage, its involvement in humanitarian efforts and significant contributions to the United Nations showcase its commitment to global welfare. The King Abdullah Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue epitomizes Saudi Arabia’s efforts to promote mutual understanding among diverse faiths, fostering peaceful coexistence.

Saudi Arabia emerged as a protector of Arab regimes and people after the Arab Revolts, supporting governments that uphold citizens’ dignity, national security, and economic prosperity. It aids legitimate governments against rebels and sectarian militias, actively supporting the Palestinian people and government. Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian aid extends beyond Muslim populations, providing billions of dollars in aid to countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Yemen. Despite inaccurate portrayals as a medieval, Wahhabi kingdom, Saudi Arabia’s constitutional system is guided by Islamic law and citizen consensus. The kingdom’s destiny lies in the hands of its people, not external actors. Saudi Arabia is a key partner in combating radicalization and terrorism, having experienced attacks in Paris and on Shiite mosques in the country. Prince Turki El-Feysal emphasizes the importance of tolerance and understanding different cultures.

Navigating Complex Regional Dynamics and International Relations

Saudi Arabia’s regional policy has been assertive and multifaceted, particularly in the wake of the Arab Revolts. Its support for governments and opposition movements across the Middle East reflects a commitment to safeguarding Arab interests. Simultaneously, the kingdom’s strategic approach to international relations is evident in its carefully balanced relationships with major powers like China and India, and its nuanced stance towards countries like Iran and Israel, preserving traditional alliances while cultivating new partnerships.

President Rouhani’s calls for improved relations with Saudi Arabia contradict the Iranian government’s actions, including support for insurrection in Yemen, Kuwait, and Bahrain, and direct military intervention in Syria. Uncertainties surround Iran’s leadership, as President Rouhani’s actions often conflict with those of Ayatollah Khamenei and the IRGC. The speaker questions if Kazan, Russia, with its diverse religious landmarks, could serve as a model of coexistence. Developing relations with China and India, potential major consumers of Saudi oil, could diversify the kingdom’s partnerships.

Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Identity and Global Influence

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia, embodied by the career and insights of Prince Turki El-Feysal, presents a compelling narrative of a nation at the crossroads of deep-rooted traditions and dynamic global engagement. Its evolving role in regional geopolitics, combined with its efforts in countering extremism and fostering global dialogue, underscores the kingdom’s multifaceted identity. From its constitutional reforms and social contract to its strategic international relationships, Saudi Arabia continues to navigate the complexities of the modern world while staying true to its heritage and spiritual ethos.

– Russia’s societal harmony is attributed to historical circumstances and diverse population, according to Turki El-Feysal.

– Saudi engagement with China grew after the fall of the Berlin Wall, leading to billions of dollars in trade and a peaceful approach.

– The Munasaha program rehabilitates individuals involved in extremist interpretations of Islam, aiming to reintroduce them into society.

– Saudi Arabia’s decision not to join the UN Security Council stems from concerns about politicization and disregard for conflicts like the Palestinian occupation.

– Efforts to control financing of extremism include collaboration with the UK, US, and France, and strict monitoring of NGOs and charitable organizations.

– Rapprochement with Gulf states and Israel has been observed due to shared concerns about Iran, but Saudi Arabia’s engagement with Israel depends on resolving the Palestinian issue.

Saudi Arabia’s Stance on Wahhabism:

– Prince Turki El-Feysal asserts that there is no such thing as Wahhabism practiced in Saudi Arabia.

– The nation does not subscribe to the presumed ideological tenets of this alleged sect.

Fahish and Al-Qaeda’s Target:

– Saudi Arabia is the primary target of Fahish and Al-Qaeda, both in terms of terrorist acts and ideological attacks.

– Fahish’s YouTube broadcasts have a program dedicated to Saudi Arabia, declaring their intent to invade the country.

– Al-Qaeda has also expressed similar intentions.

Saudi Arabia’s Response:

– Despite being the target of these groups, Saudi Arabia actively opposes them on various fronts.

– The nation engages in security measures, rehabilitation programs to address their ideology, and media and propaganda campaigns to counter their influence.

Addressing the Accusations:

– Prince El-Feysal acknowledges the accusations of Saudi Arabia’s alleged role in promoting the ideology of these groups.

– He emphasizes the need for increased efforts to clarify their true stance on this issue.

– Saudi Arabia aims to actively promote its position through various channels.

Notes by: Ain