Peter Thiel (PayPal/Palantir Co-founder) – Peter Thiel Is Taking a Break From Democracy (Nov 2023)


00:00:07 Peter Thiel's Political Influence and 2024 Election Decision
00:04:56 Ambition, Disappointment, and the Search for World-Shaking Change
00:11:54 Tech Titans' Obsession with Immortality and Magical Thinking in Politics
00:21:31 Peter Thiel's Political Journey: From Billionaire Entrepreneur to Trump Donor and Critic
00:23:45 Peter Thiel's Views on Politics, Culture, and Philanthropy


The Enigmatic Peter Thiel: A Journey Through Politics, Science Fiction, and the Quest for Immortality

Peter Thiel, a renowned tech entrepreneur and investor, has become a controversial figure in both the political and scientific communities. His journey, marked by a speech at the 2016 Republican Convention and a subsequent disillusionment with politics, highlights a complex individual grappling with issues ranging from government inefficiency to the pursuit of immortality. Thiel’s fascination with science fiction has not only shaped his worldview but also directed his financial investments toward ambitious projects like space exploration and healthcare advancements. Despite his significant influence, Thiel’s views, including his disdain for bureaucracy and his romanticized notion of a government-free world, have often sparked debate and criticism.

Thiel’s Political Stance and Decision to Refrain from Involvement

Peter Thiel’s political journey began with a critical speech at the 2016 Republican Convention, where he expressed dissatisfaction with the state of political discourse and government performance. His initial support for Donald Trump waned, leading him to announce his intention to refrain from participating in the 2024 election. Thiel’s choice, heavily influenced by a desire to avoid pressures of financial support, represents a significant withdrawal from the political arena he once actively engaged in.

Thiel’s Loss of Faith in Entrepreneurship and Entry into Politics:

Peter Thiel, known for his entrepreneurial success, experienced a decline in faith in the potential of entrepreneurship to effect meaningful change in the world. Feeling that entrepreneurship had not lived up to its promise, Thiel turned his attention to politics.

Thiel’s Decision to Support Trump and Address Big Problems:

Thiel accepted an invitation to speak at the 2016 Republican convention and made a million-dollar contribution to Trump’s campaign. He acknowledged his ideological differences with the Republican party but expressed concern that other candidates were not addressing significant societal issues.

Thiel’s Influence and Provocative Nature

Despite stepping back from direct political involvement, Thiel’s impact extends far beyond his financial contributions. Known for challenging conventional wisdom, his provocative ideas continue to influence political thought. His engagements with conservative audiences and his opinions on topics like diversity and the humanities exemplify his continuing role as a thought leader.

Thiel’s Involvement in Politics:

Thiel is likely to stay out of the 2024 presidential election, but he may return to politics in the future. He has a history of cycles of enthusiasm and disappointment in politics.

Thiel’s Sci-Fi Inspired Ventures and Views on Government

Thiel’s passion for science fiction, especially works by authors like Asimov and Tolkien, has greatly shaped his entrepreneurial and investment strategies. His investments in space exploration and longevity reflect his aspiration for transformative change. Thiel’s ventures, including PayPal and Facebook, though successful, fell short of his utopian ambitions. His fascination with seasteading and libertarian ideals underscores his disdain for bureaucratic inefficiencies and his yearning for a world beyond traditional government control.

Tolkien’s Influence:

Thiel was heavily influenced by science fiction, particularly Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. He read the book ten times as a teenager and often referred to it in adulthood. Tolkien’s sense of wonder and imagination left a lasting impression on Thiel.

Disappointed Aspirations:

Thiel invested in futuristic ventures like extraterrestrial space, health advances, and longevity. He felt disappointed that these ambitions to improve humanity didn’t come to fruition.

PayPal Success:

Thiel’s first major success was PayPal, a digital payment system. He co-founded PayPal with Max Levchin, and it was later sold for $1.5 billion.

Unfulfilled Achievements:

Despite his successes, Thiel didn’t find them personally fulfilling. He sought world-shaking changes and breakthroughs in technology.

Stagnant Progress:

Thiel believed that technological progress had stagnated compared to his science fiction expectations. He pointed out that air travel hadn’t significantly improved in speed over time.

Venture Capital and Criticism:

Thiel founded Founders Fund, a venture capital firm, with partners. They famously stated, “We were promised flying cars and we got 140 characters,” criticizing the lack of transformative technology.

Seasteading Idea:

Thiel became interested in the concept of seasteading, creating artificial islands outside national waters. He envisioned a libertarian utopia where people could live free from government control. However, he later became disillusioned with the idea and stopped funding it.

Ambition and Disdain for Government:

Thiel desired to be in charge and run things, but he disdained the actual work of governing. He preferred a world where government was unnecessary, like in Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

Bureaucratic Disdain:

Thiel’s disdain for government was specifically directed at its bureaucracy, not the concept itself. He wished for a world where government didn’t need to exist, reflecting his immature desire for a simpler society.

Thiel’s Unique Outlook on Life, Death, and Immortality

Thiel’s views on life and death are as unconventional as his political and entrepreneurial endeavors. A client of Alcor, a cryonics company, Thiel hopes to conquer death, influenced by the immortality of elves in Tolkien’s works. His reluctance to discuss death and his investments in medical technology reveal a complex relationship with mortality, combining intellectual sophistication with a somewhat naïve longing for a life free from death’s constraints.

Thiel’s View of Government:

Thiel sees the government as irrelevant and unimportant, believing that individuals should take action and make choices without relying on government intervention.

Thiel’s Interest in Neomonarchism:

Thiel is intrigued by the concept of neomonarchism, which advocates for an autocratic leader to seize power, suppress independent media, and rule as a monarch. He finds Curtis Yarvin, a proponent of this ideology, to be an interesting thinker.

Thiel’s Fascination with Cryonics:

Thiel is a client of Alcor, a company that aims to preserve people cryonically after death in the hope of reviving them when technology advances enough. He envisions being frozen and eventually revived in a new world.

Thiel’s Squeamishness About Death:

Despite his interest in cryonics, Thiel exhibits a deep aversion to the concept of death. He avoids discussing it and feels he doesn’t spend enough time or money on efforts to defeat death.

Thiel’s Inspiration from Tolkien’s Elves:

Thiel finds inspiration in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, particularly the immortal and powerful elves. He questions why humans cannot be like elves and aspires to achieve immortality and enhanced abilities.

Thiel’s Magical Thinking:

Thiel’s beliefs about death and immortality are often characterized as magical thinking, resembling a youthful imagination that hasn’t fully come to terms with the realities of life and death.

Thiel’s Companies and Medical Research:

Despite his dark and pessimistic outlook, Thiel is actively involved in companies that pursue breakthrough medical technologies. He remains invested in the idea of making magical advancements a reality.

Thiel’s Application of Magical Thinking to Politics:

The implications of Thiel’s magical thinking extend to the American political system, raising questions about how he perceives the role of government and the potential consequences of his beliefs on the political landscape.

Thiel’s Political Involvement and Cultural Identity

Thiel’s foray into mainstream politics, including his support for Trump and his reflections on the 2023 Capitol riot, demonstrate his complex political views. His opinions on issues like gay rights seem at odds with his personal life, indicating a multifaceted identity that defies simple categorization. Thiel’s interactions with journalists like Barton Gellman highlight his personable nature and openness to challenging questions, despite differences in political ideology.

Thiel’s 2016 Republican Convention Speech:

Peter Thiel, a prominent entrepreneur, expressed his disappointment with the political landscape, particularly the focus on culture wars rather than real problems.

Thiel’s Political Involvement:

Thiel initially supported Trump but eventually grew disenchanted with his presidency. He continued to speak at conservative gatherings, criticizing diversity and the humanities. In the 2024 election, Thiel has not openly endorsed any candidate.

Thiel’s Interview with Barton Gellman:

Thiel’s decision to talk to Gellman was strategic. He wanted to publicly commit to not participating in the 2024 election to avoid pressure from others. Thiel acknowledged his susceptibility to influence and hoped that speaking with Gellman would hold him accountable.

Thiel’s Media Strategy:

Thiel’s decision to speak to a mainstream media outlet like The Atlantic was calculated. He believed it would help him maintain his commitment to staying out of the 2024 election.

Thiel’s Influence and Impact:

Thiel is not only known for his wealth but also for his provocative ideas. He often challenges conventional wisdom and moves the needle on political debates.

Gay Rights and Cultural Identity:

Thiel is gay and in a same-sex marriage. He believes that gay bashing is a bad idea but also believes that Democrats abuse the issue of gay rights to recruit people to their agenda.

Personal Interactions:

Thiel was personable and relaxed during his interview, giving a lot of his time and engaging with hard questions. He displayed a different side of himself than what is often portrayed in the media.

Understanding of the World:

Thiel has a failure of imagination regarding the difficulties faced by many people on the planet. He is not very interested in the problem of inequality and does not feel bound to help those who have not had the same resources or good fortune as he has.

Philanthropy and Immortality:

Thiel declined to join the Bill Gates and Warren Buffett billionaires pledge to give away more than half of their fortune. He hopes to stave off death indefinitely or revive after his death, believing he will need his wealth in the afterlife.

Thiel’s Ongoing Influence and Pursuit of Ideas

In conclusion, Peter Thiel remains a figure of immense influence and complexity. His decisions, whether in politics, business, or his personal quest for immortality, reflect a persistent drive and a relentless search for transformative ideas. While his views and actions have often sparked controversy and debate, Thiel’s impact on the technological and political landscapes continues to be significant, making him an enduring subject of public interest and scrutiny.

Future Outlook:

Thiel is a driven individual who is constantly looking for new ideas and possibilities. He is likely to continue trying new things and finding new arenas to explore.

Notes by: Flaneur