Peter Thiel (Facebook Board of Directors) – Speaks at The National Press Club (Oct 2016)


00:02:53 Political Outsider Peter Thiel and His Support for Donald Trump
00:06:48 America's Broken System and Trump's Appeal
00:14:32 Bubbles, Voters, and the Need for Normalcy
00:17:52 Outsiders or Insiders: Who Can Save America?
00:20:56 Silicon Valley's Political Divide and Disconnection from America
00:26:16 Assessing the Economic and Regulatory Climate for Small Businesses in the United States
00:34:00 Scrutiny of Political Candidates
00:36:30 Peter Thiel's Views on Various Contemporary Sociopolitical Issues
00:39:20 Gawker's Demise: The Thiel-Hogan Alliance
00:47:37 Economic Challenges Facing Media Companies
00:52:37 Government: Libertarian Perspectives on Freedom and Reform
00:57:42 National Press Club Event Announcement


Analyzing Peter Thiel’s Perspectives: Politics, Economics, and the Tech Industry


In a recent event at the National Press Club, Thomas Burr, the Club’s 109th president, introduced Peter Thiel, a multifaceted figure known for his political involvement, economic insights, and technological acumen. Thiel, a billionaire entrepreneur and Trump supporter, offered a wide array of opinions covering U.S. politics, economic challenges, Silicon Valley’s role in society, and his views on government policies and libertarian ideals. This article delves into Thiel’s perspectives, examining his support for Donald Trump, his critique of economic policies and Silicon Valley, as well as his views on government and libertarianism, in an effort to understand the intricate weave of his ideology and its implications.

Thiel’s Political Involvement and Motivation

Peter Thiel’s political engagement, particularly his support for Donald Trump, is marked by a $1.25 million donation and a primetime speech at the Republican National Convention. His backing of Trump post-controversial comments about women raised eyebrows, especially in liberal-leaning Silicon Valley. Thiel’s motivation stems from his belief that ignoring difficult realities has led to the current political situation. He views Trump’s outsider status as a refreshing change, criticizing the elite for being too proud to acknowledge their role in the country’s current state.

Thiel’s Speech at the National Press Club

In his speech at the National Press Club, Thiel emphasized the need to confront difficult realities and expressed concerns over the nation’s current state. He highlighted the significance of Trump’s outsider status, calling it a sign of political insanity, and criticized wealthy donors and commentators for desiring a return to normalcy. Thiel underscored the importance of facing difficult realities instead of ignoring them. He believed that the present situation was even more chaotic than the election itself and stressed the need for honesty and willingness to confront difficult truths. Thiel acknowledged that many successful individuals hesitate to admit the challenges faced by the country as it may question their own success. He emphasized the necessity for honesty and facing difficult realities. Thiel presented a comprehensive examination of the nation’s current state, highlighting various issues and challenges. He expressed deep concern about the country’s direction and urged significant changes. Thiel concluded his speech by reiterating the urgency of confronting difficult realities and working towards a better future for the country. He emphasized the need for honest conversations and readiness to face the challenges ahead.

Economic Woes and Trump’s Appeal

America’s economic challenges, including overpriced healthcare, rising tuition, stagnant wages, and increasing expenses, set the backdrop for Thiel’s views. He sees the government’s expenditure on foreign wars as a misallocation while American families struggle. Trump’s appeal, in Thiel’s view, lies in his outsider status and focus on issues such as free trade and interventionist foreign policy, resonating with voters disillusioned with traditional leadership.

America’s Struggles and Trump’s Appeal

Thiel outlined the challenges faced by Americans, including baby boomers entering retirement with insufficient savings, the burden of overpriced healthcare, soaring college tuition leading to high student debt, and stagnant incomes coupled with rising expenses. Thiel highlighted the prevailing dissatisfaction among voters and their desire for change. He noted the resonance of Donald Trump’s outsider status with voters and their perception of the current leadership as a failure. Thiel criticized the prevailing censorship and intolerance towards opposing viewpoints, as well as the distortion of diversity to exclude non-conformists. Thiel emphasized the negative impact of free trade on American industries, resulting in factory closures and job losses. He criticized economic policies that favored financialization and benefited the wealthy, pointing to the U.S. trade deficit as an indication of economic imbalances. Thiel expressed concerns over the trillions of dollars spent on prolonged wars without clear victories and the hawkish stance of the Democratic Party on foreign policy. He criticized Hillary Clinton’s proposal for a no-fly zone over Syria, citing the risk of direct nuclear conflict.

Clinton’s Foreign Policy and Bubble Formation

Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy, particularly her stance on Syria, is deemed reckless by Thiel. He attributes Clinton’s optimism about war outcomes to a denial of difficult realities. Furthermore, Thiel discusses the formation of economic and political bubbles, a result of elites’ denial of harsh economic and political realities, contributing to current upheavals.

Bubble Behavior and Voter Fatigue

Thiel explained that when faced with complex issues, people tend to prefer simplistic solutions, leading to a denial of reality and the inflation of bubbles. He highlighted the vulnerability of the baby boomer generation to such bubbles due to their relatively easier lives. The resulting voter fatigue and discontent with over-optimistic narratives and false promises contributed to the current political dissatisfaction. Thiel pointed to President George W. Bush’s oversight of a massive housing bubble, which led to an economic downturn, and President Bill Clinton’s tenure witnessing a significant stock market bubble in the 1990s followed by a devastating crash in 2000. He emphasized the long-standing pursuit of disastrous policies by the same individuals. Thiel praised Donald Trump’s candidacy for rejecting reassuring stories that presented an unrealistic picture of the nation’s situation. He highlighted Trump’s challenge to the concept of American exceptionalism, recognizing that optimism alone cannot alter reality without hard work. Trump’s agenda aimed to restore America to normalcy by addressing trade deficits, undeclared wars, and government effectiveness.

Challenging American Exceptionalism and Government Competence

Thiel posits that Trump challenges the notion of American exceptionalism based solely on optimism, emphasizing the need to address tangible issues like trade deficits. He acknowledges the past accomplishments of the U.S. government but criticizes the decline attributed to free-market ideology. Thiel’s support for Trump signifies a new Republican ethos that confronts reality, rejecting conventional dogmas.

Government’s Role and Free Market Ideology

Thiel emphasized the critical role of government in addressing the nation’s problems, as recognized by voters. He highlighted the decline in government competence when compared to past achievements like the Manhattan Project, interstate highway system, and Apollo program. Thiel criticized the use of free market ideology as an excuse for governmental decline, stating that it should not be used to justify the current state of affairs.

Silicon Valley and Economic Bubbles

Thiel’s endorsement of Trump revealed a deeper polarization in Silicon Valley than anticipated. He criticizes the region’s disconnection from broader economic realities, using Twitter as an example of success that does not translate to improved living standards for most Americans. Thiel distinguishes between the digital world and tangible industries, attributing the decline in engineering fields to increased regulation.

Trump’s Business Acumen and Immigration Stance

Acknowledging Trump’s success in real estate, Thiel notes the industry’s competitive nature. On immigration, Thiel believes Trump represents a departure from previous Republican stances and advocates for a balanced approach, learning from countries like Canada and Australia.

Thiel’s Lawsuits and Views on Media

Thiel’s secret lawsuit against Gawker raises concerns about precedent in media litigation. He believes in the importance of libel laws but suggests exploring corner cases. Thiel emphasizes the economic challenges faced by media companies and the need to understand the positive externalities of past media monopolies.

Libertarianism and Government Efficiency

As a libertarian, Thiel views government overreach, incarceration, and regulation as threats to freedom. He advocates for a smaller, more efficient government, aligning U.S. policies with other developed countries. He links the rise of libertarianism with the decline of governmental institutions.

Thiel’s Complex Perspectives

Peter Thiel presents a complex blend of political, economic, and technological insights. His support for Trump, critique of Silicon Valley, and libertarian views offer a unique perspective on the intersection of technology, politics, and economics. While his views on government efficiency, media litigation, and economic bubbles provoke thought, they also reveal the multifaceted nature of his ideology and its impact on contemporary discourse.


The addendum includes Thiel’s opinion on Trump’s business acumen, highlighting his success in the real estate industry and acknowledging the challenges of evaluating Trump’s specific achievements in a different industry from tech. Thiel also discusses the importance of political transparency, while expressing concerns that excessive transparency might discourage talented individuals from seeking political office. He advocates for a strong vetting process for political candidates, noting the rigorous nature of the current process but suggesting that it may have led to a less talented pool of candidates.

Thiel’s views on LGBT rights, Donald Trump, and immigration are also addressed. He has not had specific conversations with Trump about LGBT rights but believes that Trump represents a significant change from the Republican Party of George W. Bush. Thiel does not support a religious test for immigration and criticizes the media for taking Trump’s statements literally rather than seriously. He advocates for a balanced approach to immigration, avoiding extremes of open borders or complete closure, and praises the immigration policies of countries like Canada and Australia.

Regarding lawsuits, Thiel’s involvement in a secret lawsuit against Gawker raises concerns about setting a dangerous precedent, though specifics of his involvement in other lawsuits are not discussed in this segment. Thiel believes that the core principle of New York Times v. Sullivan, which protects freedom of the press, should not be changed. However, he acknowledges that there are some corner cases that need to be reexamined, such as the level of scrutiny that should be applied to different public figures. Thiel is not endorsing the lawsuits brought by Charles Harder, who has represented wealthy and powerful clients against media outlets. He believes that the outcome of litigation matters, and that bringing harassing lawsuits that are ultimately lost can set a precedent for greater press freedom.

Thiel identifies the economic challenges facing the media industry as a severe problem. He believes that the business models of many media companies are no longer working as well as they used to. The erosion of media monopolies has had both positive and negative consequences, with the media becoming more powerful in some ways but also facing economic difficulties. Thiel believes that it is important to support good journalism, but he does not provide a specific answer on whether he would personally do so.

Thiel believes Jeff Bezos is the toughest competitor in the world. He sees a potential shift in the media industry towards non-profit models, but he questions their effectiveness and management. Thiel identifies government overreach as a key threat to freedom. He criticizes excessive military involvement, mass incarceration, and excessive economic regulation. He advocates for reduced U.S. involvement in global policing and lower incarceration rates.

Thiel envisions a smaller government that achieves more with less. He criticizes the ideological debates in Washington, D.C., focusing on “more with more” or “austerity” approaches. He proposes using technology to do more with less, citing the example of the F-35 fighter jet that doesn’t fly in the rain. Thiel argues that libertarianism has gained traction as government institutions have declined in the U.S. He sees a link between the rise of libertarianism and the perception that the government can’t effectively address societal issues.

Thiel plans to continue his involvement in the tech industry, as that is his area of expertise and enjoyment. He has a dual perspective on politics: he finds it destructive and trench warfare-like, but also recognizes its importance for addressing certain problems. Thiel’s approach is to occasionally get involved in politics, but he does not want to make it a full-time commitment. He acknowledges that some problems require political involvement and believes he can contribute while still maintaining his focus on technology.

Notes by: Random Access