Peter Norvig (Google Director of Research) – As We May Program (Oct 2019)


00:00:21 The Future of Machine Learning and Programming
00:05:23 The Future of Programming: From Micromanagement to Empirical Science
00:12:33 Advancing Machine Learning for User-Friendly Systems
00:17:02 Challenges and Uncertainties in Developing Conversational and Federated User Interfaces
00:19:58 The Challenges of Writing Clear Software Specifications
00:24:42 Reforming the Marketplace for Meaningful Technological Progress
00:29:47 The Future of AI and Its Impact on Society


The Evolution and Impact of AI in Modern Software Development: A Comprehensive Analysis


This article examines the profound changes in software development and artificial intelligence (AI) as discussed at a regional Python conference, emphasizing Peter Norvig’s vision and contributions. We dive into Norvig’s proposal for a more empirical, data-driven approach in programming, highlighting ethical considerations, the democratization of AI, and the need to align technology with human needs and societal values. The path forward involves embracing uncertainty, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that AI development is guided by ethical principles and global well-being.

Conference Overview and Keynote Introduction

Grace, the organizer, welcomed attendees, highlighting the importance of connections and personal interactions. The conference featured an exceptional lineup, including keynote speaker Peter Norvig, a leading figure in AI and computer science. Brian Spearing introduced Norvig, outlining his impressive achievements and contributions to the field, including his PhD from UC Berkeley, prestigious positions at Google and NASA, and influential books like “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.”

Grace then shared her journey from starting a Python meetup with 35 attendees to organizing a regional conference, acknowledging the role of connections in securing Peter Norvig as the keynote speaker through Brian Spring’s involvement in the local Python community. She encouraged attendees to be curious about the people they meet and to connect with them on a personal level, as these connections may lead to interesting projects, friendships, and collaborations in the future.

Norvig’s Vision for Software Development

Norvig’s presentation focused on the transformative potential of machine learning in programming practices. He advocated a shift towards a data-driven, empirical approach, where programmers provide examples and observations for the software to learn and adapt. This approach is probabilistic and observational, resembling the natural sciences.

Norvig drew parallels between Vannevar Bush’s 1945 vision of the “Memex,” a precursor to the modern internet, and the current limitations in information access and organization. He advocated for the use of Python and Jupyter in exploring and organizing knowledge, highlighting the mathematical nature of traditional software development and its constraints.

Deep Learning and Its Implications

Deep learning and machine learning models excel at solving complex problems and adapting to new situations, yet challenges in evaluating, debugging, and updating them are substantial, necessitating a more comprehensive approach to their development and deployment.

Norvig elaborated on the differentiable nature of deep learning models, enabling error minimization and improvement through backpropagation. This differentiability allows for continuous learning and refinement of the model. However, he also stressed the need for advancements in natural language processing and user-friendly interfaces to make computers as intuitive as bicycles.

Progress and Evolution in AI:

The remarkable progress in AI, especially in benchmark tasks like chess, Go, speech recognition, and natural language understanding, was highlighted by Norvig. He acknowledged the revolutionary impact of deep learning, which brought significant performance improvements. However, he emphasized that AI has evolved over time through gradual advancements driven by better algorithms, more data, faster machines, and clever ideas.

The Human Aspect: Data Science and Programming

The article underscores the human aspect of AI and programming. Data science, a field that combines hacking, math, and subject expertise, facilitates problem-solving across various domains. The story of Makoto Koukei, a cucumber farmer in Japan, who used TensorFlow to automate cucumber sorting, exemplifies AI’s practical applications.

Norvig discussed the challenges of creating user-friendly systems that are differentiable throughout the entire process. He presented data science as an alternative approach that combines hacking, math, and subject area expertise. Despite current limitations, such as the need for extensive parameter tuning and specialized knowledge in machine learning models, the exploration of conversation as a means to make computers more accessible and user-friendly was discussed.

Conversational AI and Future Directions:

Norvig expressed uncertainty about the future of AI and conversational systems, likening them to the early stages of the World Wide Web. He highlighted the challenge of effectively managing the split of control between the conversational persona and connected services. Additionally, he acknowledged concerns about the possibility of a winner-take-all scenario in AI, with a few large companies dominating the field. However, he believes cloud providers are moving towards democratizing access to resources and software. He sees a trend towards competition in APIs, data availability, and task-oriented algorithms, potentially leveling the playing field for developers.

Ethical Considerations and Social Implications

The article discusses privacy and security concerns in app permissions, the necessity for a federated user interface, and the pitfalls of personalized recommendations. It also addresses the challenges of specifying desires in AI systems and the importance of safeguards like undo functions and monitoring.

Reforming the Marketplace:

Norvig emphasized the need to reform the marketplace to better reflect global values and societal needs rather than solely focusing on individual wants. He proposed promoting thoughtfulness and responsible design in technology products, drawing inspiration from Tristan Harris’s “time well spent” concept. He suggested the potential for certification or trademarks to indicate that an app or service benefits users rather than exploits them. He also acknowledged the role of legal regulations like GDPR in addressing these issues. Furthermore, Norvig stressed the importance of applying existing knowledge and strategies for managing shared resources, as outlined in Eleanor Ostrom’s work on the tragedy of the commons, to the context of AI and technology.


The conference underscored the rapid evolution of AI and its profound impact on software development and society. Norvig’s vision for a more empirical, data-driven approach in programming, along with ethical considerations and the democratization of AI, points towards a future where technology aligns more closely with human needs and societal values. The path forward involves embracing uncertainty, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that AI development is guided by ethical principles and global well-being.

Notes by: Random Access