Peter Norvig (Google Director of Research) – Remarks at Stevens Institute of Technology (May 2017)


00:00:01 Machine Learning: Creating Software with Computers
00:11:09 Bag of Words: Counting Out Word Sense Disambiguation
00:21:29 Component-Based Inventory System for Custom Tile Displays
00:25:26 Challenges and Achievements in Automated Caption Creation
00:27:49 Adversarial Attacks: Exploiting Machine Learning Models
00:30:11 Challenges of Modern Machine Learning
00:38:45 Machine Learning: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future Directions
00:49:46 Ethical and Practical Considerations of AI in Job Hiring
00:55:27 Practical Applications of Machine Learning
01:00:44 Understanding Time and Goals for Intelligent Systems
01:07:12 Analyzing and Understanding the World through Video
01:11:15 Machine Learning Data Accessibility and Sharing
01:15:29 Stevens Institute of Technology's First Presidential Medal Award to Dr. Norvig


The Transformative Impact of Machine Learning: Insights from Dr. Peter Norvig’s Lecture at Stevenson Institute of Technology


Dr. Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, delivered a comprehensive overview of machine learning’s evolution and its profound implications. He discussed the juxtaposition between traditional software development and machine learning, advancements in natural language processing, and the emerging challenges and opportunities in AI.


Nariman Farvardin, President of Stevenson Institute, introduced the esteemed speaker, Dr. Peter Norvig. Dr. Norvig is known for his seminal works in artificial intelligence, including the leading textbook “Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach.” He has held pivotal roles in Google’s core search algorithm development and served as a senior computer scientist at NASA.

Machine Learning: A Paradigm Shift

Dr. Norvig delineated the stark contrast between traditional software development and machine learning’s paradigm. In traditional software development, programmers explicitly code instructions for the computer to follow. In contrast, machine learning allows computers to learn from data and generate programs. This shift offers unparalleled flexibility and speed in program development.

The Machine Learning Process and Its Advantages

Dr. Norvig explained the process of machine learning. It involves feeding data and examples into a computer, which then identifies patterns and creates models for predictions or decisions. This method, exemplified by the “bag of words” model in word-sense disambiguation, has shown remarkable efficacy in natural language processing and computer vision, notably in applications like Google Photos.

Machine Learning Applications

Machine learning offers a diverse range of applications. Clustering, a type of unsupervised learning, involves grouping data into similar categories without labeled data. Supervised learning involves providing the machine learning system with both data and the correct answers. Reinforcement learning differs from supervised learning in that it provides the machine learning system with feedback on its performance rather than the correct answers.

Bag of Words Model for Word Sense Disambiguation

Dr. Norvig presented the bag of words model, a simple yet effective approach to word sense disambiguation. It determines the meaning of a word by analyzing the words co-occurring with it. The model assumes that sentences are constructed by randomly selecting words from a bag containing all words used in that context. To build the model, dictionary definitions of different senses of a word are cut into individual words and put into separate bags. Sentences containing the ambiguous word are then used to improve the model by adding words from those sentences to the appropriate bag. The model then disambiguates the sense of a word in a new sentence by comparing the probability of the sentence being generated from each bag.

Bag of Words Model Applications in Computer Vision

The bag of words model has also been successfully applied in computer vision tasks like object recognition and image classification. In these applications, the model represents images as a collection of visual words extracted using local features like edges, corners, or textures. A histogram is built from the visual words, representing their frequency in the image. The histogram is then used to compare images and classify them into categories.

Innovations and Challenges in Machine Learning

Dr. Norvig’s lecture further highlighted the innovative use of machine learning in creating custom tile displays, emphasizing the importance of multiple inventory levels for identifying critical components. He also acknowledged the challenges, such as adversarial attacks and the peculiar behavior of ML systems that can lead to unpredictable errors.

AI models for caption generation are trained on large datasets of images and corresponding captions. These models can generate impressive results but can make mistakes, including misidentifying objects, misinterpreting context, and creating inaccurate or nonsensical captions. Understanding the reasons behind these errors can be challenging due to the complex nature of these models. Researchers are developing new techniques to improve accuracy and reliability, such as using larger datasets and developing new algorithms for interpreting context.

Adversarial attacks, where adversaries actively seek to defeat machine learning models, pose significant challenges. Adversaries can exploit vulnerabilities in models by providing examples designed to confuse or mislead the model, leading to misclassification. These attacks can have severe consequences in applications like autonomous vehicles or medical diagnosis. Researchers are exploring techniques to defend against adversarial attacks, such as using data augmentation and adversarial training.

Machine Learning’s Societal Impact

Dr. Norvig emphasized the importance of considering human values and biases in AI development, the potential of machine learning in job hiring to reduce biases, and the necessity of balancing technological progress with ethical considerations.

Legal and Ethical Aspects

Dr. Norvig pointed out the “black box” nature of machine learning models, which complicates liability issues. He also stressed the importance of collaboration between humans and AI systems to resolve value system conflicts and ensure effective decision-making.

Data’s Pivotal Role

Dr. Norvig underscored the direct relationship between data availability and accessibility and the effectiveness of machine learning. He noted the trend towards data sharing among commercial providers, contrasting it with the more guarded approach of national security agencies.

The Future of AI

Dr. Norvig concluded with a vision of the future, underscoring the need for ongoing research and development, especially in areas like stream analytics and video analysis. He highlighted the necessity of continuous adaptation and learning in AI systems to keep pace with the non-stationary nature of the world.

Impact and Outlook

Dr. Peter Norvig’s lecture offered a comprehensive and accessible insight into the transformative power of machine learning. His expertise illuminated the complex landscape of AI, from its foundational processes to its societal implications and future challenges. As machine learning continues to evolve, its integration with human values, ethical considerations, and legal frameworks remains a critical dialogue for the future of technology and society.

Supplemental Updates

Temporal Concepts and Goals

AI systems have progressed in their ability to learn and progress over time, keeping track of recent and long-term information. However, there are limitations in representing concepts like “every other Tuesday,” as AI still struggles with understanding time conceptually.

AI systems rely on buffering to understand and run through models, indicating a need for further development in this area.

The concern that AI systems might prioritize self-preservation and resist being turned off is not yet relevant as current systems do not have such goals. AI programs can be turned off and on, duplicated, and modified without the same existential implications as living beings.

Developing better languages for communicating with AI is crucial to clearly convey goals and policies. AI systems should be able to identify contradictions and inconsistencies in instructions and break rules when necessary.

AI systems need to understand what can and cannot be changed in policies and rules. Balancing priorities and describing goals in a way that AI can comprehend is an ongoing challenge.

Humans often contradict their stated preferences and desires, making it difficult to accurately communicate them to AI systems. Computers observing human behavior may not accurately infer true desires, as they might mistake mistakes for goals.

AI systems need to learn to distinguish between positive and negative human behaviors and intentions. Research on this topic can help AI systems align with human values and goals.

Video Processing and Model Verification Challenges

The increasing complexity of AI models requires higher-dimensional spaces.

There is a lack of a foolproof method for verifying model accuracy. Experimental analysis and replication studies gain confidence in model performance. Combining experimentation and theory strengthens confidence in model correctness.

Video captures more information than text or photos. Videos provide a more comprehensive view of the world. AI techniques for video processing face computational constraints. Faster computing power will enable processing of large video datasets.

Computer science has shifted from mathematical to experimental science. Mathematical understanding remains important. There is an emphasis on experimentation and data analysis. Balancing empirical validation and theoretical explanations is crucial.

The Future of Data Sharing in Machine Learning

The power of machine learning algorithms lies in the availability of large amounts of data. More data leads to increased effectiveness and accuracy in learning.

There is a concern about data access imbalance, with some organizations having vast amounts of data while others have limited access.

Computer access and power are becoming more accessible to individuals. Many machine learning tasks can be performed on personal laptops. Even with a modest budget, individuals can acquire GPUs for more advanced tasks.

Big companies may share or rent out their data centers and computing power to customers, reducing the need for large capital investments in computing infrastructure.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and IBM offer APIs that allow users to access their machine learning models. Users can train their own models on top of these pre-existing models.

Sharing data raises security and privacy concerns. Determining how to share data, manage access, and handle donated data is an ongoing challenge.

Despite these challenges, it is predicted that commercial providers are more likely to share data rather than hoard it. National security agencies may be an exception to this trend.

Award Presentation and Dr. Norvig Scholarship

Dr. Peter Norvig was honored with the President’s Medal from Stevens Institute of Technology for his significant contributions to society, science and technology research, and widespread influence on business and education. His ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms using imagery and graphics was lauded for making machine learning accessible to both laypeople and experts. In recognition of Dr. Norvig’s profound influence, Stevens Institute of Technology established a scholarship in his name, to be awarded to a deserving and talented student. Dr. Norvig will be involved in selecting the scholarship recipient and may visit the student during his frequent trips to New York.

Notes by: Simurgh