Peter Norvig (Google Director of Research) – As We May Program | Silicon Valley Deep Learning Group (Feb 2019)


00:00:30 Evolution of Programming in the Age of AI
00:10:34 Tools and Skills for Data Science
00:13:24 Automating Tasks with Machine Learning: Challenges and Solutions
00:19:43 The Risks and Challenges of Machine Learning
00:25:25 Probabilistic Programming for AI Applications
00:29:39 Probabilistic Programming and Its Applications
00:32:36 conversational AI in Our Daily Lives
00:35:14 Conversational Agents: A Step Backwards in User Interface
00:39:11 Capturing User Interface Decisions and Preferences in Executable Code
00:41:32 Utility Functions, Philosophers, and the Future of AI
00:49:15 Combating Unanticipated App Behavior and Improving User Privacy


The Evolution and Future of Programming: From Mechanical Vision to Conversational AI

The Evolution of Programming Paradigms and the Role of Programmers

Since Vannevar Bush’s mechanical vision in 1945, programming has evolved significantly, integrating machine learning (ML) and natural science approaches. This evolution has shifted the role of programmers from micromanaging computers to orchestrating code from various sources, emphasizing their role as code orchestrators.

Machine Learning: Transforming Programming and Its Applications

Machine learning has been a game-changer in programming, enabling computers to autonomously observe, learn, and adapt. A prime example is AlphaZero, which mastered chess through learning from rules and self-play, surpassing human expertise. While ML automates numerous tasks, it still requires human input for algorithm selection and complex problem-solving. Makoto Koki’s automated cucumber sorting system illustrates ML’s potential and the challenges in democratizing such complex technologies.

Technical Challenges in Machine Learning: Data Processing and Probabilistic Reasoning

Data processing, a critical yet often overlooked aspect of ML, demands substantial time and resources. Challenges include the non-differentiability of data processing steps and error correction. ML’s rapid development has led to technical debt and data dependency issues. Unlike traditional programming that relies on logical reasoning, ML emphasizes probabilistic reasoning, requiring new paradigms and tools for effective data management.

The Promise and Challenges of Conversational AI

Conversational AI, still in its infancy, promises to eliminate traditional programming interfaces, offering more natural user experiences. However, the limitations and inflexibility of current conversational interfaces underscore the need for more sophisticated and user-aligned designs.

Designing User Interfaces for a Dynamic Future

Current user interface designs often prioritize the majority, leading to limited customization options and a disconnect between design decisions and code. The future envisions dynamic interfaces, fully integrated with documentation, adaptable to individual user preferences.

Ethical and Social Implications: Privacy, Security, and AI Goals

The progression in programming raises significant privacy, security, and fairness issues. The transition from prescriptive programming to utility functions in ML necessitates careful definition of desired outcomes, aligning AI goals with societal well-being. Trust in AI assistants is currently limited due to their primary allegiance to their creating companies rather than users.

Global and Educational Challenges in the AI Era

Developing countries face unique challenges, including trustworthiness assessment without individual records and handling currency volatility. In education, the emphasis should shift from specific programming languages to problem-solving skills, addressing the scarcity of skilled teachers.

Understanding the Human Mind for Better Interfaces and Addressing Privacy Concerns

Effective user interface design requires a profound understanding of human behavior and preferences. Concurrently, there’s an increasing need for systems that respect user privacy, offering transparent and granular data control.

Balancing Innovation with Ethical Considerations and Security

As programming continues to evolve, it’s crucial to balance innovation with ethical considerations, privacy, and security. The future of programming lies not only in technological advancements but also in addressing these broader societal and ethical challenges.

Innovations in Communication Technology

Peter Norvig emphasizes the need for simpler communication between humans and machines, advocating for natural language processing to enable conversational interactions. He criticizes traditional voice menus for their inflexibility and inefficiency. Norvig points out the mismatch between conventional programming and natural conversation, highlighting the limitations of structured if-then constructs in conversational systems. He references fictional examples of successful conversational systems, noting their emotional engagement capabilities. Acknowledging the progress made by tech companies in developing conversational agents, he notes their effectiveness in specific tasks but highlights the limited range of tasks they can handle and the challenges in predicting their future capabilities. Norvig stresses the importance of improving understanding and user experience to unlock the full potential of conversational systems.

A Critical Analysis of Conversational Agents and the Future of User Interfaces

Conversational agents, like Siri and Alexa, lack the user-friendliness of traditional app interfaces, requiring users to follow a rigid, tree-like structure of interactions. This approach fails to provide a natural and intuitive user experience. A better model is needed for building conversational agents that are more user-friendly, flexible, and allow natural, conversational interactions. This model should also enable selective and secure data sharing. The widespread adoption of conversational agents might lead to a regression in usability and user interface design, as the absence of a single responsible entity can hinder cohesive interactions. However, conversational agents offer the potential for a more personalized, tailored user experience and seamless interaction with multiple services. The future of conversational agents is uncertain, with potential benefits and drawbacks that must be carefully considered.

The Importance of Capturing All Aspects of Programming in an Executable Format

Peter Norvig highlights the issue of lost artifacts in programming, such as a removed scale bar from a map, due to one-size-fits-all user interface decisions. He advocates for dynamic and adaptable user interfaces. Norvig proposes capturing all aspects of programming, including documentation and reasoning, in an executable format, allowing easy modifications and updates. Executable documentation would enable users to alter interfaces or program aspects without complex coding, ensuring adaptability and responsiveness to changing needs and preferences.

Privacy, Security, Fairness, and the Future of AI Assistants

Privacy, security, and fairness in AI assistants pose significant challenges, as apps often require excessive permissions. A better security model is needed to specify desired safety levels. Transitioning from micromanaging AI to providing utility functions for reinforcement learning is challenging, as it’s hard to precisely define what we want. Philosophers can help understand our deep needs and goals. The current marketplace exploits our wants, necessitating a shift towards aligning collective goals with our deeper needs. AI assistants’ trustworthiness is limited by their allegiance to their creators, not users. However, as they become more open, they could be more trustworthy. The investment in data centers by large companies doesn’t necessarily lead to power centralization, and sharing data could lead to a diverse marketplace of AI assistants, increasing trust and choice.

Challenges, Solutions, and User Interfaces

In global finance, developing countries struggle with unreliable individual records for lending and currency volatility. In education, there’s a need to focus on problem-solving skills over specific programming languages, compounded by the difficulty of finding skilled teachers. Understanding the human mind is crucial for designing user interfaces that meet user needs. Balancing user-friendly interfaces with open-ended capabilities is essential. Data privacy issues arise from hidden actions and data collection by apps, requiring more visible control over app permissions. Security vulnerabilities stem from excessive access permissions, emphasizing the need for defensive design and limiting access.

Notes by: WisdomWave