Peter Norvig (Google Director of Research) – The Future of Text Symposium (2016)


00:00:05 Preparing the Agenda and Logistics for the Text and Language Technologies Research Day
00:05:53 Text Communication Evolution and Future
00:11:02 Future of Text Creation and Consumption
00:14:52 Machines Learning to Understand Text
00:24:55 Preserving Text in the Digital Age
00:26:59 Preserving Digital Data and Software for Future Use
00:28:59 Understanding Translation and Language in a Digital Age
00:36:54 Language Clustering and Meaning Competition on Social Media
00:39:15 Understanding Language, Narrative, and Collective Intelligence
00:48:36 Discourse Structure, Talk, and Conversation
00:51:22 Continuity and Discontinuity in Conversation
00:58:12 Modeling Topic Shift in Natural Language
01:04:20 Unifying Vocabulary to Bridge Disciplinary Silos
01:14:52 Multi-Channel Text Processing: Challenges and Solutions
01:28:40 Writability and the Role of Editors
01:31:22 Limitations as Drivers of Creativity and Writing Discipline


Preserving and Evolving Text: The Frontier of Digital Legacy and Communication


The landmark symposium, hosted at Google’s iconic building and facilitated by Vint Cerf, ignited a pivotal discussion on the preservation and evolution of written artifacts. Frode Hegland aptly emphasized the unique purpose of writing, transcending the replication of spoken language and serving diverse tasks beyond the reach of oral communication. Machine learning plays a pivotal role in deciphering textual data. This technique finds applications across disciplines, ranging from linguistics to medicine and political science. Recent advancements in neural network models break free from rigid categories, better simulating real-world interactions.

The Essence and Future of Text

Central to the symposium’s discourse was the exploration of text’s dual role as a communicator with the future and a preserver of the past. We are witnessing a convergence and integration of diverse text interaction modalities: keyboards, touch interfaces, speech recognition, smart pens, and the burgeoning field of brain-computer interfaces. This blend underscores the importance of flexible text interaction, a point stressed by Vint Cerf. Frode Hegland’s innovative software, ‘Author,’ reflects the growing need for distraction-free environments in text creation, enabling writers to focus solely on content.

Generalists can efficiently identify patterns and find new connections across different disciplines. Specialized knowledge can sometimes hinder the ability to see the bigger picture. Generalists can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to fields outside their expertise. A unified vocabulary improves the precision of writing and interactions. Consistent terminology enhances priming of facts and recall from a cognitive psychology standpoint. A common vocabulary facilitates effective communication and understanding across disciplines.

Engelbart’s online system forced users to structure their content effectively, even when viewed superficially. This discipline imposed by the programming environment can be beneficial for clear and concise writing. Furthermore, limitations often drive creativity and innovation by inspiring unique solutions. Harsh limitations in writing tools can actually enhance the quality of writing by eliminating distractions and forcing focus on content.

Text Manipulation and Direct Engagement

Vint Cerf also underscored the need for capturing text in machine-readable formats, facilitating seamless software processing and manipulation. This includes essential capabilities like reformatting and direct text manipulation. Enhancing direct engagement between text and processing software minimizes barriers, streamlining interaction and maximizing efficiency. Additionally, the ‘Liquid System,’ pioneered by Frode Hegland, represents a quantum leap in text interaction, allowing users to engage with text through seamless actions like web searches and Wikipedia lookups.

Restricting font choices in writing apps helps writers focus on content rather than aesthetics. This encourages methodical writing and allows for later formatting adjustments. Structured paragraphs as a teaching method can be valuable for learning how to write effective paragraphs. Such limitations can be enjoyable and rewarding, leading to a deeper appreciation for the writing process.

Digital Preservation and the Challenges Ahead

A significant concern raised by Vint Cerf was the preservation of digital content. The looming risk of a ‘digital dark age’ stems from the inherent susceptibility of digital records to loss. This challenge extends to the deterioration of physical media like DVDs and magnetic tapes, as well as the preservation of software crucial for interpreting complex data structures. Ensuring future compatibility of legacy software with upcoming operating systems and hardware is paramount for long-term digital preservation. Libraries and publishers, traditionally the guardians of knowledge, face disruptions in their business models, necessitating the exploration of new models to safeguard digital texts.

The cost of institutional subscriptions to academic journals can be prohibitively expensive. Limited access to journals hinders the dissemination of knowledge and restricts research progress. Open access initiatives and alternative platforms are needed to ensure broader accessibility to scholarly literature. The finite number of words can lead to different meanings for the same word across disciplines. Aggressive limits on word count in scientific papers further complicate the use of precise terminology. Different groups may define the same word to fit their specific vocabulary, resulting in fragmentation of knowledge. Scientific terms are generally well-defined within the field, reducing ambiguity. The use of specific terms allows for precise communication and understanding among scientists. Standardized terminology enables the creation of searchable strings for efficient literature searches. Generalists can help bridge the gap between disciplines by translating knowledge and concepts across different fields. A more unified vocabulary can facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers from diverse backgrounds. Encouraging generalists and promoting interdisciplinary research can foster innovation and break down disciplinary silos.

Advancements in Text Analysis and Research Tools

The symposium delved into the groundbreaking advancements in text analysis and research tools. Google Scholar has emerged as an invaluable tool for literature searches and hypothesis validation, aligning with impact factors to deliver relevant and high-quality results. This advancement was exemplified by a researcher’s effective use of Google Scholar in studying the effects of a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet on brain inflammation and diabetic retinopathy.

The Evolution of Writing Software

The evolution of text processing has witnessed a shift from basic formats like plain text to more versatile ones like HTML and Markdown. However, the limitations of these formats in accommodating complex documents have sparked innovation. A proposed solution ingeniously combines the simplicity of Markdown with the flexibility to incorporate various media, significantly enhancing the writability of documents.

Traditional text editing software was designed for a limited flow between the floppy disk, screen, and printer. Today, text goes through multiple stages and platforms, from SMS to publishing. The performance of text processing tools has not kept up with the changing demands of modern writing. Rich text formats like Word documents and HTML offer more features but can be heavy and lead to compatibility issues. They can also be difficult to write in due to the need to format and structure the text. Plain text is lightweight, easy to write in, and widely supported across platforms. It provides a clean and distraction-free writing experience. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that separates form and content, making it easier to write and format text. However, it has limitations in supporting tables, media, and complex text structures. Multi-Markdown is an extended form of markdown that supports tables and file transclusion. It offers more flexibility and features than plain markdown but can be more complex to use.

The Importance of Writability in Writing Software

The concept of writability emerged as a key theme, emphasizing the creation of environments that empower writers to concentrate on content rather than grappling with program usage. Simple elements like hashtags or complex formatting can disrupt the writing flow, underscoring the need for writing software that intuitively understands the writer’s needs. Writability and Flow State Lori, a participant, shares her experience of achieving a flow state while editing in VI and straight text, resulting in increased productivity and clarity of thought. She inquires about the interaction between writability and the editors that IA Writer uses. IA Writer’s plain text interface eliminates the need to think about using the program, allowing writers to fully focus on the content and shaping their emotions into words. Simple coding elements like hashtags can disrupt the writing flow by requiring the writer to consider how to use the program instead of focusing on the content. IA Writer emphasizes the importance of paragraph structure, with a topic sentence and logical flow. The speaker’s education in Switzerland did not include explicit instruction on paragraph structure, leading to a self-discovery process. The ability to fully focus on the content, without being distracted by program usage or syntactical coding aspects, is key to achieving a flow state while writing. Plain text files offer the best environment for this focused writing experience, as they restrict the writer to producing text only. Frode Hegland, the interviewer, mentions that IA Writer is free software. He encourages the audience to try IA Writer, describing it as hugely inspirational software.


The symposium, through its diverse presentations and discussions, illuminated the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in the field of text. From the preservation of digital legacies to the evolution of text interaction and analysis, the event underscored the dynamic nature of written communication and its pivotal role in shaping our future. As technology continues to advance, so too must our approaches to creating, preserving, and interacting with text, ensuring that this fundamental pillar of human knowledge and expression endures and flourishes in the digital age.

Notes by: WisdomWave