Patrick Collison (Stripe Co-founder) – Keynote (Nov 2015)


00:00:00 Stripe: Redefining Payment Processing and Empowering Mobile Commerce
00:11:38 The Evolution of Stripe: From Payment Processor to Technological Trailblazer
00:15:45 Uncovering the Future of Internet Innovation and Stripe's Role
00:23:20 Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Stripe's Role in Financial Services Innovation
00:30:14 Financial Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Changing Technological Landscape


Stripe’s Innovative Approach to Financial Technology: Revolutionizing Business Operations and Embracing New Opportunities

In the rapidly evolving world of financial technology, Stripe has emerged as a game-changer, transforming the way businesses handle online transactions and payments. The company’s innovation lies in lowering the activation energy for accepting online transactions, making it instant and accessible to businesses. Stripe’s comprehensive platform not only facilitates basic payment processing but also extends to full-stack infrastructure, fraud detection, subscription management, and analytics. Furthermore, Stripe’s strategic use of AI and blockchain technologies, coupled with its focus on addressing real-world business challenges, sets the stage for its continued growth and innovation in the financial services sector.

Stripe’s Success

Lowering Activation Energy

Stripe simplified the merchant account process, making it instant and accessible, thereby eliminating traditional barriers like paperwork and waiting periods. This innovation significantly reduced the entry barrier for online transactions, allowing more businesses to participate in the digital economy. Stripe’s disruptive approach lies in offering a comprehensive suite of services and APIs that enhance the transaction experience. These services include comprehensive infrastructure for marketplaces, such as seller onboarding and payout management, providing a one-stop solution for online businesses.

Transactions as a Core Business Model

Stripe recognized that transactions are not merely a means of monetization but an integral part of the product experience. By integrating transactions as a core aspect of business models, Stripe has become crucial for the new generation of internet companies. Its focus extends beyond traditional payment processing by providing solutions for mobile transactions, such as Relay, which allows users to complete purchases directly within apps, eliminating the need for checkout pages and 3D secure steps.

Vertical Infrastructure

Stripe offers a full-stack infrastructure, enabling businesses to manage their operations comprehensively on its platform. This includes marketplace services, seller onboarding, and payout management, providing a one-stop solution for business needs. Furthermore, the company’s Connect service enables marketplaces to manage seller relationships, onboarding, and payouts, offering a complete vertical infrastructure for online businesses.

Beyond Payment Processing

Stripe’s suite of services extends beyond basic payment processing. The company offers advanced features like fraud detection, subscription management, and analytics, making it an attractive partner for businesses of all sizes. Stripe’s machine learning capabilities also aid in understanding retailer customers, presenting significant growth opportunities for the company.

Mobile Transactions and Social Media

Challenges in Mobile Transactions

Mobile transactions face issues such as complex checkout processes and low conversion rates. These challenges limit the potential of mobile commerce by hindering user experience.

Stripe’s Solution

Stripe’s Relay product directly addresses the pain points of mobile transactions. By enabling transactions within apps and eliminating checkout forms, Relay has significantly improved the user experience and boosted conversion rates.

Social Media Buy Buttons

Despite the general lack of success with social media buy buttons, due to poor user experience, Stripe’s strategy involves working with existing financial infrastructure to improve this aspect. Stripe does not aim to replace or supplant the existing financial infrastructure, but rather to build on top of it. The company believes that the core problems solved by the card brands and financial infrastructure have been solved effectively, and that the significance of their accomplishments is underrated. Stripe recognizes the value of collaborating with financial giants like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

Stripe’s Vision and Strategy

Stripe’s Vision for the Future

Stripe aims to continue building software tools and infrastructure for technology businesses, focusing on making it easier for developers and engineers to create innovative financial products and services. The company’s mission is to provide the tooling that accelerates the shift towards a mobile-first, globalized, and technology-driven world, where transactions are an integral part of business models. Stripe sees a vast opportunity to re-architect industries and enable businesses to thrive in the digital age.

Stripe’s Unique Perspective on Financial Infrastructure

Stripe sees an opportunity to expose financial infrastructure to developers in a way that fosters innovation, aiming to expand its offerings and enable more technological advancements. Stripe’s early vision focused on expanding into areas such as seasteading and immortality. However, investors like Peter Thiel advised the company to prioritize growth and focus on improving the core business. Staying focused on growth and honing the core business proved to be the right strategy for Stripe.

Future of Stripe

Stripe’s ambition extends beyond payment processing. The company aspires to become an integral part of the broader computing environment, investing in areas like fraud prevention and identity verification. Stripe’s vision involves building software tools and economic infrastructure for technology businesses. Unlike companies that build consumer products, Stripe focuses on creating the underlying platform for technological innovation. The company has played a crucial role in enabling new technologies such as mobile marketplaces and crowdfunding platforms. Stripe sees itself as a builder of fundamental tools and infrastructure for technology businesses, aiming to remove barriers to entry and make it easier for developers to create new technologies.

The Role of AI and Blockchain

Artificial Intelligence

Stripe utilizes AI for tasks such as fraud prevention, with machine learning teams developing specific engines for each user, enhancing accuracy and effectiveness. AI can also significantly impact the financial services sector by enabling new capabilities and streamlining existing processes. AI can enhance customer understanding, improve analytics predictions, and provide better recommendation engines.


While being critical of the hype around blockchain, Stripe recognizes its potential, particularly in distributed networks and as a substrate for existing currencies. The company focuses on practical solutions over trendier technologies. Many businesses prioritize solutions for issues such as NetSuite and ACH over blockchain. Despite skepticism about Bitcoin’s potential to overthrow monetary systems, Stripe recognizes its value as a substrate that can support existing currencies.

Machine Learning for Retailers

Stripe’s machine learning capabilities also aid in understanding retailer customers, presenting significant growth opportunities for the company.


Stripe’s innovative approach in financial technology, combining ease of access, a full suite of services, and strategic use of AI and blockchain, positions it as a forward-thinking leader in the sector. By focusing on real business problems and enabling technology companies to innovate, Stripe not only enhances its offerings but also contributes significantly to the evolution of the financial services industry. Stripe’s mission is to provide the tooling that accelerates the shift towards a mobile-first, globalized, and technology-driven world, where transactions are an integral part of business models. The company sees a vast opportunity to re-architect industries and enable businesses to thrive in the digital age.

Notes by: ChannelCapacity999