Mitchell Waldrop

Mitchell Waldrop (Author) - The Dream Machine [Part 3 of 3] (Aug 2021)

Licklider's concept of 'Man Computer Symbiosis' and his role at ARPA led to ARPANET's launch in 1969, providing the foundation for the modern internet.

Mitchell Waldrop (Author) - The Dream Machine [Part 1 of 3] (Aug 2021)

J.C.R. Licklider's visionary concept of "man-computer symbiosis" in 1960 laid the foundation for networked personal computers and digital libraries, shaping the future of collaboration and information sharing.

Mitchell Waldrop (Author) - The Dream Machine [Part 2 Of 3] (Aug 2021)

The evolution of the digital world began with ARPANET, an academic project that laid the foundation for the modern internet, and was marked by continuous advancements in microprocessors, leading to the World Wide Web and current challenges in data privacy.