Nathan Myhrvold (Microsoft CTO) – Software: The Crisis Continues! (1997)

So I hope to address an audience much like this in year 2047…I hope I’m not talking about software. I hope I am software.

– Myhrvold @ 36:42


00:04:32 History of Information Revolutions
00:06:43 Role of Software in Information Revolution and the Influence of Moore's Law
00:10:53 Nathan's Laws of Software
00:17:07 The Perpetual Crisis in Software Development
00:23:29 Future Trends in Software and the Complexity of Biological and Artificial Information
00:28:45 The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Integration


In a presentation delivered at the ACM 1997 conference, Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft CTO, explored the fascinating trajectory of software development. His insightful discussions traversed the history of information, the influence of Moore’s law, his own software development laws, the perpetual software crisis, and the future of artificial intelligence and human-computer integration.

At the heart of Myhrvold’s observations lies the ongoing “software crisis”, a term that harks back to the 1950s to signify the ever-present challenges in the field of software engineering. Despite remarkable advancements, the intrinsic complexity of software continually spawns new hurdles even as existing ones are tackled. This ceaseless wave of challenges, Myhrvold argues, fuels the drive for innovation, pushing the boundaries of what software can achieve.

Myhrvold paints a vivid historical picture of how humans have evolved their capacity for handling information, from the advent of writing, which gave birth to a pivotal revolution, to the printing press that democratized knowledge. The invention of computers further revolutionized the management of information, enabling us to store, process, and disseminate data on an unprecedented scale. With the advent of microprocessors and networking technologies, access to computing became democratized, sparking an information revolution as transformative as the industrial revolution.

Moore’s Law, the principle predicting the doubling of computer processing power every two years, is identified as the engine driving this ongoing revolution. Over the past two to three decades, we’ve witnessed a staggering million-fold increase in computing power, a trend Myhrvold believes will persist for another 20-40 years. The corollary of this rapid growth, as he illustrated, is the potential for tasks that currently take a year to complete being accomplished in mere seconds in the future.

Crucially, Myhrvold posits that software is the conduit through which this burgeoning computational power can be harnessed and put to use. To demonstrate the interdependence between hardware and software, he introduces his “laws” of software. He likens software to a gas that expands to fill its container, suggesting that it grows until it hits the hardware limits dictated by Moore’s Law. Yet, it is this very expansion of software, he argues, that drives the demand for faster and more powerful machines, which in turn propels the ongoing march of Moore’s Law.

Myhrvold also discussed the intriguing concept of genetic programming, a technique of evolving programs that he compares to “software husbandry”. His comparison of the complexity of biological and artificial information added another layer to the discussion, positing that even the vast amount of information produced by billions of years of evolution could be equal in size to the data humans have generated on the web in a few years. He ventured that soon we’ll be able to compute all possible DNA combinations, underscoring the rapid growth of our computational capabilities.

Looking ahead, Myhrvold remains optimistic about the prospects of artificial intelligence, anticipating that it could match or even surpass human intellect in the coming decades. Despite acknowledging the current limitations of AI, he imagines a future where AI can learn and adapt much like humans, albeit potentially faster and more efficiently. Ultimately, he envisions a reality in which humans might transcend their physical limitations to exist as software, further blurring the lines between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.

In essence, Nathan Myhrvold’s exploration of software’s past, present, and future paints a vibrant picture of a field fraught with challenges but ripe with opportunities. His analysis underlines the significance of continuous innovation, illustrating that while the software crisis may persist, it is an integral part of the relentless drive for technological progress that fuels our information age.

Notes by: Systemic01