Nathan Myhrvold (Intellectual Ventures Co-founder) – The WISE/NEOWISE Analyses and Results (May 2018)


00:00:00 Scientist's Research Journey from IT to Dinosaurs to Bread
00:02:18 NEOWISE Asteroid Data: Variations and Uncertainties
00:13:04 Infrared Asteroid Properties Derived from Space-Based Observations
00:19:50 IR Albedo Assumptions and Errors
00:24:36 Discrepancies and Data Discarding in Asteroid Analysis from the NEOWISE Mission
00:32:04 Determining the Accuracy of Asteroid Thermal Modeling: Challenges and Inconsistencies
00:37:04 How Errors in WISE Data Affect Estimates of Asteroid Properties
00:49:20 Handling Uncertainty in Asteroid Flux Calculations
00:52:11 Uncertainties in NEOWISE-Based Asteroid Size and Albedo Estimates
01:01:58 Simple Modeling of Asteroids as Spheres


“The Intricacies and Challenges of Asteroid Research: A Comprehensive Analysis of NEOWISE Data and Modeling Techniques”

In the field of asteroid research, the NEOWISE data has emerged as a cornerstone, offering unprecedented insights into the physical properties of these celestial bodies. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of asteroid studies, highlighting the significant contributions of Nathan Myhrvold, a renowned scientist and former director of Microsoft Research Lab, and his collaboration with Zeljko Ivezic’s team. It critically examines the methodologies, data anomalies, and the accuracy of thermal modeling in asteroid research, spotlighting the discrepancies in NEOWISE data and the challenges in accurately modeling asteroid albedos. By exploring radar occultation, spacecraft measurements, and the variability of asteroids, this article provides a holistic view of the complexities and nuances in the field of asteroid studies.

Nathan Myhrvold’s Background

Nathan Myhrvold, a remarkable scholar and collaborator on asteroid research, presents his findings and insights. His academic journey began at a tender age, culminating in a PhD in physics from Princeton University. He pursued postdoctoral research with Stephen Hawking before transitioning to the IT industry. Notably, he served as the founding director of Microsoft Research Lab. His diverse interests led him to become a world expert in dinosaurs, as well as the physics and chemistry of cooking. His acclaimed book, Modernist Cuisine, along with its recent companion, Modernist Bread, showcases his expertise in culinary arts. Myhrvold’s collaboration with Zeljko Ivezic and other researchers at the University of Washington focuses on asteroid research. His findings shed light not only on asteroids but also on the scientific process and its potential for improvement.

Asteroid Research Collaboration

Myhrvold’s collaboration with Zeljko Ivezic’s team focused on utilizing the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope for comprehensive asteroid study. Their investigation aimed to unravel the composition, properties, and behavior of asteroids, contributing significantly to our understanding of these celestial bodies. The WISE mission utilized an infrared space telescope for various scientific investigations. Initially aimed at studying the mid-infrared sky, the mission encountered a coolant leak, prompting a shift in objectives.

Data Overview and Issues

The NEOWISE component of the WISE mission provided a treasure trove of data, with over 164,000 asteroid observations across four infrared bands. However, discrepancies emerged in the Planetary Data System (PDS) compilation, including missing data, added data, and parameter inconsistencies, highlighting the need for meticulous data management in scientific research.

Discrepancies and Retroactive Changes in NEOWISE Data

Further investigation into NEOWISE data revealed striking correlations and copied values from prior studies, raising questions about the dataset’s integrity. NEOWISE’s retroactive changes in the PDS, replacing diameters with modified or assumed values, added to these concerns.

Model Code, Assumptions, and Flux Errors

The presence of a model code for certain asteroids indicated that their diameters were not determined by model fitting but set to an assumption, suggesting deliberate data manipulation. Additionally, Nathan Myhrvold’s analysis of flux errors in WISE asteroid observations highlighted significant discrepancies, casting doubt on the reliability of these measurements.

Modeling Methods and Data Anomalies

The research team employed ten different models across twelve band combinations, including Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NETM) and Standard Thermal Model (STM) approaches. However, anomalies surfaced, such as questionable band and model combinations, challenging the robustness of these models.

Criticisms of the Assumption Made in the Neowise Project

– The Neowise project assumed a linear relationship between infrared albedo and visible band albedo, which was not supported by the data.

– The assumed values for the multiplier A varied across different groups of asteroids, indicating inconsistent application of the assumption.

– The physical argument for using a multiple of the visible band albedo was not supported by the data.

Assumptions vs. Data Feedback Loop: If an assumption is used as a constraint, no amount of data can alter that prior. The data does not contribute to the final result when constrained by assumptions.

Multiple Bands of Data and Fitting Issues: When multiple bands of data are available, the model may fit three bands but fail to fit the fourth for various reasons. Calculating the mean of a cloud of points is analogous to this situation.

Assessing Consistency in Flux Calculation: Calculating flux using a consistent method is essential to avoid systematic errors. Histogram analysis of residuals across all bands can reveal any systematic differences in flux calculations.

Constraints and Residuals: For every constraint that places a result below all data points, there is another constraint placing it above all points. This balance suggests no systematic bias in flux calculations.

Visible Band Albedo Calculations: The visible band albedo for a spherical asteroid can be calculated using absolute visible magnitude, diameter, and visible band albedo. However, this calculation does not always align with NEOWISE results, indicating potential issues.

Albedo and Diameter Changes: Plotting albedo changes versus fish allows for analysis of the relationship between albedo and diameter changes. Plotting delta PV over PV results in a cloud of points that can be further analyzed to understand the relationship between albedo and diameter changes.

Data Constraints, Visible Band Albedo, and Additional Points

– The study revealed that assumptions made in asteroid albedo modeling could lead to significant errors.

– The relationship between visible band albedo and NEOWISE results displayed a notable discrepancy, and the analysis of single-band data suggested potential systematic differences in flux calculations.

Needham Model and Conclusion

The Needham Model, originally designed for long-wave thermal observations, was adapted for NEOWISE data to include the effect of reflected sunlight. This adaptation underscored the necessity of versatile modeling techniques in asteroid research.

NEOWISE Mission Analysis and Interpretation Biases

– The NEOWISE mission data analysis was affected by biases and inconsistencies, including data capping, assumptions and exceptions, band discarding, epoch division, and the influence of cosmic rays.

– These factors may have impacted the accuracy and completeness of the results obtained from the mission.

Radar Occultation, Spacecraft, and Modeling Accuracy

Radar occultation and spacecraft missions complement NEOWISE data by providing additional size measurements of asteroids. However, concerns about the accuracy of thermal modeling arose, especially when discrepancies were noted in NEOWISE’s asteroid size estimates compared to ROS diameters.

Exposing Flaws in Asteroid Thermal Modeling Accuracy Verification

– The accuracy of asteroid thermal modeling was questioned due to discrepancies in diameter estimates, suggesting intentional manipulation of data.

– In some cases, the model code indicated that diameters were set as assumptions rather than determined by model fitting, confirming the manipulation.

NEOWISE and Ross Diameter Comparison: Comparing NEOWISE diameters to Ross diameters revealed a systematic error of about 4% for asteroids with both measurements. Most asteroids lack Ross diameter data, making it challenging to assess the accuracy of NEOWISE diameters for the entire population.

Systematic Errors and Random Errors: Different models and band combinations showed varied systematic and random errors in diameter estimations. Some models exhibited systematic errors in specific size ranges or deviation levels.

Limitations and Future Work: The NEOWISE data set has limitations and requires further work to resolve inconsistencies and exceptions. Ongoing efforts aim to address these issues and improve the accuracy of diameter estimations.

Non-Thermal Inertia and Beaming Parameter: Non-thermal inertia can affect asteroid surface temperatures, influencing diameter estimations. The beaming parameter in thermal models can compensate for various factors, including non-thermal inertia. Unusual beaming parameters may indicate metal-rich asteroids or other unique characteristics.

Challenges in NETA Modeling: Assuming a spherical shape for asteroids can lead to fitting problems when using minimum chi-square methods. Variations in light curves can be mistaken for errors, causing fitting algorithms to fail. Errors in NEOWISE sigmas can further complicate the fitting process.

Discrepancies and Retroactive Changes in NEOWISE Data

Further investigation into NEOWISE data revealed striking correlations and copied values from prior studies, raising questions about the dataset’s integrity. NEOWISE’s retroactive changes in the PDS, replacing diameters with modified or assumed values, added to these concerns.

Final Observations on NEOWISE Data and Asteroid Variability

While NEOWISE estimates were mostly accurate, significant errors were observed in some cases. The systematic error and the challenges in assessing the majority of asteroids without Ross diameter measurements called for further refinement in asteroid size estimates. Moreover, the variability in asteroid brightness due to rotation highlighted the importance of considering factors like non-thermal inertia and shape in modeling for precise results.

Surface Area and Shape Considerations

*Variations in light due to rotating asteroids can affect surface area measurements. With enough measurements, these variations average out, and the mean surface area can be obtained. Spherical asteroids have equivalent surface areas to non-spherical asteroids.*

*Simple models are useful for screening large numbers of asteroids. Without a shape model, assuming a spherical shape is better than making an incorrect assumption about an ellipsoid shape.*

*Shape models require good observations in the visible spectrum. A spherical shape assumption is often more accurate than an incorrect ellipsoid shape assumption.*


In conclusion, the comprehensive analysis of NEOWISE data and modeling techniques in asteroid research paints a picture of a field rich with complexities and challenges. The need for careful data management, accurate modeling, and critical evaluation of results is paramount. As the scientific community continues to explore the vastness of space, the insights from this research serve as a crucial foundation for future endeavors in understanding our celestial neighbors.

Notes by: crash_function