Mustafa Suleyman (Inflection AI Co-founder) – The Coming Wave | ustwo Live (Sep 2023)


00:05:52 The Coming Wave: AI, Synthetic Biology, and the 21st Century
00:11:54 Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Biology: A Revolution in Generation and Planning
00:16:34 AI Beyond Explainability: The Containment Problem
00:27:37 Containment of Transformative Technologies in an Era of Exponential Change
00:37:38 AI Governance: A Call to Action
00:40:54 AI Leaders Engage in Multidisciplinary Discourse on Safe and Ethical AI Development
00:48:06 AI Safety and the Future of Personal AI
00:51:21 AI and Synthetic Biology: Unleashing Potential for Human Benefit
00:56:17 Bridging the Gap: Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing AI Innovations in Healthcare
00:58:53 The Evolving Capabilities of Generative AI
01:02:14 The Future of Language Models: Challenges and Opportunities


The Coming Wave: Navigating the Future of AI and Synthetic Biology

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind and Inflection AI, embarks on a journey to decipher the future shaped by advancements in AI, synthetic biology, robotics, quantum computing, and nanotechnology. His book, “The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the 21st Century’s Greatest Dilemma,” delves into not only technological marvels but also the societal, ethical, and existential questions these developments pose. Suleyman’s personal reflections and experiences enrich this narrative, providing a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and humanity.

Navigating the Future: AI and Synthetic Biology at the Forefront

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology are spearheading a revolution, with AI showing remarkable advancements in data processing and synthetic biology redefining biological innovation. Mustafa Suleyman’s book, “The Coming Wave,” highlights these fields’ convergence, driving exponential change at an unprecedented pace. The rapid progress in AI, evident in its near-human performance in tasks like facial recognition and speech transcription, is paralleled by synthetic biology’s ability to innovate in the biological field.

The scale of compute and complexity in current AI models has seen an exponential increase, far surpassing what was available just a few years ago. The computational requirement for training language models, for example, has escalated 10x annually over the last decade. This growth trajectory surpasses the linear advancements predicted by Moore’s Law, which focused on transistor density in computer chips. Contemporary language models use trillions of tokens for training, which dwarfs the amount of information a human can process in their lifetime. These models learn by identifying patterns across extensive datasets comprising books, blogs, and online content, thereby enhancing their capability and application scope.

The Exponential Challenge: Growth, Containment, and Ethics

Suleyman emphasizes the exponential growth of AI and synthetic biology, highlighting the significant containment and ethical challenges that accompany this growth. The shift from physical goods to ideas and information containment necessitates a reevaluation of ethical and regulatory frameworks. The technologies’ complexity, coupled with their rapid evolution, presents a containment problem that surpasses traditional methods.

The internal workings of AI models lack clarity, posing challenges in auditability and transparency. This opacity in decision-making processes makes it difficult to ascertain the reasons behind specific AI generations. The current limitations in understanding and auditing AI models hinder our ability to ensure deterministic behavior, raising concerns about their reliability and safety.

AI’s Proliferation and the Containment Dilemma

The book explores the unique “containment problem” associated with AI technologies. Suleyman uses historical examples of general-purpose technologies to examine the feasibility of containing AI. The widespread nature of AI, a characteristic inherent to its omni-use, contrasts sharply with previous technologies such as nuclear weapons, underlining the distinct challenges AI poses in terms of societal impact.

The exponential growth in AI capabilities carries significant risks, particularly due to the potential for misuse by malevolent entities. This growth lowers the barriers for harmful actions by various actors, including political campaigners and criminal groups, leading to both positive and negative consequences.

AI’s Challenges and Safety Measures

Suleyman discusses the limitations of AI, such as its lack of auditability and transparency, and the difficulties in controlling its unpredictable nature. He suggests a comprehensive approach to mitigate AI’s societal impact, involving technical, cultural, legal, political, and societal mechanisms. He highlights the importance of governance in AI, pointing to initiatives like the UK’s AI safety summit and the European Union’s AI Act. These efforts reflect an increasing awareness of AI’s potential and the need for proactive strategies in its development and deployment.

The UK and the European Union are at the forefront of AI safety, with initiatives such as the EU AI Act providing comprehensive regulations. In other domains, such as automobiles and aircraft, regulation has proven effective in managing risks. Similarly, a culture of safety, regulatory intervention, and global political coordination are crucial for effectively containing AI. The stakes with AI are elevated due to its network effects and the potential for catastrophic outcomes.

Suleyman calls for immediate action to address AI safety, urging the promotion of experimental initiatives and technical methods for AI governance. It’s important to consider AI’s benefits alongside the risks, as these technologies hold immense potential for positive impact.

AI’s Broad Impact: From Personal Lives to Global Challenges

The book covers AI’s tangible benefits, envisioning a future where personal AIs act as tutors, confidants, and coaches. Suleyman advocates for the incorporation of kindness, care, and empathy in AI development, aiming for AI to be a force for progress, equality, and well-being.

AI and the Future of Education and Design

The book delves into AI’s transformative potential in education and the importance of integrating disciplines like design and human-computer interaction into AI development. Suleyman emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary teams to merge technical expertise with user experience insights.

Future Developments in Generative AI

Advancements in generative AI are anticipated to bring about a significant decrease in hallucinations (inaccuracies) as models become more accurate and deterministic. The controllability of these models is also expected to improve, enabling users to provide precise instructions and style specifications. These models will soon be capable of multi-idea processing and reasoning, facilitating complex planning and abstract thought. Within the next five years, it’s predicted that AI models will possess five-step planning abilities, allowing them to execute intricate tasks with multiple steps. Furthermore, it’s expected that these advanced AI models will become open-source within this timeframe.

Unlike serendipity, AI utilizes truly random numbers, generated internally by computers rather than relying on organic materials. In the realm of AI-enabled education, human interaction is shifting towards roles focused on clarification and support. Knowledge consumption is increasingly occurring through interactive AI experiences. AI systems are being developed to create personalized curricula that optimize energy, enthusiasm, and absorption rates, guiding learners through moments of flow and enhanced learning experiences.

The Future of AI: Navigating Education, Design, Empathy, and Responsible Development

Suleyman envisions a future where education increasingly relies on AI-powered systems, necessitating changes in testing and evaluation methods. Interdisciplinary teams, proficient in design, human-computer interaction, product, and systems thinking, are vital for the future development of AI. These teams must possess effective communication and negotiation skills to navigate organizational boundaries and disagreements.

AI systems should avoid taking overly directive or judgmental positions to prevent harm or alienation. An example of this approach is Pi, a conversational AI designed to be non-judgmental and empathetic, aiding in self-reflection and encouraging consideration of diverse perspectives. The decision of when and how AI systems should influence important life choices is a subject of careful contemplation.

Responsible AI development requires maintaining clear distinctions between AI systems and human relationships. AI should not attempt to mimic or replace human connections but rather complement them. The application of AI in highly regulated fields like healthcare and finance demands attention to reproducibility and accuracy. The selection of AI applications should align with the inherent imprecision of Large Language Models (LLMs), steering clear of areas where precision and accuracy are paramount.

A Call for Responsible AI Development

In conclusion, “The Coming Wave” by Mustafa Suleyman offers a comprehensive look at the future of AI and synthetic biology, emphasizing the need for responsible development, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a clear understanding of AI

‘s limitations and strengths. Suleyman’s insights provide a roadmap for navigating the complex landscape of AI, synthetic biology, and their societal implications.

Mustafa Suleyman’s “The Coming Wave” is a crucial read for anyone interested in the future of technology and its impact on society. His blend of personal narrative and expert analysis makes this book not only an informative guide but also a thought-provoking exploration of the ethical and societal challenges we face in this new era of technological advancement.

Notes by: Flaneur