MrBeast (Youtube Content Creator) – An Unfiltered Conversation with MrBeast (Jun 2023)


00:00:00 YouTube's Transformation and MrBeast's Journey
00:02:08 Growing Pains of Being a YouTube Mega Influencer
00:04:39 Growth and Challenges of Being a High-Profile Content Creator
00:11:11 Focus, Fitness, and Habit Formation
00:13:30 Navigating Challenges in the Content Creation Process
00:19:12 Innovating Video Formats for Engaging Content
00:24:32 Exploring New Concepts in YouTube Challenge Formats
00:26:51 Applying Storytelling and Innovation in Content Creation
00:32:38 Streaming vs. YouTube: MrBeast's Plans for a Netflix Show
00:40:09 Creators' Strategies for Unique Content and Avoiding Plagiarism
00:46:21 Creating Compelling Content for Multiple Platforms
00:53:23 Short-Form Content: A Powerful Funnel to Drive Content Growth
00:57:00 YouTube Challenges and the Growth of Feastables
00:59:53 From YouTube Entrepreneur to Chocolate Innovator
01:07:00 Revolutionizing Content Creation: From Brand Deals to AI Inspiration
01:13:58 Demystifying the Complexities of Leading Creator-Led Businesses
01:18:57 The Pressures and Challenges of Being a Creator in a Creator-Led Business
01:24:57 MrBeast's Formula for Entertaining Content: Focus, Creativity, and Effort
01:27:17 Creating Engaging YouTube Content: Insights from MrBeast and Colin and Samir
01:32:51 How MrBeast Transformed His Life by Embracing New Experiences
01:41:46 How MrBeast Innovates to Continuously Grow His YouTube Channel
01:48:47 MrBeast and Colin Reflect on Collaboration and YouTube Culture
01:51:54 Behind-the-Scenes Life of a YouTube Star
01:54:22 Behind the Scenes: Understanding MrBeast's Content Creation Process
01:58:35 Factors for Success in YouTube Content Creation
02:02:34 Advice for YouTube Creators: Focus on Content and Collaborate Wisely


The Transformative Journey of MrBeast: Navigating Fame, Innovation, and Personal Growth

“MrBeast: Beyond the Camera – A Deep Dive into Fame, Creativity, and the Pursuit of Passion”

In a recent podcast, MrBeast, a titan of YouTube fame, candidly discussed his meteoric rise, the overwhelming impact of sudden fame, and his relentless pursuit of originality and creativity in content creation. From grappling with the pressures of public attention and privacy erosion to his dedicated commitment to fitness and self-care, MrBeast’s journey is a testament to the complexities of internet stardom. He further delved into the innovative strategies behind his YouTube success, his passion for storytelling, and his ambitious plans for future projects, including a potential venture into streaming platforms and a unique documentary series on his life.

The Intricacies of Fame and Its Impact

MrBeast’s rapid ascent to fame brought both exhilarating opportunities and daunting challenges. As his follower count soared, so did the intensity of public interactions, transforming simple daily tasks into high-pressure situations. The incident in Chile, where fans camped outside his hotel, starkly highlights the extreme lengths of fan adoration and the consequent impact on his privacy. Despite these challenges, MrBeast remains grateful for the impact of his platform and the possibilities it unfolds. Reflecting on his journey, he admitted to experiencing profound emotional moments, expressing his desire to get married and acknowledging his struggles with mental health.

A Dedicated Approach to Personal Well-being

Remarkably, MrBeast has cultivated a disciplined routine of daily workouts, emphasizing the importance of self-care and accountability. This consistent exercise regimen, shared with fellow YouTuber Eric, has become an ingrained habit and brought about positive transformations, both physically and mentally. Daily workouts with Eric, part of an accountability contract, have maintained consistency over 310 days, with occasional rest days as part of their program. MrBeast also entered a contract with his friend Eric to work out every day, marking a significant change from his previous lack of focus on fitness. The tangible benefits of their consistent workouts, including feeling physically different and stronger, have impacted their overall well-being and productivity.

Passion and Perseverance in Content Creation

Contrary to the common burnout experienced by many creators, MrBeast’s passion for YouTube has only intensified over time. His joy lies in the challenge of crafting unique and innovative content. His dedication manifests in a tireless work ethic, long hours devoted to content creation, and an unwavering focus on his main YouTube channel. This passion fuels his relentless pursuit of originality and creativity, leading to mistakes and a steep learning curve. However, he emphasizes the importance of constantly striving for originality, as it prevents stagnation and maintains viewer engagement. Balancing originality with consistency, he believes in making the best videos possible, focusing on entertainment value and logical progression.

Constant Innovation: A Double-Edged Sword

The commitment to originality and innovation is both inspiring and taxing. The lack of a set format for his videos means each project presents new problems and learning curves. This pressure to constantly innovate and avoid burnout is a significant mental and physical demand, albeit one that MrBeast navigates with remarkable resilience. He admits to feeling more stressed due to his fitness routine, which takes up a significant portion of his day and limits his time for work. Additionally, his job as a content creator is stressful due to the constant striving for originality, which leads to mistakes and challenges.

“High Me in X Years”: A Glimpse into the Past

MrBeast’s pre-recorded video series “High Me in X Years” provides a unique perspective into his past thoughts and predictions. The anticipation for the upcoming “High Me in 10 Years” video, filmed at a time when he had just 8,000 subscribers, encapsulates his journey and growth as a content creator. MrBeast’s “High Me in 10 Years” video, filmed two years ago, is scheduled to release on October 5th. His warped perception of success, often envisioning his goals as already achieved, affects his perception of success.

Evolving Video Challenges and Emotional Storytelling

MrBeast’s approach to video challenges has evolved significantly, with a focus on more intricate and thought-provoking content. Incorporating character-building moments and emotional storytelling, such as a contestant celebrating their daughter’s birthday, has proven to be a successful strategy. This balance of storytelling and experience showcases his ability to adapt and innovate, drawing inspiration from various sources, including shows like “Love, Death & Robots.” Over time, he has refined his video formats, transitioning from basic hotel comparisons to more engaging yacht comparisons. Transition smoothness, focusing on key elements, and eliminating over-filming have contributed to improved content.

Exploring New Horizons: Streaming Platforms and Serialized Shows

Venturing beyond YouTube, MrBeast is exploring opportunities with streaming platforms to create serialized shows. His vision includes large-scale game shows with intense emotional narratives, drawing parallels with popular series like “Squid Game.” This exploration into different mediums reflects his desire to test his limits and expand his creative repertoire. Unleashing creativity and authenticity on his yacht trips, he allows his team to explore and discover freely, resulting in more exciting and genuine content. Collaborations with high-profile celebrities like Pete Davidson and Tom Brady bring in new audiences and generate excitement. These collaborations can lead to viral clips and mainstream exposure, expanding MrBeast’s reach beyond his core audience.

The Challenge of Staying Original in a Saturated Platform

Despite his success, MrBeast acknowledges the challenges posed by content imitation, known as “beastification,” on YouTube. His commitment to originality and continual transformation sets a high bar for other creators. He openly shares his strategies, encouraging others to find their unique paths rather than merely emulating his style. With 14 years of continuous content creation, he acknowledges the risk of burnout but remains motivated by his passion for YouTube.

Balancing YouTube Success with Personal Growth

MrBeast’s obsessive focus on YouTube content creation initially led to a narrow life perspective. However, he realized the importance of allowing non-YouTube activities into his life, making him more well-rounded and relatable. Balancing success with personal well-being is a nuanced endeavor, requiring careful navigation to avoid distractions and maintain productivity. He emphasized the importance of learning from repetitive content creation, balancing originality with consistency. Constantly refining and experimenting with formats prevents stagnation and maintains viewer engagement.

The Future of Entertainment: Quick Production and Release Cycles

MrBeast envisions a future where entertainment aligns with YouTube’s rapid release schedule. He admires shows like “Severance” for their engaging content and believes that a deep understanding of audience preferences and a willingness to take risks can expedite production processes, ensuring consistent quality.

Biggest Challenges, Team-Building, and Vision for the Future

Biggest Challenges: MrBeast highlights the difficulty of his work, which involves big videos, large teams, and lengthy production processes. He emphasizes the rarity of others replicating his approach due to its demanding nature.

Hiring and Team Dynamics: MrBeast values coachability as the highest trait in potential team members. He highlights the initial uselessness of new hires due to the unique nature of their work and the expertise of experienced team members. Traditional hires are avoided due to their tendency to criticize the unconventional methods employed by MrBeast’s team.

Vision and Belief: MrBeast stresses the importance of believing in YouTube’s future and the channel’s long-term success for potential team members. He recalls instances where people doubted the channel’s growth potential when it was receiving 10 million views per video. He has lost team members who lacked belief in the channel’s vision, many of whom later regretted their decision.

Future Goals: MrBeast envisions the channel continuing for at least 20 more years. He emphasizes prioritizing video quality over chasing statistics like views. He believes that focusing on creating the best possible videos will naturally lead to desired outcomes.

Advice for YouTubers and MrBeast’s Criteria for Collaborations

Advice for YouTubers: MrBeast emphasizes the importance of focusing on creating the best videos possible, rather than chasing quick success or diversifying too soon. He advises creators to obsess over what people want and give them exactly that, even if it means saying no to other opportunities. When creators balloon out with success, the best ones refocus and come back to what truly matters: making great content.

MrBeast’s Criteria for Collaborations: MrBeast says yes to collaborations where he believes people have genuinely put in effort and created something original. He is tired of low-effort collaborations where people just slap his face on a thumbnail for views. He wants to receive big and impressive things, but he doesn’t want to fake his personality or excitement for the sake of a collaboration. He encourages creators to put in the effort to create something truly awesome if they want to collaborate with him.

International YouTubers: A Global Perspective

International YouTubers: MrBeast and Colin discuss the possibility of the next big YouTuber emerging from a different country, citing Squid Game’s success as an example. MrBeast believes that a YouTuber from a country with lower RPMs, relying primarily on personality, could find success on a global scale. Challenges include the lack of dubbing and subtitles, making it difficult for non-English speakers to access content.

Ryan Trahan’s Influence: MrBeast expresses admiration for Ryan Trahan’s carefree and enjoyable lifestyle, contrasting it with his own stress and constant drive to innovate. MrBeast acknowledges that he cannot emulate Ryan’s style due to the complexities and scale of his own projects. MrBeast finds it challenging to turn off his analytical brain and focus solely on being funny, while Ryan seems to have an easier time doing so.

The Constant Pursuit of Innovation: MrBeast explains that he is constantly pushing himself and his team to create better and more innovative videos. This drive for innovation leads to stress and self-doubt, as he feels compelled to keep improving and expanding the scope of his projects. MrBeast acknowledges that no one is forcing him to do this, but it is an innate part of his personality.

Key Insights and Future Endeavors

MrBeast’s success formula hinges on continuous learning and improvement. He believes in making the best videos possible, focusing on entertainment value and logical progression. His plans to document his life through a multi-episode documentary series and his ambitions to create his own products, like Feastables, reflect his forward-thinking mindset. MrBeast coined the term “beastification” to describe the rapid growth and evolution of his channel and brand. He emphasizes the importance of adapting and evolving his content, overlaying footage and B-roll editing to enhance storytelling. He reflected on the transformation of his company, from an empty office to a bustling hub of activity, and the joy of working with a supportive team.

Changing Perspectives on Simplicity in Challenges:

MrBeast initially favored simple challenges to cater to a large audience, believing that complex challenges might alienate some viewers. However, he later realized that he could create more complex content that viewers could follow, challenging his previous belief.

Adjusting to Complexity:

MrBeast acknowledges the importance of character building and emotional moments in storytelling. He shares an example from a video where a contestant’s daughter’s birthday surprise elicited strong emotions from viewers and himself. He discusses testing more complex challenges and allowing for character development, resulting in positive feedback.

Balancing Storytelling and Visual Experience:

MrBeast emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between storytelling and visual experience in content creation. He explains that some videos focus on storytelling, while others prioritize the visual experience of the audience.

Evolving Storytelling Techniques:

MrBeast acknowledges the challenge of consistently surprising the audience with emotional impact. He discusses the need to switch up storytelling techniques and formats to avoid desensitization. He cites the show “Love, Death, and Robots” as an example of diverse storytelling within a common theme.

Core Themes and Mixing Formats:

MrBeast identifies core themes in his content, such as doing good, helping people, and having fun. He believes that these core themes can be applied to various formats, allowing for diverse content while maintaining consistency.

Exploring Streaming Platforms:

MrBeast expresses his interest in testing his content on streaming platforms. He teases the idea of streaming, prompting speculation among streaming platforms about his potential move.

Plans for a Netflix Show:

MrBeast is in talks with several streaming platforms about creating a serialized show. He believes that YouTube is not the best platform for serialized content and that a Netflix show would allow him to create longer episodes with more in-depth storytelling. He envisions a large-scale game show with a record-breaking number of contestants and a huge cash prize. He wants to showcase the raw emotions and unscripted interactions of real people competing for the prize.

Challenges of YouTube:

YouTube’s format is geared towards individual pieces of content, rather than serialized shows. Creators need to hook viewers within the first 30 seconds to keep them engaged. The platform is saturated with similar content, leading to a sense of staleness.

Importance of Originality:

MrBeast criticizes the trend of creators copying his style and concepts on YouTube. He encourages creators to find inspiration without resorting to blatant copying. He shares his knowledge and strategies for success on YouTube through podcasts and other platforms.

Feastables: A Game-Changer for the Business:

Feastables, a chocolate company with a YouTube channel, has significantly impacted MrBeast’s business. Its success has shifted the advertising and brand deal landscape, making it more challenging to find suitable collaborations.

Stalled Brand Deal Revenue Despite Skyrocketing Views:

The amount brands are willing to pay for video sponsorships has not kept pace with the exponential growth in MrBeast’s viewership. This disparity makes it difficult to secure brand deals that compensate MrBeast fairly for the massive reach and impact of his videos.

The Desire to Transition from Brand Deals to Company Ownership:

MrBeast expresses his ambition to eventually move away from brand deals and focus on promoting his own companies. This shift would allow him to maintain creative control, maximize profits, and reduce the stress associated with brand collaborations.

Financial Challenges and the Trade-Off Between Quality and Cost:

Despite the massive popularity of his videos, MrBeast often loses money on brand deals due to the high production costs of his content. He feels compelled to invest heavily in production to deliver the best possible videos, even if it means sacrificing profitability.

The Evolution of Production Costs:

Compared to the past, MrBeast’s production costs have increased significantly, reflecting the scale and ambition of his projects. He emphasizes the importance of investing in high-quality content, even if it means operating at a financial loss.

MrBeast’s Passion for Feastables:

MrBeast’s passion for Feastables, his chocolate company, is comparable to his passion for YouTube. He enjoys designing packaging and creating new products, which he compares to creating YouTube thumbnails. MrBeast believes Feastables can challenge the dominance of established chocolate companies and bring innovation to the industry.

MrBeast’s Vision for Feastables:

MrBeast aims to create a YouTube channel-like experience for Feastables, starting from a small scale and gradually growing it. He plans to expand Feastables beyond chocolate, including other snacks and beverages. His goal is to make Feastables one of the most knowledgeable companies in the food industry.

Challenges Faced by Feastables:

Feastables faces challenges in gaining shelf space in major retailers due to the dominance of established chocolate companies. MrBeast acknowledges that building trust and relationships with retailers takes time. The company is currently focused on meeting demand and keeping up with production rather than convincing retailers to carry their products.

MrBeast’s Approach to Knowledge Acquisition:

MrBeast is actively seeking knowledge and expertise in the food industry. He reads books, talks to authors, and calls chocolate company owners to learn about the industry. MrBeast values knowledge exchange and seeks win-win situations by offering value to others in return for their knowledge.

Feastables’ Integration in MrBeast’s YouTube Videos:

Feastables is featured in almost every MrBeast video, but it doesn’t feel like a forced brand deal. The integration of Feastables in videos is natural and aligns with MrBeast’s genuine excitement about the products. MrBeast values feedback from random people and enjoys sharing his creations with others.

MrBeast’s Content Creation and Product Development Approach:

Emphasizes building his own products and organically promoting them. Believes in creating content that is a natural extension of his personality. Advocates for self-reliance and not relying solely on brand deals.

Spending on Content:

Strives to create high-quality content, even if it means spending millions of dollars per video. Views spending on content as an investment in creating jobs and entertaining viewers. Rejects the idea of holding back on spending to prove a point.

The Role of AI in Content Creation:

Acknowledges the rapid advancement of AI, particularly chatbots like ChatGPT. Foresees a future where AI can assist content creators in generating ideas and optimizing videos. Believes AI will free up creators to focus on creativity and inspiration.

Multilingual Content and AI Dubbing:

Recognizes the potential of AI in dubbing content into multiple languages. Emphasizes the importance of maintaining high standards for AI-generated content to ensure its widespread acceptance. Acknowledges the challenges in achieving indistinguishable AI dubbing.

Voice Actors and Global Reach:

Celebrates the team of voice actors who bring his content to life in different languages. Highlights the unique insights and perspectives shared by his voice actors. Considers the impact of language and cultural nuances on global content distribution.

A Legacy in the Making

MrBeast’s journey is a mosaic of innovation, dedication, and personal evolution. His insights into content creation, his plans for exploring new platforms, and his approach to personal growth and team management offer valuable lessons for aspiring creators. As he continues to navigate the complexities of fame and creativity, MrBeast’s legacy in the digital world becomes increasingly profound, marking him as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape of content creation. MrBeast expressed contentment with his current life and career, surrounded by talented individuals who share his passion.

Notes by: datagram