Mitchell Waldrop (Author) – The Dream Machine [Part 3 of 3] (Aug 2021)

Part 1, Part 2

It’s hard for any of us to come up with, to really appreciate new ideas when it’s staring you in the face. This is a failing I think we should all be aware of. The trick is to recognize powerful new ideas without opening your mind so far that the wind blows through because there are a lot of dumb ideas out there too.

– Waldrop @ 51:55


00:02:40 Pioneers and Key Innovations of the Computing Revolution
00:13:13 The Genesis and Evolution of Interactive Computing and the Internet
00:25:59 The Evolution of Computing and Networking Technologies
00:38:44 Xerox PARC's Role in the Advent of Modern Computing
00:52:14 Key Insights from Mitch Waldrop's Discussion on the Historical Foundations of Digital Computing


Part 3 of 3: The Computing Revolution: From Licklider’s Vision to the Digital Age

In the landscape of the digital era, the evolution of computing has played a significant role in shaping society. A testament to human ingenuity, it all began with the pioneering work of J.C.R. Licklider, who envisioned a symbiotic relationship between humans and machines, eventually leading to the birth of interactive computing. This groundbreaking concept saw its first realisation with Whirlwind, the world’s first real-time computer developed at MIT, which defined the essence of interactivity fundamental to today’s technology. Licklider’s concept later evolved into a revolutionary system of networked centers storing human knowledge, which planted the seeds for the modern internet. This article explores the evolution and key innovations in computing, from the genesis of interactive computing to the role of JCR Licklider, Xerox PARC, MIT’s Radiation Lab, and ARPANET, the forerunner to the internet.

Licklider’s seminal contributions to computing began during World War II, when he developed solutions to noise issues for pilots. This experience sparked his interest in human-technology interactions, leading to his work on the Semi-Automated Ground Environment (SAGE) radar system. The SAGE project saw the creation of computer interfaces resembling those we use today, such as screens, keyboards, and interactive devices. It also instigated the idea of a network of centers for storing and displaying data in meaningful ways, a precursor to the internet.

In 1960, Licklider began experimenting with portable commercial interactive computers, refining the concept of ‘Man Computer Symbiosis’. His role at the Advanced Projects Agency (ARPA) from 1962 further enabled him to fund his research and gather a nationwide team of researchers. The concept of connecting all ARPA research centers, aimed at preventing a ‘Tower of Babel’ effect, provided the foundation for ARPANET, which was officially launched in 1969.

ARPANET’s success laid the groundwork for the emergence of the internet and an array of applications such as airline reservation systems, e-commerce, and point-of-sale computing. Interactive computing also paved the way for Project Mac at MIT, which pioneered timeshare computing, effectively enabling ‘personal computing’ and introducing concepts like email and the term ‘hackers’.

Simultaneously, the 1960s witnessed a radical shift in computing models, moving away from batch processing mainframes to interactive computing. Traditional computing giants like IBM focused on mainframe models, while emerging companies like Digital Equipment Company began developing mini-computers to facilitate interactive computing. This period marked the beginning of the transition towards personal computing.

The shift to personal computing was further boosted by the advent of microchips in the 1970s, making personal computers economically viable and sparking a surge in individual ownership and usage. Parallelly, the concept of networking gained traction, leading to the establishment of ARPANET, which kept connections constantly open, unlike traditional telephony methods.

This backdrop gave rise to the idea of an “information commons”, a shared space for freely exchanging information, in the early 1980s. However, it was hindered by differing networking protocols and security concerns. To overcome these hurdles, the National Science Foundation (NSF) adopted ARPANET’s TCP/IP protocol to form a network for supercomputing centers across the country, resulting in the launch of NSFNET in 1985. The shared language promoted cooperation between institutions, encouraging the development of local area networks in campuses and companies, and paving the way for the widespread adoption of the internet.

Meanwhile, Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), under the leadership of Robert Taylor, created the Alto, a precursor to the modern personal workstation. The Alto introduced features like bitmap graphics, word processing, and Ethernet connectivity. PARC also gave birth to technologies like the first interactive word processing program and Ethernet, the backbone for local area networks. Despite these advancements, Xerox didn’t capitalize on these technologies, leading to missed opportunities and internal conflicts.

The story of the computing revolution wouldn’t be complete without the role played by MIT’s Radiation Lab and influential figures like Norbert Wiener, Alan Turing, and Claude Shannon. Wiener’s introduction of the concept of cybernetics and Shannon’s work on information theory formed the basis for digital computing, while Turing’s work on computability remains the groundwork for modern computing concepts.

In retrospect, the evolution of computing and the advent of the internet was a product of human ingenuity, interdisciplinary collaboration, and visionary thinking. The contributions of pioneers like Licklider, institutions like MIT and Xerox PARC, and groundbreaking projects like ARPANET have collectively ushered us into the digital age, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate.

Notes by: empiricist