Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Co-founder) – Speech at Georgetown University (Oct 2019)


00:00:05 Preserving Free Expression in an Era of Division
00:03:29 Rise of Free Expression and Its Impact on Society
00:09:18 Internet Challenges to Free Expression
00:14:10 Fighting Harmful Online Content: Authenticity and Verification
00:17:09 New Properties of the Internet and Shifting Cultural Sensitivities
00:23:03 The Importance of Voice and Free Expression in a Changing World


Free Expression in the Digital Age: Zuckerberg’s Perspective on Voice, Progress, and Society

In a defining speech at Georgetown University, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, fervently defended the ethos of free expression and the empowerment of voices, particularly in the digital field. Zuckerberg’s insights are underpinned by a conviction that progress and societal inclusion are intrinsically linked to the amplification of individual voices. He acknowledges, however, the complexities and challenges of this stance, especially in a world where the internet both unites and divides, and where platforms like Facebook wield unprecedented influence over the global dialogue. This article delves into Zuckerberg’s perspectives, exploring the historical roots of free expression, the evolution of speech protections, the impact of social media on social movements, and the intricate balance between upholding free speech and mitigating its potential harms.

1. The Historical Importance of Voice and Free Expression

Mark Zuckerberg emphasized the historical significance of free expression, tracing its impact from pivotal social movements like the civil rights movement to global democratic struggles. He pointed out that voice and inclusion go hand in hand, necessary for fostering a more inclusive society. However, he also acknowledged that increasing voices can lead to division, a sentiment echoed by critics who worry about the disruptive potential of unfiltered speech.

Throughout history, the ability to express oneself has played a crucial role in social movements, fighting for civil rights, and promoting democracy worldwide. Repressive societies restrict speech, while free societies empower individuals to speak out for change.

2. Evolution of Free Speech Protections in the U.S.

Zuckerberg highlighted the evolution of free speech protections in the United States, particularly the role of the First Amendment and significant Supreme Court rulings. These legal frameworks have expanded the boundaries of free speech, enabling a more robust public discourse, including the criticism of public figures without the threat of libel suits.

Our understanding of free expression has expanded significantly over the last century. The First Amendment was initially limited to the federal government, but cultural norms and legal protections have expanded these rights. The Supreme Court has played a significant role in shaping free speech rights. In 1919, Schenck v. the United States set the stage for considering free speech under the First Amendment. Libel laws initially imposed damages for negative statements, even if they were true. Over time, the standard shifted to allow critiques as long as they could be proven true. In the 1960s, the Supreme Court established broad free speech protections. In New York Times v. Sullivan, public figures could be criticized without malice, even if the statements were false.

3. The Role of Social Media in Amplifying Voices

Social media, with Facebook at the forefront, has dramatically amplified the voices of social movements, allowing narratives like Black Lives Matter and Me Too to gain unprecedented traction. Zuckerberg viewed this as part of the emergence of a “fifth estate,” a new societal force that operates alongside traditional power structures, bypassing conventional gatekeepers in politics and media.

Social movements like Black Lives Matter and Me Too have spread on platforms like Facebook, enabling individuals to share stories and raise awareness in ways that were previously impossible. Progress often happens in our individual lives. Facebook empowers individuals to express themselves and help others, facilitating local initiatives, small business growth, and community engagement. The ability for billions of people to express themselves creates a new force in the world, akin to a “fifth estate.” It decentralizes power by bypassing traditional gatekeepers in politics and media.

4. The Complexities of Online Speech and Content Moderation

Zuckerberg addressed the unique challenges of online speech, emphasizing the scale and reach of platforms like Facebook. He discussed the efforts to tackle harmful content through AI and human moderation, highlighting the proactive approach in removing content like terrorist propaganda. He also touched on the balancing act of enforcing policies without overly expanding the definition of dangerous content.

Zuckerberg highlights the need to balance free expression with the responsibility to protect users from harmful content. The First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, does not directly apply to companies like Facebook, leading to debates about the level of free expression allowed on online platforms. Not all speech is protected, including terrorist propaganda, bullying, and pornography. Determining the line between acceptable and dangerous speech is a complex task, especially given the shift in perceptions about what constitutes harmful speech online. Facebook employs specific systems to address various types of harmful content, with a focus on incitement of violence, child exploitation, and intellectual property violations.

Content Moderation: Authenticity and Policy Enforcement

Policy Enforcement

Facebook focuses on enforcing existing policies rather than broadening the definition of dangerous content. This approach aims to prevent harm while avoiding unnecessary restrictions on free speech.

The Power of Virality

The internet’s ability to rapidly spread ideas brings positive opportunities, such as fundraisers, idea-sharing, and business growth. However, the same mechanism can facilitate negative outcomes like election interference and misinformation.

Addressing Misinformation

Facebook takes action to prevent the viral spread of complete hoaxes, especially those posing imminent physical harm, such as misleading health advice. Rather than judging content based on its message, Facebook prioritizes verifying the authenticity of the speaker.

The Authenticity Solution

Fake accounts posing as real people have been identified as the root of various content issues. To address this, Facebook now requires government ID verification and location proof for running political ads or large pages. This approach allows controversial statements while ensuring accountability and authenticity.

AI’s Role in Combating Fakes

Advanced AI systems have greatly improved the detection of fake account clusters with unnatural behavior. Facebook now removes billions of fake accounts annually, mostly before they can cause significant harm.

5. The Internet’s Impact on Polarization and Diversity of Perspectives

Contrary to popular belief, Zuckerberg argued that the internet could decrease polarization. He noted that the most polarized voters were those least likely to use the internet, suggesting that online platforms could expose individuals to a more diverse range of ideas. Facebook, he stated, is committed to designing systems that encourage this diversity.

In times of social tension, there’s a tendency to restrict free expression to avoid the associated tensions. However, history has shown that suppressing free speech often harms the minority views it aims to protect.

Content Evaluation and Polarization in the Age of the Internet

Polarization and Diverse Perspectives

Zuckerberg acknowledges that the Internet can lead to polarization but emphasizes mixed research findings. He notes that the most polarized voters in the last presidential election were those who rarely used the internet. Research suggests that people who get news online have more diverse media diets and encounter broader content. Zuckerberg highlights the importance of systems designed to promote diverse ideas and avoid encouraging polarizing content.

Sharing Capabilities and New Challenges

Live streaming allows families and educators to connect and interact in real-time, fostering community and education. However, live streaming also presents challenges, including the broadcast of self-harm, suicide, and violent acts. Zuckerberg emphasizes the responsibility to quickly respond to such content and focus on well-being, especially for young people. Facebook has a team and AI systems to detect self-harm risks and reach out to individuals in need.

Balancing Content Removal and Freedom of Expression

Zuckerberg emphasizes the dual responsibility of removing harmful content and upholding a broad definition of freedom of expression. He acknowledges that misinformation is a broad category and raises concerns about restricting satire and exaggerated personal stories. Zuckerberg clarifies Facebook’s policies to ensure visibility of primary source speech from political figures and the transparency of political advertising.

Political Advertising and Media Precedents

Political advertising on Facebook is more transparent and archived for scrutiny than in traditional media. Facebook does not fact-check political ads, enabling people to see what politicians are saying. Zuckerberg believes in the American tradition of free speech, citing a Supreme Court case that established broad speech rights. He asserts that people, not tech companies, should decide credibility, except in cases of violence, imminent harm, or voter suppression.

6. Navigating the Challenges of Misinformation and Political Advertising

Misinformation remains a thorny issue for Facebook, with Zuckerberg stressing the importance of focusing on the authenticity of speakers rather than policing content. He defended the role of political ads on the platform, arguing that they are crucial for local candidates and advocacy groups, and highlighted Facebook’s efforts to increase transparency in political advertising.

Despite historical resistance, protests for civil rights and anti-war speeches are now seen as essential forms of free expression. Current social tensions, such as globalization, technology, the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, and polarized social issues, lead to calls for restrictions on free expression. The increased number of voices on the Internet, while empowering, also brings risks of violence, election interference, and harm to others. Facebook employs specific systems to address various types of harmful content, with a focus on incitement of violence, child exploitation, and intellectual property violations.

The Importance of Free Expression and the Challenges Ahead

Overcoming Challenges to Free Expression

Zuckerberg believes in giving people a voice and fighting voter suppression. Balancing free expression with issues like political ads, hate speech, and hate speech laws requires careful judgments. Banning political ads favors incumbents and media-covered candidates.

Threats to Free Expression

1. Legal Challenges:

– Local laws undermining free expression and human rights are troubling, especially in places without democracy or press freedom.

– Countries like China are exporting their internet vision with different values, potentially influencing global internet discourse.

– American internet platforms with strong free expression values face competition from Chinese platforms with distinct values.

2. Platform Decisions:

– Platforms like Facebook make decisions affecting people’s ability to speak, raising concerns about bias and the need for a more democratic process.

3. Cultural Challenges:

– Tension arises from restricting speech and imposing new norms on what people can say.

– People increasingly view speech as dangerous if it leads to unacceptable political outcomes, undermining democracy.

The Importance of Free Expression

– Zuckerberg emphasizes the importance of free expression for democracy and civic norms.

– Without free expression, people lose faith in democracy and support populist parties that prioritize specific policy outcomes over democratic norms.

– Free expression allows for open dialogue, sharing experiences, and developing a shared societal narrative.

7. Global Perspectives on Internet Governance and Free Expression

Zuckerberg raised concerns about the global state of the internet, particularly the rise of Chinese platforms like TikTok that adhere to different values, potentially threatening global free expression norms. He affirmed Facebook’s commitment to these norms by choosing not to operate in markets like China.

The importance of free expression in a changing world: Zuckerberg emphasizes the need to balance free expression with the responsibility to protect users from harmful content.

8. Looking Forward: Zuckerberg’s Optimism and Call for Collective Responsibility

In conclusion, Zuckerberg expressed optimism about the future of free expression. He called for a collective effort from individuals, governments, and platforms to defend this essential freedom. He remains hopeful that through open dialogue and shared experiences, society can overcome challenges and foster a world where diverse voices lead to unity and progress.

Solutions and Optimism

– Respect for people’s right to express themselves by governments and platforms is crucial.

– All individuals should commit to being open and making space for diverse perspectives.

– Progress may be slow, but Zuckerberg believes we can overcome current challenges as we have in the past.

– The focus should be on individuals using their voices to make positive changes in their communities.

– Collaboration and recognition of the importance of voice and free expression are essential at this critical moment.

Investing in Security and Content Moderation

– Zuckerberg emphasizes the significant investment Facebook has made in security, with over 35,000 employees and a security budget exceeding the company’s entire revenue at the time of its IPO.

– The goal is to proactively identify and remove harmful content before users report it, with AI systems playing a crucial role in this process.

Notes by: datagram