Lukasz Kaisar (OpenAI Technical Staff) – Transformers – How Far Can They Go? (Mar 2022)


00:00:01 Understanding Transformers: Evolution, Applications, and Challenges in Machine Learning
00:11:03 Transformers: Revolutionizing Natural Language Processing
00:14:25 Advances in Large-Scale Language Models
00:16:57 Transformers: Beyond the Limits of Today's Hardware
00:23:27 Optimizing Transformers for Memory and Time Efficiency
00:28:03 Accelerating and Improving Transformer Models: Sparsity and Accessibility
00:38:07 Transformers' Out-of-Distribution Accuracy: Beyond Language and Images
00:41:48 Attention as an Explanation for Model Predictions
00:46:30 Exploring the Limits and Future of Transformer Models
00:56:13 Deep Learning Breakthroughs: Progress and Future Directions


A Revolution in Natural Language Processing: The Era of Transformers


In 2017, the world of natural language processing (NLP) witnessed a transformative change with the advent of transformer models. This new neural network architecture, distinct for its reliance on attention mechanisms, has rapidly become the standard in various NLP applications, including machine translation, summarization, and text generation. Training and running large transformer models, however, is computationally expensive and memory-intensive. The quadratic dependence of attention on sequence length also makes it challenging to handle long contexts. Fine-tuning state-of-the-art models requires extensive resources, limiting accessibility to researchers and organizations with specialized hardware capabilities.

Transformers: An Overview

Transformers, introduced in 2017, are widely used neural networks for various tasks in machine learning. They excel in tasks like machine translation, where sequential data processing is crucial. Recent research has explored methods to improve memory efficiency by reducing the size of intermediate activations and optimizing data structures. Techniques like “recurrent layers” and “parameter sharing” help reduce the computational cost of attention calculations. Innovations in hardware, such as specialized chips and accelerators, can further enhance the efficiency of transformer models.

Core Mechanism: Attention in Transformers

Transformers distinguish themselves through their attention mechanism, allowing the model to focus on specific parts of a sequence. This feature marks a significant departure from the traditional sequential approach of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), enabling transformers to grasp long-range dependencies within texts.

RNNs and the Need for Transformers

Before transformers, RNNs were commonly used for sequential data tasks. RNNs suffer from slow training and sequential processing, limiting their efficiency for longer sequences.

Advantages Over RNNs

Transformers offer several advantages over RNNs. They can process sequences in parallel, which leads to faster training times. They consistently show superior performance in various NLP tasks and their architecture is highly suitable for training on advanced hardware.

Benefits of Transformers

Transformers provide multiple benefits compared to RNNs. Their non-recurrent architecture allows for quicker training. They achieve much higher performance levels, excelling in a range of tasks. Notably, transformers’ attention heads demonstrate semantic properties, such as coreference resolution.

Limitations and Challenges

Transformers, despite their success, face certain constraints. The training of these models can be resource-intensive. Their attention mechanism can become complex for very long sequences. Locality-sensitive hashing, a probabilistic approach, enables attention processing in time n log n and can handle sequences of up to a million tokens. However, it sometimes requires redrawing, necessitating multiple attention layers. Although full attention is slightly more effective than locality-sensitive hashing, it’s much slower due to its quadratic complexity. The linear growth of locality-sensitive hashing with the number of hashes offers a more efficient alternative for managing long sequences. Additionally, optimal performance of transformers often requires extensive data.

Innovations and Future Directions

To address these limitations, researchers are focusing on developing more efficient architectures and sparse attention mechanisms to reduce complexity for longer sequences. They are also exploring transfer learning to enhance performance with less data.

Transformer Evolution and Applications

Transformers like BERT and GPT-3, with their large parameter counts, have broadened capabilities in coherent text generation and image and code creation from text prompts. Challenges remain with long sequences and memory requirements. Reversible transformers and locality-sensitive hashing are being developed to address these issues.

Translation and Semantic Understanding

Transformers have significantly impacted NLP, particularly in translation tasks. They provide accurate and semantically coherent translations, far surpassing previous models in their effectiveness.

BERT’s Success on GLUE Benchmark

The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) marked a significant breakthrough. BERT’s masked language modeling approach led to state-of-the-art performance on the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark, a collection of diverse NLP tasks. BERT’s performance even surpassed human-level accuracy on several GLUE tasks, showcasing its exceptional natural language comprehension abilities.

Memory and Complexity Solutions

Approaches to improve memory efficiency and reduce attention complexity in transformers include storing only relevant activations, utilizing sparse attention mechanisms, and breaking sequences into smaller chunks.

Addressing Out-of-Distribution Accuracy

Transformers, while struggling with tasks like simple addition without guidance, improve significantly with additional context like a “scratch pad.” Larger models with efficient attention mechanisms are key for effective reasoning.

Scaling and Understanding Transformers

The relationship between the size of a transformer model and its performance is not linear. While attention visualization provides insights, interpretability remains a challenge. Developing more reliable methods for attributing contributions to training examples is essential for better understanding these models.

Data and Architectural Challenges

Large datasets are vital for training transformers. Techniques such as dropout and SAM are being used to enhance efficiency. The exploration of potential alternatives to transformers, like diffusion models, is an ongoing area of research.

The Debate: Semantic Parsers vs. Large Language Models

The emergence of large language models has sparked debate about the relevance of semantic parsers. Semantic parsers offer structured representations, while large language models simplify the process by directly generating responses. This raises questions about error handling and responsibility.

Breakthroughs and Future Potential

Identifying significant breakthroughs in machine learning can be challenging. Techniques once considered mere tricks, like attention and dropout, are now seen as pivotal advancements. The focus is shifting towards improving data efficiency, fine-tuning efficiency, and developing new benchmarks.

Large-Scale Pre-Training and Masked Language Modeling

The success of transformers in NLP tasks is attributed to their powerful architecture, extensive pre-training on large datasets, and the effectiveness of masked language modeling. This pre-training enables the models to acquire a deep understanding of language patterns and relationships.

Text Generation with Transformers

Transformers have shown impressive capabilities in text generation tasks. Leveraging the decoder component of their architecture allows for the generation of coherent and grammatically correct text. Experiments demonstrate their ability to generate reasonable summaries of Wikipedia pages from a set of Google search results, highlighting their proficiency in extracting and synthesizing information from varied sources.

Model Size and Performance Correlation

The performance of transformers in text generation is strongly correlated with their model size. Smaller models tend to produce incoherent text, while larger models generate more coherent and informative content, showing a better grasp of real-world knowledge and relationships.

Deep Learning’s End-to-End Advantage

Deep learning models, unlike semantic parsers, are end-to-end systems that are easier to train, debug, and explain. They solve the user’s task directly without relying on intermediate representations.

Locality-Sensitive Hashing

Locality-sensitive hashing does not involve clustering but uses random hyperplanes for efficient data point comparison. In 2D, random lines create clusters based on data point positions relative to the lines. In higher dimensions, hyperplanes are used, with multiple random hyperplanes combined for greater accuracy.

Evaluating Future Breakthroughs

Assessing whether a development is a breakthrough or a trick often takes years. Attention and dropout, initially seen as mere tricks, are now recognized as significant breakthroughs. Predicting the next major advancement is challenging due to the vast amount of ongoing research.

Data Efficiency and Model Generalization

Current research is focused on improving data efficiency, especially for fine-tuning large models. Techniques like those explored in the MEND paper are investigating how to make models more powerful and generalize better with concepts similar to scratchpads.

Benchmarks for Model Evaluation

Finding a single, effective benchmark

for model improvement has become challenging with advancements in translation. The lack of a clear benchmark presents challenges but also offers opportunities to explore a variety of tasks and learn more about model capabilities.


Transformers have undeniably revolutionized NLP, propelling advancements across various tasks. While they present limitations, ongoing research and development promise to further expand their capabilities, potentially reaching new frontiers like competition-level code generation and meaningful image and video generation. The collaboration between researchers and practitioners will be key in unlocking the full potential of transformers in the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Notes by: OracleOfEntropy