Lukasz Kaisar (Google Brain Research Scientist) – “Deep Learning (Aug 2018)


00:00:02 Neural Gene, Transformer, and Neural GPU: A Comprehensive Overview
00:02:27 Universal Transformer: Combining Recurrence and Attention for Adaptive Computational Time
00:07:53 Adaptive Computation Time in Transformer Models
00:15:11 Universal Transformer: A Computationally Universal Model for Diverse Tasks
00:25:02 Universal Transformers: A New Model for Natural Language Processing
00:31:24 Recent Advancements in Multitask Learning for Natural Language Processing
00:42:46 Reinforcement Learning for Robotics and Beyond
00:46:33 Recent Advancements in Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning
00:57:46 Deep Learning in Practice
01:01:05 Large Language Models: Understanding and Generation
01:03:07 Sparse Models and Efficient Architectures for Deep Learning
01:13:42 Scaling Language Models: Increasing Data, Channels, and Layers


Revolutionizing AI: The Rise of Transformers, Universal Transformers, and the Future of Deep Learning

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, the introduction of the Transformer and its subsequent evolution into the Universal Transformer marks a significant leap forward. This article delves into the transformative impact of these models on complex sequence tasks, underscoring their strengths and limitations, and explores the broader implications of advancements in AI and deep learning.

Transformers and Universal Transformers: A New Era in AI

Transformers, introduced to address the limitations of neural GPUs in handling complex sequence tasks, revolutionized the field with their attention mechanisms and autoregressivity. These features enable them to effectively manage non-deterministic functions, a feat previously challenging for traditional models. Despite their prowess, Transformers are restricted by a constant number of layers, and the deterministic nature of the world poses further challenges to their effectiveness.

The neural GPU, a previous attempt at a universal model, suffered from inefficient recurrent steps for inputs of varying sizes. The Universal Transformer addresses this issue by introducing adaptive computation time, allowing the network to decide how many recurrent steps are necessary for a given input. This approach significantly improves the efficiency of the model while maintaining its ability to capture long-term dependencies. The universal transformer (UT) is a transformer-based architecture with stopping signals added, allowing it to attend to multiple steps of different positions and halt when necessary, making it computationally universal.

Tested across various tasks including translation, question answering, and algorithmic challenges, the Universal Transformer has shown remarkable results. It outperformed traditional Transformers in the Babi question answering dataset and demonstrated strong performance in grammar-based benchmarks and algorithmic tasks, while maintaining competitive translation performance. On the Babi question answering dataset, the UT achieved an error rate of 0.2%, significantly lower than the 20% error rate of a pure transformer, demonstrating its ability to solve tasks requiring complex reasoning and inference.

Computational Universality and Multitask Learning in AI

The Universal Transformer exemplifies the concept of computational universal neural networks, which, despite showing promise, have had limited practical applications. Models like Neural Turing Machines and Differentiable Neural Computers have performed well in algorithmic tasks but faced challenges with real-world data. In contrast, the Universal Transformer excels in both areas, offering a versatile solution for various applications. However, training this model is intricate, requiring careful tuning of hyperparameters and attention to potential issues like attention masks not generalizing well across varying sequence lengths. In contrast, the universal transformer model can be successfully applied to real-world data tasks while maintaining satisfactory performance on algorithmic tasks. This makes it a potential go-to model for various new tasks that arise.

In large language models, the number of parameters correlates with the quality of the generated text. Larger models with more parameters tend to produce more coherent and accurate text, while models with fewer parameters often generate nonsensical or biased text. A model with 300 million parameters might generate text that is incoherent and nonsensical, while a model with 4 billion parameters could produce text that is more coherent and correct. However, even models with billions of parameters may not be immune to generating unsatisfactory text.

Multitask learning is another area where Transformers have made a significant impact. By training a transformer language model on a large text corpus and fine-tuning it on specific tasks, state-of-the-art results have been achieved in various NLP tasks. This approach is particularly beneficial for tasks with limited data, as it leverages knowledge from the pre-training phase. Multitasking in NLP involves training a single model on a variety of text-based tasks, such as language modeling, translation, question answering, and grammar inference. The largest task in NLP is usually language modeling, which benefits from a large amount of available text data. Recent research has shown that pretraining a transformer language model on a large text corpus and then fine-tuning it on specific tasks can achieve state-of-the-art results on various NLP tasks, even with limited data for those tasks.

Deep Learning: Beyond NLP

The impact of deep learning extends beyond natural language processing. Unsupervised or semi-supervised learning approaches significantly reduce the requirement for labeled data in language training. Reinforcement learning without sequence-level supervision enables agents to complete tasks based on rewards or reinforcement signals without requiring a labeled sequence of actions. DeepMind’s success with Atari games and advancements in complex tasks like Go and robotic grasping highlight the versatility and progression of AI. In robotics, significant advancements have been made, with robots effectively interacting with unseen objects using deep reinforcement learning. Game AI development has also seen remarkable progress, with bots like OpenAI’s Dota bot demonstrating the versatility of AI in complex environments. The concept of AutoML, or “learning to learn,” further pushes the boundaries of AI by training systems to design neural networks autonomously, enhancing efficiency across various tasks and data sets. Multitasking is a promising direction for deep learning, particularly in domains with limited data or multiple related tasks. Ongoing research in this area is likely to produce further advancements and improvements in the capabilities of deep learning models.

The Future of AI: Challenges and Ethical Considerations

The future of AI is not without challenges. The skepticism about whether AI successes are due to neural networks or computing power persists. Moreover, data efficiency remains a major hurdle, especially in reinforcement learning. Techniques like model-based approaches might offer solutions for reducing data requirements. In terms of model parameters and language processing, larger models with more parameters generally perform better. However, overfitting is a concern, which can be mitigated through regularization techniques. The ethical implications of realistic models generating convincing text, images, and videos also need to be addressed, considering the potential for misuse in creating fake news and misinformation. The term “universal” not only refers to its computational universality but also signifies its potential as a broadly applicable model. The code for the universal transformer is already available on GitHub, even though the paper hasn’t been published yet.

In conclusion, the evolution from Transformers to Universal Transformers and beyond represents a significant milestone in AI. While these models open up new possibilities and enhance efficiency in various tasks, the field must continue to address the challenges of data efficiency, generalizability, and ethical concerns to ensure the responsible and beneficial advancement of AI technology. Sparse models, which use a subset of parameters for each training example, can achieve high performance with fewer computations. However, modern hardware is not well-suited for sparse computations. Overfitting is not solely determined by the number of parameters; larger models with regularization techniques can prevent overfitting. Deep learning has yet to reach a limit where adding more parameters does not improve performance in sequence modeling, but in reinforcement learning, larger networks may not always yield better results. Ethical considerations, such as preventing fake news and misinformation, should be addressed as AI models become more realistic. Multitasking reinforcement learning may help mitigate the tendency of these models to make severe mistakes.

Notes by: Alkaid