Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore Prime Minister) – SMU Ho Rih Hwa Lecture Q&A (Jun 2015)


00:00:00 Navigating Uncertainties in Singapore's Economy and Education
00:07:50 Judges' Authority Over Public Opinion
00:11:09 Managing Societal Cohesion in a Rapidly Changing World
00:16:36 Regional and Domestic Challenges to Singapore's Economy
00:22:31 State-Owned Enterprises and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
00:24:57 Singapore's Future: Challenges and Opportunities
00:31:19 Balancing Technology, Identity, and Graciousness for a Cohesive Society
00:33:38 Singapore's Future: Balancing Economic Growth with Social Cohesion


Navigating Singapore’s Future: Prime Minister Lee’s Insights on Resilience, Adaptability, and Social Cohesion

Prime Minister Lee’s recent dialogue with students and professionals highlighted key challenges and strategies for Singapore’s future. Addressing critical issues like economic uncertainties, educational adaptability, LGBT rights, work-life balance, and the nation’s role in global dynamics, Lee provided a comprehensive overview of Singapore’s path forward. His emphasis on resilience, adaptability, and social cohesion, coupled with a focus on balancing technological advances with human values and maintaining Singapore’s unique identity, underlines the country’s proactive approach to future challenges.

Main Ideas and Expanded Analysis

Economic Uncertainties and Adaptability:

Facing global economic uncertainties, including the Greek debt crisis and China’s slowdown, PM Lee underscored the importance of resilience. Drawing parallels with countries like Turkey and Australia, he advocated for adaptability in finding new markets and diversifying economies.

Additionally, he acknowledged the global trend of decoupling wages and productivity, where increased productivity does not necessarily lead to higher wages. Factors such as weakened union bargaining power, disproportionate profits for top executives, and the winner-takes-all nature of the finance industry may contribute to this phenomenon.

Educational Strategies for Uncertain Times:

Lee stressed the significance of education in equipping students with adaptable skills for a rapidly changing world. Emphasizing social science education’s broad foundation, he advocated for lifelong learning as crucial in career progression.

He also highlighted Singapore’s progress in increasing its total fertility rate (TFR) to 1.6-1.7 and the positive contribution of women in childcare roles to the availability of childcare places for children.

Student Well-being Amidst Competitiveness:

Responding to concerns about intense student competition in Singapore, Lee highlighted the need for collaboration and cautioned against excessive anxiety over early academic achievements. He also acknowledged the need to maintain productivity growth aligned with wage increases in Singapore.

Global Engagement and Confidence:

Encouraging students to be globally engaged, PM Lee shared his experiences with international students, emphasizing the potential for collaboration and success. He expressed confidence in the resilience and efficiency of PSA (Port of Singapore Authority) and Changi Airport despite potential competition from the Kra Canal project in Thailand.

Balancing Judicial Authority and Legislative Power:

Addressing questions on legal issues like same-sex marriage, Lee differentiated Singapore’s legislative process from the US, stressing parliamentary power and the need for laws to reflect societal values and attitudes.

Approach to LGBT Rights:

PM Lee elaborated on Singapore’s cautious approach towards LGBT rights, advocating for gradual public opinion evolution over imposed changes to ensure social cohesion.

Career and Family Dynamics:

Highlighting the challenges young couples face in balancing career and family, Lee advocated for family-friendly policies and a perspective shift towards prioritizing different life stages. He compared Singapore’s approach to work-life balance with Scandinavian countries, emphasizing the need for choices suited to individual circumstances.

Government Support and Fertility Rates:

Discussing government support in Scandinavian countries, Lee acknowledged Singapore’s resource constraints in replicating such support, highlighting childcare availability and stable Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Singapore.

Regional Dynamics and China’s Rise:

On regional concerns, especially China’s actions in the South China Sea, Lee stressed peaceful dispute resolution and China’s role as a benign force respecting sovereignty. He sees great opportunities in China’s rise and considers it a benign force with the potential to contribute positively to the world.

Singapore’s Strategic Positioning:

Discussing the potential impact of the Kra Canal, Lee highlighted PSA and Changi Airport’s strengths, ensuring their relevance despite new developments.

Trade Agreements and National Interests:

In the context of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Lee elaborated on Singapore’s commitment to protect its interests, ensuring fair treatment for its government-linked companies. He mentioned Singapore’s active involvement in the TPP and emphasized the US aim to regain influence in Asia through the TPP negotiations.

Singapore’s GLCs differ from SOEs in other countries, as they operate independently and are not given special privileges or tasked with specific government duties. The government aims to protect the fair treatment of its GLCs while ensuring fair competition for Singaporean companies in other countries.

Political Renewal and Special Interest Engagement:

Lee addressed the need to attract private sector talent to politics and the government’s efforts to engage special interest groups. The government engages with various special interest groups, such as environmental and LGBT groups, through regular dialogue and consultation. The aim is to understand their concerns and perspectives, foster mutual understanding, and work towards common goals while balancing different viewpoints.

Addressing Youth and Income Inequality:

Recognizing the importance of supporting at-risk youth and tackling income inequality, Lee outlined the government’s approach to these challenges. Tackling income inequality is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. The government is exploring various measures to address this issue, including enhancing social safety nets, promoting skills upgrading and lifelong learning, and supporting businesses that create good jobs.

Balancing Technology with Humanity:

Responding to concerns about technology leading to a loss of human connection, Lee emphasized the need for maintaining Singapore’s unique identity, where competition coexists with a cohesive society. He also highlighted graciousness as key to fostering a society where people care for each other, drawing inspiration from Japan’s success in this regard.

Questions About Balancing Technology and Humanity, and the Importance of Graciousness:

– Ma Ningzhi inquired about balancing technology’s role in improving productivity while maintaining a sense of humanity.

– She expressed concern that excessive reliance on technology could weaken human connections and impact personal identity.

– Benjamin asked about the importance of graciousness as a national value.

– He emphasized how graciousness enhances everyday interactions and improves the quality of life.

– PM Lee highlighted the challenge of bridging deep divides between pro-gay and anti-gay groups and emphasized the need for compromise and dialogue to avoid societal schisms.

– He stressed the importance of graciousness in fostering a cohesive society, describing it as a quality that demonstrates care and empathy for others.

– He cited Japan as an example of a society that excels in graciousness.

Fostering Singapore’s Future

In conclusion, PM Lee’s responses and insights demonstrate a comprehensive and balanced approach to navigating Singapore’s future challenges. His focus on resilience, adaptability, and maintaining a unique national identity, while addressing key societal issues, underscores the government’s commitment to fostering a cohesive, prosperous, and forward-looking Singapore. This dialogue reaffirms Lee’s authenticity and popularity, particularly among the youth, as he engages with a range of critical issues, reflecting a deep understanding and passion for the nation’s growth and well-being.

Notes by: Flaneur