King Abdullah II (Kingdom of Jordan King) – On the Palestinian Israeli conflict | Baker Institute (Aug 2013)


00:00:31 International Leadership and the Middle East Crisis
00:14:40 Steps Toward Lasting Peace in the Middle East
00:27:00 Arab-Israeli Peace, Iraq, and Women's Opportunities in Jordan
00:34:07 Modernization and Economic Growth in Jordan: A Conversation with King Abdullah II


The United States and Jordan: A Partnership of Peace and Progress

The longstanding relationship between the United States and Jordan, exemplified by the visions and actions of King Abdullah II, stands as a beacon of cooperation and peace in the Middle East. From the legacy of King Hussein’s alliance with the U.S. to King Abdullah’s modern reforms and peace initiatives, this partnership has played a crucial role in regional stability. This article explores the multifaceted aspects of this relationship, focusing on key areas such as peace efforts in the Middle East, the fight against terrorism, the need for international collaboration, economic growth, and societal advancements, particularly in education and women’s empowerment.

Historical Context of U.S.-Jordan Relations

The U.S. and Jordan share a deep-rooted history of friendship, significantly strengthened during King Hussein’s reign. His commitment to peace and stability in the Middle East laid the groundwork for a strong bilateral relationship. King Abdullah II has continued this legacy, emphasizing peace and moderation while implementing reforms to modernize Jordan’s economy and political system. At Rice University’s Baker Institute, King Abdullah II highlighted his domestic reforms, economic growth, and commitment to peace.

King Abdullah II’s Vision and Reforms

King Abdullah II’s reign, commencing in 1999, marked the continuation of Jordan’s close ties with the U.S. His advocacy for peace in the Middle East, combined with economic and political reforms, reflects a commitment to modernizing Jordan and fostering regional stability. Furthermore, Jordan’s proactive role in countering terrorism aligns with its Islamic heritage, Arab desire for freedom, and national history.

Peace Initiatives in the Middle East

Central to King Abdullah II’s agenda is the pursuit of a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, viewed as crucial for the region’s prosperity. He advocates for international support in reviving the peace process and calls for a comprehensive approach to resolving the conflict. In his address at the Baker Institute, he emphasized the urgency of a new approach to Middle East peace, highlighting the need for timely, practical results and strong international leadership.

Global Fight Against Terrorism

In alignment with U.S. interests, King Abdullah II has been vocal in condemning terrorism, including the September 11th attacks. His pledge of support for anti-terrorism efforts highlights the need for a holistic strategy that tackles both the roots and the manifestations of terrorism. At the Baker Institute, he praised the international community’s response to the September 11th attacks, leading to a global alliance against terrorism.

The Necessity of International Cooperation

The King has consistently stressed the importance of global collaboration in facing contemporary challenges. He promotes multilateralism and a fair world order, believing in collective efforts for a brighter global future. At the Baker Institute, he emphasized the need for strong international leadership, particularly from the United States, to guide the parties towards a resolution of the Middle East conflict.

Ineffectiveness of Incremental Negotiating Model

The traditional, gradual approach to peace in the Middle East has proved inadequate. Although the Madrid conference and Oslo process made progress, they failed to deliver lasting results, indicating the need for a new strategy. A new approach is necessary, focused on timely, practical results and less on process. This approach should resonate with both Israelis and Palestinians, addressing their fears, concerns, and hopes. It should aim for a comprehensive, fair, and lasting deal, rather than partial agreements or temporary solutions.

A New Approach to Middle East Peace

A novel peace approach, focusing on immediate, practical outcomes and addressing core issues of both Israelis and Palestinians, is proposed. This approach should culminate in a fair and enduring agreement, supported by an international peace alliance. Furthermore, a peace alliance, comprising the US, European, Arab, and other countries, should be formed to broker a comprehensive deal. The deal should aim for a clear timeline and plan of action, ensuring a reasonable timeframe for negotiations. It should protect the core interests of both sides, based on principles of justice and fairness.

Comprehensive Peace Principles

A successful peace deal should safeguard the fundamental interests of both sides without compromising their concerns. It requires clear principles, a realistic timeframe, and the translation of previous visions into actionable plans.

Arab Peace Proposal and U.S. Role

The Beirut Summit’s Arab peace proposal, which seeks a collective treaty to end occupation and empower Palestinians, has gained significant support. The U.S. is viewed as pivotal in facilitating peace, with its ability to unify parties and support moderate forces. An active US role is indispensable to guide the peace process and protect its vital interests and those of its allies. The American people are urged to support this proposal, considering the high stakes involved.

Public Opinion and Leadership in Israel

Recent polls in Israel reveal a strong preference for peace negotiations, indicating public support for territorial compromises and American guarantees. Leaders are urged to listen to this desire for peace and act accordingly. King Abdullah II emphasizes that the public’s desire for peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict is often ahead of the leaderships. He suggests reaching out to the people directly to convey a message of peace, prosperity, and hope.

Resolving Key Issues: Palestinian Refugees and Jerusalem

Progress in resolving the Palestinian refugee issue and the status of Jerusalem, as seen in the Taba negotiations, suggests a potential starting point for renewed talks. Arab states have shown a willingness to seek flexible solutions, including for Jerusalem. King Abdullah II recalls that Israelis and Palestinians nearly solved the Palestinian refugee and Jerusalem issues during the Taba negotiations three years ago. He proposes resuming negotiations from where they left off at Taba rather than starting from scratch. He highlights the Arab world’s flexibility in finding an agreed solution to the Palestinian problem and believes more work is needed on the Jerusalem issue.

Iraq Situation: Dialogue Over Military Action

In addressing Iraq, King Abdullah II advocates for diplomacy and caution, highlighting the need to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East and prioritize peaceful resolutions. He cautions against raising the issue of Iraq given the current tensions and anger in the Middle East, especially between Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs. He emphasizes the need for understanding the situation on the ground and addressing people’s concerns.

Peace Framework for Syria and Lebanon

An umbrella framework is proposed for Syrian and Lebanese issues, parallel to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. This dual-track approach aims to address the broader Arab-Israeli conflict effectively. King Abdullah II suggests creating an umbrella framework for comprehensive peace that includes both the Israeli-Palestinian track and the Arab-Israeli track. He believes this approach would prevent excuses and obstacles from hindering the process. He clarifies that the Madrid formula should be used as a model for two separate tracks, rather than linking them together, to avoid creating excuses for setbacks.

Economic Growth and Regional Influence

Jordan’s free trade agreement with the U.S. has spurred significant economic growth, exemplifying the potential of modern economic reforms. Jordan’s progress serves as a model for other countries, especially in addressing trade and unemployment. In just two years, bilateral trade with the U.S. has increased from $40 million to $300 million, with projections indicating a doubling of trade volume within the next 18 months.

Empowering Women and Youth in Jordan

Recognizing the importance of engaging all societal sectors, King Abdullah II emphasizes women’s empowerment and youth opportunities. Jordan’s focus on education and digital literacy, particularly for women in rural areas, showcases a commitment to societal advancement. IT centers are being established in rural areas to provide access to technology and education, particularly for women. Women in rural areas have shown great enthusiasm and success in adapting to computer capabilities and English language skills. Education is seen as a key equalizer, and governments must provide women with opportunities to succeed. In addition, Jordan’s efforts to bridge the digital divide and provide education and computer skills to everyone from an early age are commendable. The establishment of community centers to provide opportunities for women and less privileged individuals is also a step in the right direction.

King Abdullah II’s Personal Interests

King Abdullah II’s personal affinity for American football, particularly the Washington Redskins, reflects his deep connection with American culture, stemming from his years spent in the U.S. during his youth. Despite the team’s recent struggles, he remains a loyal fan.


King Abdullah II’s leadership and vision for Jordan and the Middle East resonate with themes of peace, cooperation, and societal progress. His emphasis on comprehensive peace efforts, international collaboration, and internal reforms positions Jordan as a pivotal player in regional stability and prosperity. The U.S.-Jordan partnership, enriched by mutual understanding and shared goals, continues to play a vital role in shaping the Middle East’s future.

Notes by: TransistorZero