John Hennessy (Alphabet Chairman) – The future of computing (May 2018)


00:00:06 The End of Moore's Law and Dennard Scaling
00:03:25 The End of Dennard Scaling and the Power Wall
00:10:46 Advancing Computing: The Promise of Domain-Specific Architectures
00:18:32 Tailoring Architectures to Specific Domains for Enhanced Performance and Efficiency
00:21:54 Future Computing: Beyond Silicon
00:27:57 Advances in Memory, Computing, and Education
00:32:34 Future of Computing: Funding, Hardware Innovations, and Memory-Storage Integration
00:36:29 Innovations and Challenges in Domain-Specific Architecture Implementation


The Evolution and Future of Computing: A Comprehensive Analysis


The landscape of computing technology is undergoing a transformative phase, marked by the slowing down of Moore’s Law and Dennard Scaling. This article explores the implications of these changes, the shift towards energy efficiency, the rise of domain-specific architectures, and the potential of post-silicon technologies. We delve into the challenges and opportunities in the fields of cybersecurity, memory technology, operating systems, and the burgeoning field of domain-specific languages. This analysis also touches upon the role of education, the impact on cryptocurrency, and the funding landscape for future computing advancements.


In the past decades, Moore’s Law and Dennard Scaling have been the driving forces behind the exponential growth in computing power. However, the slowing of these trends has necessitated a reevaluation of computer architecture and design principles. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state and future directions of computing technology, focusing on energy efficiency, domain-specific architectures, and emerging technologies.

The End of an Era: Moore’s Law and Dennard Scaling

– Moore’s Law: Traditionally predicted an exponential growth in transistor density, but we’re now seeing a slowdown in DRAM capacity growth and processor transistor counts.

– Dennard Scaling: Once ensured constant power density, but its conclusion has led to increased power consumption per transistor, impacting energy efficiency.

Shifting Focus to Energy Efficiency

The cessation of Dennard Scaling has pivoted the focus of computer architecture towards energy efficiency. This change is particularly crucial for portable devices and cloud configurations, where the cost of power and cooling infrastructure is becoming a significant concern. The performance improvements in single-processor systems have also decelerated, highlighting the need for a new design approach.

The Challenge of Multi-Core and Software Approaches

– Amdahl’s Law: Reveals the limitations of multi-core systems, where sequential code segments can hinder performance.

– Software-Centric Approaches: While offering rapid development, these methods can be inefficient in execution, necessitating a balance with hardware-centric solutions.

Domain-Specific Architectures: A New Frontier

– DSAs: Tailored to specific applications, these architectures exploit domain-specific knowledge for efficiency gains.

– Key Architectural Changes in DSAs: Incorporating techniques like SIMD, VLIW, and user-controlled local memories for enhanced performance.

– Domain-Specific Languages: Essential for programming DSAs, balancing high-level functionality with machine independence.

– Rethinking Software Optimization: Researchers achieved a remarkable 62,000 times speedup in matrix multiplication code optimization through various techniques, showcasing the potential of targeted software optimizations.

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning

AI and ML are driving a significant demand for computational power, with advancements like the Duplex demo showcasing their transformative potential. This has led to the development of specialized architectures like TPUs, optimized for neural network tasks.

– Machine Learning Revolution: Recent years have witnessed rapid advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, fueled by the availability of massive computational power.

– Deep Neural Network Architectures: Building domain-specific architectures for deep neural networks involves careful consideration of dataflow, memory access patterns, and algorithm characteristics to optimize performance and energy efficiency while maintaining accuracy.

Towards a Post-Silicon Era

As we approach the physical limits of silicon-based technologies, the exploration of alternative materials like organic, quantum, and carbon nanofibers is gaining momentum. Quantum computing, in particular, holds the promise of immense computational capabilities.

Rethinking Security and Architecture

Recent vulnerabilities like Meltdown and Spectre have exposed the need for a more collaborative approach to architecture and software design, focusing on creating secure systems.

The Role of Emerging Memory Technologies

With DRAM reaching its limits, technologies like phase change memory are emerging as potential replacements, offering longer lifetimes and better scaling potential.

Education and Continuous Learning

Rapid technological advancements necessitate a lifelong learning approach, emphasizing the need for technology-savvy individuals in leadership and policy-making roles.

Cryptocurrency and Specialized Architectures

The ongoing development in cryptocurrency highlights the potential for specialized architectures and algorithmic advancements to enhance transaction efficiency and accessibility.

Operating Systems: Evolving for Future Needs

The trend of increasingly complex kernel-based operating systems underscores the need for more efficient systems to handle future computing demands. This includes the evolution of operating systems for large-scale processors and the growing complexity of hypervisors.

Funding the Future

The advancement of computing technology will likely rely on a combination of government and private investments, with a history of governmental support for foundational innovations like the internet, RISC, and VLSI.

Memory Hierarchy and the Convergence with Storage

Future software may manage the distinction between storage and memory, optimizing performance based on volatility and persistence. This necessitates hardware and software optimizations to address networking and I/O bottlenecks.

(Update: Visions for the Future of Computing: Government and Industry Funding, Memory-Storage Integration, and Efficient Networking)

– Future Operating System Structure: Operating systems should be structured to handle large-scale processors, ensuring protection, efficiency, and organization for effective utilization.

– Funding for Computing Advancements: Both government and private investments are essential, with government support for long-term research and development crucial, especially in areas like artificial intelligence.

– Collaboration between Industry and Universities: Collaboration between academia and industry can lead to innovative breakthroughs, combining academic knowledge with practical applications.

– Integration of Compute and Storage: Future software may handle the distinction between storage and memory, blurring the lines between DRAM and other technologies.

– Rethinking Networking and I.O. for Efficiency: Networking and I.O. can become major bottlenecks. Optimizing hardware and software can improve efficiency, but adding an operating system transaction can add significant overhead.

Implementing and Designing DSAs

(Update: Summary of John Hennessy’s Thoughts on the Future of Computing)

– Implementation of Domain-Specific Architectures (DSAs): On-chip and off-chip implementations, with FPGAs enabling rapid prototyping and testing. Breakthroughs in chip design are needed to make creating custom processors easier and cheaper.

– Role of Deep Learning Engineers in Pushing Forward DSA: Collaboration between application experts, software engineers, and hardware designers is essential to drive innovation.

– Performance Enhancements and Challenges of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): DSLs can offer significant performance advantages but are often more difficult to use. New compiler techniques and a new generation of compiler experts are needed.

– Maintaining Software Productivity While Adopting DSAs: Preserving the productivity gains made in software development is crucial, requiring a new generation of compiler experts to bridge the gap between high-level DSLs and efficient machine code.

– Complexity of x86 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Limited room for further performance improvements, and aggressive prefetching techniques can lead to performance degradation in some programs.


The future of computing is characterized by the exploration of post-silicon technologies, the development of domain-specific architectures, and a renewed focus on cybersecurity. Emerging memory technologies and the evolution of operating systems will play a critical role in shaping this future. Continuous education and collaborative efforts across industries and academia will be essential in navigating these changes and unlocking the full potential of future computing technologies.

Notes by: oganesson