Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley Professor) – Career Discussion and Q&A | SciLifeLab Stockholm (Oct 2020)


00:00:09 Jennifer Doudna's Journey into the World of Science and Discovery
00:09:16 Journey of a Scientist: From Biochemistry to CRISPR
00:12:25 From Beginner's Luck to the Center of Things
00:15:26 The Value of Mentorship in Scientific Discovery
00:19:32 Creating an Inclusive Environment for Innovation
00:22:50 From RNA Structures to CRISPR: A Pioneering Journey
00:29:05 Triumphs and Turning Points in Structural Biology Research
00:32:43 From Structural Biology to Genetics and Synthetic Biology: A Journey of Scientific Exploration
00:37:08 Perseverance and Thriving in Uncertainty: Lessons from Scientific Leaders
00:43:35 Reflections on the Price of Innovation
00:46:37 Gender, Resilience, and Project Management in Scientific Research
00:55:13 Scholars Assess the Bar for Success in Scientific Research


The Journey of Jennifer Doudna: A Path of Resilience, Innovation, and Impact in Science

Introduction: The Essence of Jennifer Doudna’s Scientific Odyssey

Jennifer Doudna, a figure synonymous with groundbreaking advancements in biochemistry and genetics, presents a narrative that is not just about scientific discovery but also about the resilience, innovation, and personal growth behind it. Growing up in Hawaii, Doudna’s early fascination with nature’s intricacies and her unique environment were the prelude to a journey marked by challenges, triumphs, and relentless curiosity. Her story, from being inspired by literature and a high school chemistry teacher to her pivotal role in CRISPR research, is a testament to the importance of mentorship, perseverance, and the courage to venture into uncharted scientific territories. This article delves into Doudna’s life, unraveling the key moments and influences that shaped her path and her profound impact on the scientific community.

Early Influences and Formative Experiences

In her youth, the unique environment of Hawaii, intellectual stimulation from her father, a literature professor, and her high school chemistry teacher, Miss Wong, set the foundation for Doudna’s lifelong intrigue with the natural world and scientific discovery. The book “The Double Helix” by Jim Watson ignited her interest in the structure of DNA. Despite not knowing any scientists personally, her love for puzzles and biochemistry led her to major in chemistry at Pomona College. Her initial struggles were overcome when she found her calling in organic chemistry during her second year, beginning her deep dive into the world of biochemistry and shaping her future contributions in DNA and gene editing.

A Journey Through Academia: Challenges and Breakthroughs

Doudna’s academic path was a blend of challenges and breakthroughs. Her high school and college years laid the foundation for her fascination with chemistry and problem-solving. At college, she studied Myxococcus xanthus, a bacterium, in a biochemistry lab. Her success in culturing bacteria propelled her toward a PhD and later to Harvard Medical School. At Harvard, in Jack Szostak’s lab, she began studying ribozymes, laying the groundwork for her work on CRISPR-Cas9. These early experiences taught her the value of intellectual engagement, debate, and inclusivity in scientific endeavors.

Jack Szostak’s Lab and the Significance of Open Discourse

In Jack Szostak’s lab, Doudna found an environment fostering open and collaborative scientific discourse. Szostak encouraged independence, creativity, and valued the opinions of his lab members. This interaction instilled in Doudna a sense of confidence and the importance of respectful intellectual exchange, highlighting the value of mentors who encourage and respect their students’ views, fostering innovation and growth.

The Leap into Uncharted Scientific Fields

Doudna’s career is highlighted by her fearless entry into new scientific fields, leading her to the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9. Her shift from chemistry to synthetic biology was driven by a natural progression of research interests and interactions with collaborators. Her approach was characterized by intuition, collaboration, and the willingness to learn and adapt, emphasizing the importance of risk-taking, embracing challenges, and dedication in scientific knowledge pursuit.

Collaboration and Technical Success

Doudna’s significant collaborations in uncharted scientific fields were vital. A notable example was a technically challenging experiment with a technician from Boulder and David Gerizalmi at Yale, involving cryo-cooling a crystal and exposing it to an X-ray beam, achieving three angstrom diffraction. This success instilled in Doudna a sense of awe and excitement for her research possibilities.

Phase Problem Resolution

In solving the phase problem, Doudna used osmium hexamine to phase ribosome crystals. Collaborating with other researchers, they achieved breakthroughs in phasing both ribosome and other crystals, demonstrating the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and her emphasis on curiosity-driven science.

CRISPR: A Turning Point in Doudna’s Career

The discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 reshaped Doudna’s research focus and brought international acclaim. This project emerged from a collaboration with geologist Jill Banfield, who discovered CRISPR systems in bacteria. Doudna incorporated biology expertise into her lab, leading to significant collaborations and attracting experienced researchers, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and seizing new research opportunities.

Transitioning Research Focus, Finding Inspiration, and Tackling Uncharted Scientific Territories

Doudna’s transition from chemistry and biochemistry to genetics and synthetic biology at Yale University was driven by a desire to make her work more relevant to biology. The opportunity to join the University of California, Berkeley, with its diverse academic environment, attracted her. The discovery of CRISPR originated from Dr. Jill Banfield’s research, prompting Doudna to explore its potential. Gradually, Doudna expanded her lab’s research scope, embracing mouse genetics, animal protocols, and work with cultured cells.

Personal Challenges and Reflections on Success

With her achievements, Doudna faced challenges in balancing her professional and personal life. The impact of her success on her lifestyle, coupled with increased expectations and scrutiny, highlighted the need for self-care and maintaining work-life balance. Doudna’s reflections emphasize the significance of enabling others to succeed, valuing integrity, scholarship, mentorship, and fostering a collaborative environment.

Before and After CRISPR

Jennifer Doudna’s life underwent significant changes following the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9. Before CR

ISPR, she enjoyed hiking, gardening, and spending time with her family. However, after CRISPR, her life became overwhelmed with work and responsibilities, leading to a loss of personal time and hobbies. During a hike at a conference in Napa Valley, she experienced a profound sense of sadness, realizing the stark division in her life created by CRISPR. The discovery marked a separation of her “before” and “after” experiences, and she mourned the loss of hobbies and activities she had to sacrifice due to the demands of her work. Doudna acknowledged the challenges of balancing scientific pursuits with personal life, recognizing the sacrifices required for career success and the importance of finding a balance between professional and personal commitments.

Navigating Gender Expectations in Science

Jennifer Doudna shared her realization that gender bias in science is more prevalent than initially perceived. She highlighted the double standards faced by women in science and the challenges of being assertive or stepping outside traditional gender roles. Doudna emphasized the importance of choosing a supportive partner who understands the passion for science.

The Legacy of Jennifer Doudna

Jennifer Doudna’s journey is a narrative of resilience, intellectual bravery, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. Her story reflects the power of mentorship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the transformative impact of embracing challenges and new directions in research. Doudna’s legacy is not only her scientific contributions but also her role as a mentor and advocate for inclusivity and empowerment in the scientific community, serving as an inspiration for future generations of scientists.

Embracing Risks, Overcoming Doubts, and Thriving in Scientific Discovery

Doudna’s journey is marked by her determination to navigate uncharted territories and overcome skepticism. She emphasizes the importance of embracing risks, taking calculated leaps, and persisting despite setbacks. Passion and determination are essential in pursuing challenging endeavors, with the excitement of exploring the unknown often outweighing the fear of failure.

Evolving Standards in Scientific Research

Jennifer Doudna reflects on the changing expectations and standards in scientific research throughout her career. As researchers receive more resources and support, the bar is raised, and more is expected of them. Doudna’s current personal standards focus on integrity, scholarship, and mentorship, striving to enable others to achieve great things rather than focusing solely on personal achievements.

Personal Standards of Integrity, Scholarship, and Mentorship

Doudna believes in empowering her lab members, collaborators, and colleagues to excel in their research, providing them with the resources and support needed to make significant contributions to the field.

Notes by: Hephaestus