Jeff Dean (Google Senior Fellow) – Allen School Distinguished Lecture on AI (Oct 2019)


00:00:07 Advances in Machine Learning and Their Applications
00:02:55 Advances in Machine Learning and Deep Learning
00:10:30 Advances in Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles
00:14:22 Advanced Robotics and Health Informatics: Expanding Machine Learning Applications
00:18:28 Medical Imaging Diagnosis Using Machine Learning
00:20:58 Machine Learning in Medical Diagnosis: Challenges and Opportunities
00:23:46 Machine Learning in Healthcare: Benefits and Applications
00:26:08 Advances in Machine Learning: From Recurrent Neural Networks to Transformers, BERT, and TensorFlow
00:31:54 Automating the Process of Machine Learning
00:36:03 Machine Learning Model Generation Using Reinforcement Learning
00:42:03 Accelerating Machine Learning with TPU Devices
00:45:50 Sparsely Activated Large Models for Multitask Learning
00:52:32 Thoughtful Considerations for Societal Applications of AI
00:56:49 Machine Learning's Impact on Employment and Society
01:03:46 Addressing Challenges in Artificial Intelligence Development


The Dawn of a New Era: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Machine Learning

At the Paul G. Allen School, Google Senior Fellow Jeff Dean led a captivating lecture, shedding light on the remarkable journey of machine learning, its far-reaching advancements, and profound implications. Dean, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1996 and worked at Digital Equipment Corporation’s Western Research Lab before joining Google in 1999, elaborated on the exponential growth of machine learning research, the evolution of deep learning, and its diverse applications from healthcare to autonomous vehicles. He emphasized the transformative significance of these developments, comparable to animals evolving eyes, and explored the extensive impacts of AI on societal structures, such as employment and healthcare. This article incorporates Dean’s insights, tracing the path from the resurgence of deep learning to the latest breakthroughs in machine learning applications, and Google’s ethical approach to AI, alongside essential information from the supplemental update.

Machine Learning’s Exponential Growth and Deep Learning Renaissance

Jeff Dean’s journey with Google, starting in 1999, coincided with the explosive growth of machine learning. His contributions to Google’s infrastructure underpinned significant advances in machine learning, notably deep learning. This modern reincarnation of neural networks, capable of learning from raw data without explicit feature engineering, has revolutionized various fields. Dean highlighted how these techniques are modality agnostic, adept in handling diverse data types, such as images, audio, and language.

In the past decade, machine learning research has seen a resurgence, with the number of research papers doubling every two years, mirroring Moore’s Law’s exponential growth. Deep learning, a modern reincarnation of artificial neural networks, has emerged as a highly successful area of machine learning. Deep learning models can learn from raw, heterogeneous, and noisy data without explicit hand-engineering of features. These models can be applied to various data modalities, including pixels, audio waveforms, and language, for tasks like image classification, speech recognition, and machine translation. Deep learning approaches have become feasible due to the availability of massive compute resources. In the ImageNet challenge, the top-performing model’s error rate dropped from 26% in 2011 to 3% in 2016, demonstrating the rapid progress in computer vision. Deep learning has enabled computers to gain the ability to “see,” a significant milestone comparable to the evolution of eyes in animals.

AutoML: Automating Machine Learning Experiments and Model Generation

AutoML is a revolutionary approach that automates the experimental process of designing and training machine learning models. It leverages data and computation to generate models and train them on specific problems. The generated models, though often unconventional, achieve high accuracy on the target problem, outperforming the Pareto frontier of top research teams. Notably, AutoML can create accurate models with low computational cost, making them suitable for various applications.

Accelerated Computing with Tensor Processing Units (TPUs)

The advent of more powerful computational resources has significantly impacted machine learning advancements. This has allowed for larger models, more extensive datasets, and cost-effective AutoML experiments. Deep learning models are particularly suited for specialized accelerators like TPUs, which are designed for dense linear algebra at reduced precision.

TPU Generation 1: High-Volume Inference and Production Use

TPU Generation 1 is a card that fits into a computer, primarily used for high-volume and throughput inference tasks. It has been in production for nearly five years, supporting applications such as search queries, neural machine translations, speech recognition, and image recognition. Its successful implementation was demonstrated when DeepMind used two racks of TPUs in a match against Lisa Dahl in the board game of Go.

Revolution in Computer Vision and Robotics

A testament to this progress is the remarkable evolution in computer vision, as evidenced by the ImageNet challenge results – a leap from a 26% error rate in 2011 to a mere 3% in 2016. This breakthrough is likened to a landmark in evolutionary history, similar to the development of eyes in animals. Additionally, robotics has undergone a radical transformation, with AI’s grasping success rate for unseen objects soaring from 65% in 2015 to 96%, thanks to advancements in machine learning and reinforcement learning.

Robotics Progress

In 2015, robots could pick up unseen objects 65% of the time. In 2016, researchers developed a system where multiple robots practiced picking up objects and shared their experiences, improving the success rate to 78%. With reinforcement learning algorithms, robots can achieve a 96% success rate in grasping unseen objects.

Learning from Demonstrations

Robots can learn new skills by observing humans performing tasks. An AI system learned to pour liquids at a four-year-old human level after watching 10 short video clips and practicing 10-15 times. This approach could be used to teach robots various skills by leveraging existing video resources.

Healthcare: A Prime Beneficiary of AI Innovations

A significant portion of Dean’s lecture focused on the application of machine learning in healthcare. He discussed how AI assists physicians in diagnostic tasks, like diabetic retinopathy screening and interpreting CT scans for lung cancer detection. The accuracy of these AI models often surpasses that of trained professionals, revolutionizing healthcare efficiency and outcomes. The technology’s ability to analyze medical images and predict patient outcomes is paving the way for more personalized and effective treatments.

Advanced Health Informatics

Machine learning can assist healthcare professionals in making decisions and improving patient outcomes. Examples include predicting sepsis risk, recommending appropriate medications, and identifying patients at risk of readmission. AI algorithms can analyze medical images and assist radiologists in diagnosing diseases. These advancements have the potential to improve healthcare efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility.

CT Scan Interpretation

Machine learning models can outperform radiologists in early lung cancer detection by analyzing 3D volumes of X-ray data.

Medical Record Analysis

Valuable insights can be extracted from the 200,000 pieces of information in a typical medical record, leading to improved predictions about patient progress and diagnoses. Machine learning can suggest early drafts of medical notes based on doctor-patient conversations, reducing documentation burden.

Radiotherapy Planning

Machine learning aids radiotherapy planning, enabling faster and more accurate decisions by pathologists.

Pathologist-Machine Learning Collaboration

Pathologists paired with machine learning systems make more accurate and confident decisions.

Challenges in Healthcare

Developing AI systems that can generalize to new environments and situations. Ensuring AI systems are reliable and transparent in their decision-making processes. Addressing ethical and societal implications of AI in healthcare.

Opportunities in Healthcare

AI has the potential to transform healthcare by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and increasing access to care. Collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and policymakers is essential to ensure responsible and beneficial use of AI in healthcare.

The Evolution of Language Understanding and TensorFlow’s Role

Advancements in text understanding, especially with the advent of models like BERT, have marked another milestone in machine learning. Dean pointed out the shift from Recurrent Neural Networks to the Transformer Model, which introduced parallel processing and attention mechanisms, enhancing translation quality and efficiency. Furthermore, TensorFlow, Google’s open-source machine learning framework, has been instrumental in democratizing AI, enabling applications ranging from health monitoring in livestock to disease detection in crops.

The Transformer Model and BERT: Revolutionizing Natural Language Processing

Transformers and BERT have significantly advanced the field of natural language processing (NLP). They offer improved performance, efficiency, and applicability in various language tasks.

The Transformer Model

Developed in 2017 by Google researchers and interns. Enables parallel processing of multiple tokens. Employs an attention mechanism for cross-referencing past tokens. Achieves higher translation quality with less compute.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

Developed by a different team of Google researchers. Utilizes transformer modules for bidirectional language processing. Contextual understanding of words within a given piece of text. Trains on a self-supervised task of filling in masked words.

AutoML and the Future of Machine Learning

Dean’s insights into the future of machine learning centered around AutoML and TPUs (Tensor Processing Units). AutoML, by automating the model-generating process, outperforms human-designed models, demonstrating the potential of AI to exceed human capabilities in certain tasks. TPUs, designed for dense linear algebra at reduced precision, have expedited training times and enabled large-scale application of deep learning models.

Use Cases

TensorFlow has seen widespread adoption and has been used for various purposes. A Netherlands-based company uses TensorFlow to analyze sensor data from dairy cows and assess their well-being. Penn State and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture collaborated to develop a machine learning model for detecting cassava plant diseases. The model runs on devices in remote areas with limited network connectivity, enabling farmers to diagnose and treat plant diseases effectively.

Better Machine Learning Model Architecture: Sparsely Activated, Multi-Task

Current machine learning problem-solving methods rely heavily on data and compute, with limited knowledge transfer from previous tasks. A new approach advocates for a new model architecture that is sparsely activated, multi-task, and dynamically adapts to new tasks. This enables efficient learning with less data and improved performance on various tasks.

Societal Impact and Google’s Ethical Approach

A key aspect of Dean’s lecture was the societal impact of AI, particularly in job displacement. He emphasized Google’s commitment to ethical AI principles, focusing on fairness, bias mitigation, privacy, and safety. Google’s perspective extends to training programs to aid in skill transition, highlighting the need for a balanced and responsible approach to AI development and implementation.

Thoughtful Use of AI:

Google emphasizes the importance of careful consideration in applying AI to various aspects of society.

Google’s AI Principles:

Google developed a set of principles to evaluate the use of machine learning in its products. These principles are intended to guide decision-making and encourage public discourse on AI usage.

Addressing Bias in AI:

Real-world data used to train machine learning models can be biased. Google employs algorithmic techniques to eliminate bias from models, recognizing that it’s an ongoing challenge. Research efforts are dedicated to improving bias elimination and developing safer machine learning systems.

Extensive Research on Fairness and AI:

Google has published numerous research papers on fairness, bias, privacy, and safety in machine learning. These efforts involve researchers and teams across the company.

Potential Benefits of AI:

Deep neural nets have the potential to solve challenging problems, such as enabling autonomous vehicles, informing healthcare decision-making, and advancing robotics.

Addressing Social Concerns:

Google and Jeff Dean personally consider social implications, such as job loss due to AI automation, and engage in discussions to address them.

Challenges and Collaboration in AI Development

The final part of Dean’s lecture touched on the technical, collaborative, and collective challenges in AI development. He stressed the importance of pooling collective knowledge and the need for flexible tools that can express complex machine learning computations. The collaboration, he argued, is key to unlocking the full potential of AI, requiring diverse expertise and interdisciplinary efforts.

Machine Learning’s Impact on Society:

Machine learning is driving significant technological shifts, similar to the agricultural revolution. Automation enabled by machine learning will reduce the need for human labor in various tasks, leading to societal adjustments.

Navigating the Transition:

Ensuring a safe and effective transition for individuals affected by automation is crucial. Google and other organizations are offering training programs to help people acquire new skills in technology.

The Promise of Machine Learning in Health Care:

Machine learning has the potential to improve the quality of healthcare services. Diverse data is essential for developing effective machine learning algorithms in healthcare. Securely transmitting and integrating healthcare data from various sources is a key challenge.

Technology Challenges and Collaboration:

Technical challenges exist in developing and implementing machine learning algorithms for healthcare. Collective efforts and collaboration among researchers, healthcare professionals, and technology companies are necessary to overcome these challenges.

Achieving Collective Knowledge:

The goal of pooling collective knowledge to inform healthcare decisions is aspirational. Combining the world’s healthcare data to inform global healthcare is a long-term objective.

Tools for Addressing Complex Challenges:

Existing tools and technologies may not be sufficient to achieve the ambitious goals in healthcare. Long-term efforts and advancements are required to effectively pool collective knowledge and address complex challenges.

Embracing the AI Revolution with Responsibility

In summary, Jeff Dean’s lecture not only celebrated the extraordinary progress in machine learning but also called for a thoughtful approach to its societal implications. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, marked by technological marvels and ethical challenges, it is imperative to navigate this terrain with a balanced perspective, ensuring that the benefits of AI are harnessed responsibly and inclusively for the betterment of society.

Collaborative Problem Solving with Interdisciplinary Teams

Challenges in Building a Scalable Machine Learning System:

Existing software tools for machine learning are not dynamic enough to express the required computations. Building a system at the right scale with the appropriate characteristics is a complex computer systems problem.

Collaboration and Teamwork:

Tools should enable collaboration to achieve ambitious goals. Interdisciplinary teams, with diverse expertise, foster progress on complex problems. Team members learn from each other’s expertise, expanding their knowledge and capabilities.

Historical Context:

The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in 1956, highlighting the long-standing pursuit of this field. John McCarthy and other pioneers envisioned significant progress through collaboration among a select group of experts.

Upcoming Distinguished Lecture:

Dave Patterson, author of a paper on tensor processing units, will present the next distinguished lecture on September 29th. His topic will focus on domain-specific architectures for deep neural networks, covering three generations of tensor processing units.

Notes by: TransistorZero