Jeff Dean (Google Senior Fellow) – Deep Learning to Solve Challenging Problems lecture at Berkeley EECS Colloquium (Nov 2018)


00:04:14 Machine Learning Research Growth and Deep Learning
00:07:16 Deep Learning: Transforming Computing and Beyond
00:11:50 Machine Learning's Impact on Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, and Health Informatics
00:18:56 Computer Vision in Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
00:23:37 Machine Learning for Biology and Medicine
00:32:43 TensorFlow: Open-Source Machine Learning for All Uses
00:37:19 Automating Machine Learning Decisions
00:43:47 AutoML Innovations in Computer Vision
00:47:11 Tensor Processing Unit Accelerator Design for Machine Learning Training
00:55:15 Scaling Neural Network Training with Large Batch Sizes
01:06:08 Bridging Supervised and Reinforcement Learning for General Game Playing


The Evolution and Impact of Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Overview


The field of machine learning, especially deep learning, has seen an unprecedented surge in advancements and applications in recent years. This comprehensive article delves into various facets of this evolution, focusing on neural networks, their applications in different sectors, and the technological advancements that support these developments. The article is structured using an inverted pyramid style, beginning with the most significant insights and gradually moving into specific applications and future directions.

Key Insights in Deep Learning

Deep learning, a subset of machine learning characterized by layered artificial neural networks, has revolutionized how machines learn from raw data. Machine learning research has experienced exponential growth in recent years, surpassing the growth rate of computational performance observed during Moore’s Law. Deep neural networks, a modernized version of artificial neural networks, allow systems to learn deeper layers of abstraction from raw data through end-to-end training using gradient-based methods. Unlike traditional algorithms, deep learning systems can process and learn from heterogeneous data without extensive feature engineering. This capability has led to groundbreaking performances in fields like computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and healthcare. Collaborative efforts, such as Google’s partnerships with academia and opportunities for students, have been pivotal in advancing deep learning research.

Neural Networks and Fine-Grained Classification

Neural networks have shown remarkable capabilities in fine-grained classification tasks, even with limited data. They are fundamental in applications such as speech recognition, language translation, and image caption generation. By utilizing specific datasets, these networks enable fine-grained classification of objects and speech recognition. The use of parallel language data facilitates automatic translation by inputting a sentence in one language and outputting its translation. Additionally, by integrating computer vision and language models, these networks can generate simple sentences to describe images. The substantial decrease in error rates in challenges like ImageNet underscores the superiority of neural networks over traditional computational methods, even achieving accuracy surpassing human capabilities in certain tasks.

Medical Imaging Applications

The advancements in computer vision have led to significant applications in various medical imaging problems, particularly in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness globally. Early detection and treatment, facilitated through regular screening, are crucial in preventing vision loss from this condition. However, in countries like India, a shortage of ophthalmologists results in insufficient screening and delayed diagnosis. The inconsistency in diagnosis and treatment due to varying opinions among ophthalmologists further complicates the issue. Addressing this, general-purpose computer vision models have been trained on retinal images and ratings to diagnose diabetic retinopathy, achieving performance comparable to or better than the average ophthalmologist. Models trained on data labeled by retinal specialists have outperformed those trained by board-certified ophthalmologists. This advancement in computer vision models paves the way for global screening and early detection, potentially reducing vision loss. Moreover, the machine learning research in this area has led to new insights into diabetic retinopathy diagnosis, like the importance of adjudicated protocols and the inclusion of additional data such as age and biological sex to improve diagnostic performance.

Addressing Grand Challenges

Deep learning has been instrumental in addressing complex issues such as urban infrastructure restoration. Autonomous vehicles, exemplified by Waymo’s achievements, are a prime example. These vehicles use deep learning to interpret raw sensor data, enabling safe navigation and decision-making. Waymo, an Alphabet subsidiary, has made significant progress, driving over 10 million miles in trials including human passengers without safety drivers in Phoenix, Arizona. These autonomous vehicles, through their ability to make safe and goal-oriented decisions, have the potential to transform urban environments. They could reduce the need for parking spaces and provide on-demand transportation. Beyond transportation, deep learning has also made substantial strides in other domains like healthcare, where AI models have been successful in diagnosing conditions like diabetic retinopathy with accuracy comparable to specialists. This showcases the potential of AI in expanding global healthcare access.

TensorFlow: A Tool for Machine Learning

Google’s TensorFlow stands as a significant development in the field of machine learning. It is a versatile framework that facilitates machine learning computations across various platforms. TensorFlow’s adaptability has led to its widespread use in diverse projects, including agricultural disease detection and healthcare innovations, highlighting the growing accessibility and application of deep learning.

Future Directions and Innovations

The future of deep learning is geared towards developing more efficient models. Sparsely gated mixtures of experts and neural architecture search are at the forefront of this trend. These techniques promise improved translation quality, reduced training time, decreased model size, and the generation of more accurate and efficient models with unusual structures. Another advancement is AutoML, which automates the design of machine learning models, enhancing performance and efficiency. This evolution not only propels the field forward but also makes deep learning more accessible and applicable across various domains. Additionally, the use of TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) for machine learning training and inference has shown high performance and efficiency, particularly for low precision linear algebra operations, and are accessible through TensorFlow or Colab.

Jeff Dean, a notable figure in the field, has shared insights on scaling and future directions of machine learning. His research on data parallelism, batch size effects on neural network training, and the need for both model and replica parallelism are pivotal. He envisions large, sparsely activated models that solve many tasks, utilizing commonalities across problems. The concept of dynamic pathway learning involves a large model with multiple pathways, each suited for different tasks, and using architectural search to find effective pathways for new tasks. The integration of specialized components for specific tasks and the potential for reusability is another area of focus. Dean also emphasizes the importance of Google’s published principles for ethical and responsible use of machine learning, the need to avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias, and the significance of privacy in data learning. The interpretability of models, particularly for certain tasks, is a growing area of research, with recent advancements in making black-box models more explainable. Lastly, the application of TPUs to different games, beyond the Go Challenge, is an exciting possibility.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI

As deep learning evolves, ethical considerations such as bias, privacy, and interpretability have become increasingly crucial. Google’s machine learning principles, ongoing research in private data utilization, and advancements in model interpretability are efforts to address these issues. Transfer learning illustrates the potential for repurposing existing models for new tasks, optimizing resource use, and reducing biases, thereby contributing to responsible AI.


Jeff Dean’s vision of training a single model for multiple supervised learning problems encapsulates the future trajectory of deep learning. The integration of reinforcement learning for generalization across different games and tasks highlights the versatility and potential of deep learning. Initiatives like the Cloud TPU and Mesh TensorFlow, along with a continuous focus on addressing bias and ethical concerns, position the field of deep learning to redefine the landscape of technology and its applications in our lives. This article summarizes the exponential growth and transformative impact of deep learning across various sectors, showcasing how the advancements in neural networks and their applications are shaping a new era of technological innovation. With the support of frameworks like TensorFlow and the ethical guidelines shaping its use, deep learning stands as a pivotal element in the journey towards a more advanced and responsible technological future.

Notes by: ZeusZettabyte